Meeting of August 19, 2008

7:00 p.m.

Walnut Valley Unified School District Board Room

Members Present:

Saleem Abdo

Peichin Cheng

Tania Coday-Voss

Nimesh Ladhawala

Judy Marostica

Wen Pei

Susie Vernon

Staff Present:

Jack LeBrun, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services

Jeff Bloedorn, Director of MOT&F

Celia Moynihan, Director of Fiscal Services

Roberta Duncan, Administrative Coordinator, Business Services

Welcome and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Jack LeBrun. Introductions were made.

Purpose of Committee: Mr. LeBrun reviewed the reasons for the establishment of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. He explained that Proposition 39 allowed for the passage of bond measures with a 55% approval rate rather than the previously required 2/3 approval rate. Proposition 39 also increased the requirements for issuing bonds, one of which is the establishment of an oversight committee.

Review of By-laws and Ethics Policy Statement: Mr. LeBrun briefly reviewed the bylaws for the Committee, stating that the bylaws were constructed by the District’s attorney and approved by the Board of Trustees. As stated in the bylaws, the Superintendent selected the chairperson of the Committee. Mr. LeBrun announced that Dr. Simms had selected Wen Pei to be the first chairperson who will serve for a two-year period. The rotation of membership in the Committee is part of the requirements of Proposition 39. Some members will serve for two years and at least two members will serve one-year terms. Judy Marostica and Susie Vernon volunteered to accept the one-year terms. Members may serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms.

History of Measures S & Y: Mr. LeBrun gave a brief history of Measures S & Y, explaining that in January 2007 the Board of Trustees started to consider a bond election. The voters in the District approved bonds in 1991 and in 2000. With the funds from those bonds, two-thirds of the District’s schools were modernized. Another bond measure would provide money for modernizing the remaining five schools. A Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) was formed which included parents, community members, administrators, teachers and students. The FAC had several meetings, including presentations about various funding sources for facilities. FAC members visited all the schools, observing the physical condition of the sites and speaking with staff, students and administrators. They then developed a report which listed the facility needs for each site. The report was presented to the Board of Trustees, along with a recommendation that the District put a Proposition 39 Bond Measure on the ballot. The Board of Trustees approved resolutions to put two bond measures on the November 2007 ballot. Thus, Measures S & Y were born. Measure S was for $64,600,000 for facility needs for the academic programs in the District. Measure Y was for $15,200,000 for facility needs for co-curricular programs. The projects funded would include the modernization of the remaining five schools: CJ Morris and Maple Hill Elementary Schools, Chaparral Middle School, Ron Hockwalt Academies and Diamond Bar High School. Both measures received more than the required 55% approval.

Projects Timeline: Jeff Bloedorn distributed a booklet showing the planned projects for each school as identified by the FAC. The principals decided the priority order of the projects. Mr. Bloedorn reminded the Committee that the listed costs reflect estimates from over a year ago and that costs are escalating as time goes by. It is planned that the projects funded by Measures S & Y will be completed over a ten-year period of time. Mr. Bloedorn briefly explained the process involved in a construction project, stating that plans are drawn up by architects hired by the District which then must be approved by the Division of the State Architect. After all necessary approvals, the project is advertised and bids are received. A contract is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Construction is supervised by the District’s construction manager, an Inspector of Record (required by law), the architect on the project, and Mr. Bloedorn. In response to a question from Ms. Marostica, Mr. Bloedorn explained the various ways the District is incorporating energy efficiency and savings into the construction projects.

Mr. Bloedorn reviewed the projects that have been undertaken this summer, including model classrooms at four of the schools that will be modernized. These classrooms were designed with input from teachers and will be used by teachers to see if any modifications are needed before the rest of the classrooms at the site are modernized. Summer projects also included new playground equipment and rubberized surfaces at eight elementary schools, a new track at Chaparral Middle School, new track and field in the Diamond Bar High School Stadium, field renovation at Westhoff Elementary School and a new kindergarten area at Collegewood Elementary School. Mr. Bloedorn explained that it was the District’s goal to make improvements at as many schools as possible this summer.

Selection of Vice-Chair: Judy Marostica nominated Susie Vernon for Vice-chair. Peichin Cheng seconded the nomination. No further nominations were made. Mrs. Vernon was unanimously elected Vice-chair.

Scheduling of Meetings: After a discussion, future meetings were scheduled for November 4, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. at Diamond Bar High School, and February 10, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. at Maple Hill Elementary School, which will include a visit to Chaparral Middle School. The Committee’s annual report will be presented to the Board of Trustees on May 20, 2009.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
