Division of Student Learning

2017 Initiatives and Improvement Plan

  1. Support implementation of initiatives and improvements within Faculty and School plans: Improve/ maintain subject performance against QLT KPIs; Improve 1st Year Progress Rates for identified large subjects; Improve Subject Experience Survey results for identified large subjects; Improve course performance in identified courses –for the 1st Year Progress and Student Experience Survey measures; Limit decline in On-Campus load in 2017; Grow Online UG and PG load in 2017
  1. Support quality and distinctiveness of curriculum, learning and teaching: authentic curriculum, learning experiences and assessment that embeds professional practice and life-long learning, and for undergraduates, lays the foundation for successful careers and for meaningful lives as change agents in their communities.
  1. Contribute to transformational improvements in the quality of Online AND On Campus student learning experiences
  1. Build capability of academic and DSL staff for transformation of curriculum, learning and teaching and ensure DSL organisational structure meets the changing needs of the university strategy

1.Support implementation of initiatives and improvements within Faculty and School plans within the following broad areas:
  • Improve/ maintain subject performance against QLT KPIs
  • Improve 1st Year Progress Rates for identified large subjects
  • Improve Subject Experience Survey results for identified large subjects
  • Improve course performance in identified courses –for the 1st Year Progress and Student Experience Survey measures
  • Limit decline in On-Campus load in 2017
  • Grow Online UG and PG load in 2017
/ Undertake regular communication and consultation on subject and course improvement activities with Executive Deans, Associate and Sub Deans, and Heads of School using existing or new forums and just in time meetings, including the CLT Sub Plan Steering Committee, the Heads of School Forum,the Learning and Teaching Leaders Forums and the monthly ADA/DSL Directors meetings. / Standing agenda items for key bodies of work put in place
Regular reports delivered
In consultation with DVC-Ac, finalise revisions to QLT KPI wording and disseminate to key stakeholders / Revised QLT KPIs and elaborations on expectations disseminated to Executive Deans Associate Deans Academic, Sub Deans Learning and Teaching, Heads of School, Course Directors and Continuing and Sessional Academic Staff
Provide targeted Professional Development in subject design, assessment, use of learning technologies, workplace learning design, first year curriculum principles and online teaching for continuing and sessional academic and learning support staff within faculties / PD plan prepared in consultation with faculty Sub Deans in advance of each session
PD delivered according to the plan and in response to existing emergent requests
PD resources including subject design exemplars developed and links disseminated to staff within faculties
Contributions from DSL staff to faculty learning and teaching forums and other faculty wide workshops in consultation with faculty learning and teaching leaders
Provide responsive support for delivery subjects identified by faculties for learning design, online delivery, workplace learning or assessment improvements. / Reports and just in time information provided on outcomes from 2016 QLT KPI audits to allow faculty and school leaders to identify subjects needing improvement
Final list of subjects and improvement required support agreed with faculty leadership in consultation with Office for Students
Individual consultations with subject teams undertaken
Subject improvements made
Sustainable QLT quality assurance and/or audit processes established / Sustainable processes agreed with faculty leaders
System enhancements to support sustainable processes and data extraction for inclusion in data warehouse made
PD for faculty stakeholders designed and delivered
Pilot implementation of new processes undertaken with identified Schools and/or Courses
Support faculties implementing Mini-MOOCs or Online Tasters as well as Course Information Webinars as part of course promotion strategies / One or more Online Tasters and one or more Course Information webinars successfully implemented and participant registration data provided to student acquisition teams to support flow on enrolment in related courses
Provide timely information to faculty and school leaders on QLT KPI performance, assessment turnaround, MSI publication, subject experience survey results and other subject and course quality indicators / Reports, dashboards and data extracts provided upon request or to suit faculty timelines
Support faculties in implementing enhancements to online subjects to reduce dependence upon or to better utilise the value of residential schools / One or more subject in each faculty revised to implement online alternatives or supplements for residential school activities
2.Support quality and distinctiveness of curriculum, learning and teaching:
authentic curriculum, learning experiences and assessment that embeds professional practice and life-long learning, and for undergraduates, lays the foundation for successful careers and for meaningful lives as change agents in their communities. / Promote Curriculum Learning & Teaching Framework & its connection to Quality Learning & Teaching / PVC RoadShow delivered
