Davison School Community Council Meeting

Tuesday Oct 10/17

In Attendance-Kendra, Mandy, Briana, Shawna, Misty, Jackie, Jennifer, Darla

Guests-Bob Simpson, Mrs Ball, Miss Rutzki

Meeting Called to order at 6:45pm

Agenda Adopted with the power to amend Misty/Alexis

Minutes from meeting September 12th/17 adopted as presented Briana/Kendra

Teachers Presentation-Mrs.Ball came and presented the LIP goal for Kindergarten. Their goal is for 90% of kindergarten to reach ast grade readiness. She would also like to offer a family institute night for the early grades (K-2). Have a light supper and a presentation. Try to include families in the learning.

Tayah Rutzki presented to us on internship. She is currently interning with Mrs.Ball in kindergarten. A typical internship takes place from Sept-Dec. She starts with 1 subject in the curriculum and add more until you are teaching the whole thing. Her Co-op (teacher) then takes notes and evaluates as well as give feedback before the intern goes back to finish school.

Financial Report- Opening Balance- $9542.53

Closing Balance- $9042.53

Financial Report adopted as presented Kendra/Jennifer

Principal Report- *attached*

Old Business

-Mandy presented options for the SCC sign. We will use the slogan It takes a community to raise a child. Mandy will order ASAP

-Jackie has still not received a response from MCS and Miller SCC. Jackie will email the principals of each school and give a deadline to respond of November 1st. We will proceed after that with our options.

-The Mils are booked for October 19th to come cook and serve pancake breakfast. They will be there at 8 am. Breakfast for families will start at 8:30. Brenda will get out a poster and also an rsvp so we can get a ballpark for numbers. Alexis motions we charge $5 a plate for adults and for students and siblings to be free. Misty seconds. All in favor.

-The Scc would like to install a buddy bench at the school. A place where if a student is feeling left out or sad they can sit and another student can come and talk to them or include them in their play. Kendra has gotten a quote from JR metalworks. A wood/metal one would be $550. An all metal one would be $700. