APRIL 20, 2015

6:30 P. M., LIBRARY

School board meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Board President Eric Gibbs.

MEMBER PRESENT: Adam Allsopp, Mitch Bennett, Darren Fletcher, Eric Gibbs, Tom Harmon & Larry Webb


Visitors present: Rhonda Carlton, Vic Munoz, Sheila Baysinger, Dale Culver

President’s Comments: *Track Season has started and doing well. Regionals will be on Wed. April 29th in Pinckneyville.

*Spring Concert was a huge success! Students did an amazing job. It is obvious the hard work and dedication the students and teacher dedicate to the program.

*The 8th grade Springfield Trip was last week. Ms. Neal’s 8th grade class received a phone call from the Illinois Military Museum expressing gratitude and appreciation for how well behaved and engaged the Ewing students where.

*Students’ Young Author’s Night and Living Museum will be Thursday, April 23rd from 6:00-7:30.

*First –Fourth Basketball game will be Thurs. April 30th at 6:00.

*A & B Banquet is Thursday, May 7th @ 6:00 pm, with the Ewing Educational Foundation Ceremony @ 5:45 pm.

*Sports Banquet is May 14th @ 6:00 pm.

*The annual “Breakfast with the Board” will be May 15th @ 8:30am.

*The Class of 2015 Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2015 @ 7:00 pm.

Visitors Comments: None

Consent agenda MOTION by Mitch Bennett to approve the consent agenda; 2nd Darren Fletcher 6 ayes (Larry Webb, Mitch Bennett, Tom Harmon Darren Fletcher, Adam Allsopp & Eric Gibbs).

Staff Development Plan Mrs. Ing presented information on the Staff Development Plan for the 2015-2016 School Year. Beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, Ewing will be attending a Teacher-In Service with a motivational speaker with Benton High School, Benton # 47, Akin and Thompsonville.

School Funding Mrs. Ing presented information to the Board of an email she received from the state regarding school funds. It stated that funding would decrease for the 2015-16 school year.

Reorganized Meeting Set MOTION by Larry Webb to set the time for the 2015 Board Reorganization Meeting to be Mon. April 27, 2015 at 6:30pm in the school library. 2nd by Eric Gibbs 6 ayes ( Mitch Bennett, Tom Harmon, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, and Eric Gibbs).

Approve Amended Calendar MOTION by Mitch Bennett to approve the Amended 2014-2015

school calendar; 2nd by Tom Harmon. 6 ayes (Adam Allsopp, Larry Webb, Mitch Bennett, Darren Fletcher, Tom Harmon & Eric Gibbs).

Approve Calendar MOTION by Tom Harmon to approve the 2015-2016 school calendar reflecting dismissal date changes. Teacher Institue days will be Aug. 14 and 17, 2015. Students will begin classes on August 18, 2015. 2nd by Larry Webb. 6 ayes (Mitch Bennett, Darren Fletcher,Adam Allsopp, Tom Harmon, Larry Webb & Eric Gibbs).

HVAC Round II MOTION by Larry Webb to award bid on HVAC Project Round II to J & R Appliance, Nashville, Il. With a base price of $103975 plus alternate bid with sheetrock on systems to be paid by grant of $105,000.00. 2nd by Darren Fletcher 6 ayes (Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, Mitch Bennett, Tom Harmon, Larry Webb, and Eric Gibbs).

Asbestos Removal: No action was taken regarding Asbestos Removal bid.

Masonry Work: No action was taken regarding masonry work to be completed on pillars on west side of gymnasium.

Gym Door bid: No action was taken regarding replacing the gym door on the west side of the gymnasium.

Summer Grounds projects Mrs. Ing discussed a list of the summer projects that will take place. The main focus will be on the installation of the HVAC system in the building. Another focus will be removing the gazebo, benches, and picnic table, and replacing with new metal, vinyl coated benches and tables.