CSUed conference delivered
Promulgate GLOs to staff and students / New positions appointed for GLO Courses & Resources Leads to strengthen working with staff about the two Change Maker GLOs of Indigenous and Sustainability
Design and pilot curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement and success in changemaker GLOs
Provided advice, expertise and staff development around the GLOS
Provided online GLO resources
Progress transformational changes in Course Review & Design processes / Worked closely with Faculty, Courses and subject teams to prepare material for the Faculty Board
Supported and contributed to Course Space course reviews
Continue the SL Project team support for Wave 3, and Wave 4
Continue to support quality and distinctiveness of curriculum through Assessment & Moderation quality support / PD provided to promote the implementation of the A&M policies within subjects and WPL
Inclusion of Subject Integrity Process (Way Point #4) into Moderation process
Establish a Work Place Learning team, progress quality standards and develop professional development programs and online resources to support implementation / New WPL team in Learning Academy, support structures established, new roles communicated to faculties to ensure strong engagement with faculties and good uptake of online WPL resources
WPL orientation packs created for students, academic staff and workplace educators, ready for discipline specific customisation by faculties
Established the WPL online Hub at CSU, from which all stakeholders (industry, students and CSU staff) can link to WPL info and resources
Created quality standards that are benchmarked and have indicators and monitoring mechanism established
WPL leadership forum established including DSL, OfS and faculties
Through WPL professional development for DSL and faculty staff, staff have increased capacity to embed WPL in courses, drawing on OLT and ACEN grant outcomes
Support faculties in planning and implementation of curriculum enhancement to meet the objectives of the Indigenous Education Strategy / Advised, supported and provided expertise around the requirement for all Courses to meet the Indigenous Cultural Competence Framework (ICCPF) by 2018
Advised, supported and provided expertise around Course Development
Offered Subject Consultations to key staff requested by faculties and individuals
Faculty plans developed to achieve objectives of strategy and Initial subject and/or course enhancements underway
3.Contribute to transformational improvements in the quality of Online AND On Campus student learning experiences / Enact remaining Destination 2020 recommendations, including exploration of alternative organisational structures and/or industry partnerships to support new models for staffing, student acquisition and subject design / Working group on staffing for online teaching supported to enact recommendations emerging from Think Tank
DVC-Ac exploration of alternative models for student acquisition, subject design and staffing supported
Develop an institutional framework or strategy to underpin on campus student learning experiences including promotion of blended/flipped curriculum approaches as a core element / Framework or strategy developed in consultation with faculties and division, and strategic resources allocated for implementation from 2018
Continue to develop and implement a policy and support platform for Adaptive Learning & Teaching / Review ALTS team with a view to supporting scale up of adaptive learning & teaching
Educational Intelligence systems, reports and services to support CSU strategies/standards/practices developed in conjunction with SPI.
Data governance, quality assurance and reporting in relation to Educational Intelligence delivered
Support provided for systems for which we are custodians, especially enhancements to Grade Centre support and training
A4L Roadmap Implemented
Student Evaluations Policy developed
Review Student Evaluation Survey including greater focus on teaching & usability for probation/promotion as well as alignment other strategic initiatives
With OfS & SPI improvements delivered to CSU “personalised support” capability for “priority contact students”
ALT Research Community established and research conducted by CSU academics into aspects of ALT seeded and supported
Leadership on Flexible and Adaptive Learning provided to support completion of Phase 1 OLM Implementation
New professional learning resources and activities around Adaptive Learning and Teaching developed and delivered
Release, consult on and commence implementation of Open Education Strategy and associated DSL support / First OER subject fully available
Second OER subject fully available
DSL Open Education service piloted
DSL Open Education service launched
Open Education Strategy finalised
Initial aspects in the finalised Open Education Strategy implemented
Update the Learning Technologies Framework and the Learning Technologies Plan / Team for updating the framework and plan set up
Revisions to framework and plan completed
Continue to develop and improve CSU’s Educational Technology platforms and tools / NORFOLK 4 released which provides many new capabilities such as moderation and removal of many technical steps in the marking process.
SRS upgraded in line with requirements from various sections of the division.
Online Moderation system upgraded in line with requirements determined by the Sub Deans L&T.
All relevant systems redeveloped in line with new server environment (2017 and 2018)
Norfolk commercialisation investigated
Blackboard upgrade planned
Blackboard upgrade completed
Web Conferencing tools evaluated and the preferred products implemented
InPlace upgraded
Subject Outlines rewrite managed
Investigation of the commercialisation of CourseSpace completed
3rd party building blocks to Blackboard reviewed and implemented
ISIP proposal for a new system to show student's progress submitted
Sprints launched for project management of enhancements to CourseSpace
Undertake an educational review of use of representative on-campus learning spaces / Appoint Educational Lead for Learning Spaces for professional development about teaching in flexible spaces and flipped curriculum
Evaluate current usage and recommend new design principles
Support innovation in online and digitally enabled teaching and learning / uImagine incubation and acceleration strategy and plan encompassing CSU interface with EduGrowth developed in consultation with stakeholders in faculties and divisions
Network of innovators in digitally enabled teaching and learning across CSU faculties and divisions established and monthly events scheduled
Strategies implemented to encourage and pilot educational technology innovations within CSU
Strategies implemented to support wider adoption, acceleration or commercialisation of educational technology innovation emerging from within CSU drawing on EduGrowth program
Strategies implemented to support adaptation and adoption of innovations emerging from outside of CSU including EduGrowth
Continue to implement, evaluate and refine the Online Learning Model within targeted Online courses / Dissemination of report on pilot implementation of the OLM, including implications for possible refinement to the model
Implementation of the OLM in all core and restricted elective subjects in the 8 Phase 1 targeted courses
Evaluation of the Phase 1 implementation of the OLM and identification of implications for CSU strategic directions for Online courses
Continued enhancements to the Online Learning Exchange to include rich media exemplars to support widespread implementation of the OLM
Continue to improve support for the development and implementation of high quality contemporary Learning Resources / Spaces and processes established to support co-creation of learning resources by DSL staff, academic staff and students
Processes in place to allow agile outsourcing of Learning Resource development as a regular solution to ebbs and flows of demand
4.Build capability of academic and DSL staff for transformation of curriculum, learning and teaching and ensure DSL organisational structure meets the changing needs of the university strategy / Review and revise the Grad Cert L&T in HE and the associated capability framework / Reviewed GCLTHE and promoted the HEA Fellowships
Coordinate scheduling of Professional Development run by Faculties and by DSL / Coherent PD program delivered
Review The CSU Academic / Consultations and Review Meetings held to include WPL excellence and feedback from promotions panel
Establish and evaluate programs that support cultural change: Indigenous Cultural Competence for an equitable and diverse workforce and student body / Provided advice, expertise and staff development for Indigenous Cultural Competency
ICCP for CSU staff stage 1, Stage 2, Student-facing ICCP
Created and reviewed ICCP resources
Continue to support quality teaching by sessional teachers through professional development and online resources / Provided advice, expertise and PD
Created and added PD resources to PD search engine
Implement a peer review of teaching scheme / Rolled out Peer Review of Teaching @ CSU, provided PD for peer reviewers and supported academic staff through SRS requests to EDs
Review DSL organisational structure / Communication and consultation within DSL as well as substantial PD
Recognise and reward high quality teaching through provision of CSU teaching awards and through support for academic staff internal and external teaching award and fellowship applications / Continue to administer and promote the Vice Chancellors’ awards for teaching excellence
Worked with faculties towards additional faculty based teaching awards aligned with CSU and external awards
Provided PD and support for staff applying for CSU or national teaching awards and international fellowships
Provided PD and support for staff applying for CSU or national grants