E-Rate Application: Mrs. Ing presented information about the E-Rate application for the 2015-2016 school year. She explained that E-Rate has changed the amount of technology items the district is reimbursed for.

Into executive session MOTION by Eric Gibbs to go into executive session to discuss the A. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2© (1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057. 2nd by Mitch Bennett. 6 ayes (Adam Allsopp, Larry Webb, Tom Harmon, Mitch Bennett, Darren Fletcher, & Eric Gibbs,). In at 8:20 pm.

Out of exec session MOTION by Larry Webb to come out of executive session and go into regular session: 2nd by Eric Gibbs. 6 ayes (Larry Webb, Tom Harmon, Adam Allsopp, Mitch Bennett, Darren Fletcher, & Eric Gibbs,). Out at 9:15pm.

Member Present Eric Gibbs, Adam Allsopp, Mitch Bennett, Larry Webb, Darren Fletcher, & Tom Harmon.

Hire Paraprofessional

Title I Aide MOTION by Eric Gibbs to hire Title I Paraprofessional Aide, Teresa Bayless, for the 2015-2016 school year. 2nd by Adam Allsopp 6 ayes ( Darren Fletcher, Adam Allsopp, Larry Webb, Mitch Bennett, Tom Harmon, and Eric Gibbs).

Resignation Letter

Head Softball Coach MOTION by Eric Gibbs to accept a letter of resignation from Rhonda Carlton for Head Softball Coach, as of April 30, 2015, with many thanks and best wishes to her future endeavors. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes ( Darren Fletcher, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Tom Harmon, Mitch Bennett, & Eric Gibbs).

Resignation Letter

Assistant Volleyball Coach MOTION by Eric Gibbs to accept a letter of resignation from Hayley Webb for Assistant Volleyball Coach, with many thanks and appreciation. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes ( Darren Fletcher, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Tom Harmon, Mitch Bennett, & Eric Gibbs).

Resignation Letter

Head Baseball Coach MOTION by Eric Gibbs to accept a verbal resignation from Chris Roberts for Head Baseball Coach with many thanks.2nd by Larry Webb. 6 ayes ( Darren Fletcher, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Tom Harmon, Mitch Bennett, & Eric Gibbs).

Resignation Letter

Head Cheer Coach MOTION by Eric Gibbs to accept a letter of resignation from Sara Wilson for Head Cheer Coach with many thanks to our District. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes ( Darren Fletcher, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Tom Harmon, Mitch Bennett, & Eric Gibbs).

Extra-Curricular MOTION by Eric Gibbs to hire Curtis Smith as the Head Basketball Coach for the 2015-2016 season. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes (Mitch Bennett, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, Tom Harmon Eric Gibbs).

MOTION by Eric Gibbs to hire Adam Johnston as 5th/6th /JV Basketball Coach for the 2015-2016 season. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes (Mitch Bennett, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, Tom Harmon & Eric Gibbs).

MOTION by Eric Gibbs to hire Rhonda Carlton as Head Volleyball Coach for the 2015-2016 season. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes (Mitch Bennett, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, Tom Harmon & Eric Gibbs).

MOTION by Eric Gibbs to hire Jeff Fauver as Track Coach for the 2015-2016 season. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes (Mitch Bennett, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, Tom Harmon & Eric Gibbs).

Archery Sponsor MOTION by Larry Webb to appoint Jeff Fauver as the Archery Sponsor for the 2015-2016 season. 2nd by Darren Fletcher. 6 ayes (Mitch Bennett, Larry Webb, Adam Allsopp, Darren Fletcher, Tom Harmon & Eric Gibbs).

Vacant Positions: The Board did not make a motion to advertise for the three vacant extra-curricular positions for the 2015-2016. They decided to put the coaching openings on the website, sign in front yard, and on the entrance door at the school.

Other None

Adjourn MOTION by Larry Webb to adjourn Board Meeting; 2nd by Darren Fletcher. Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.


President Secretary
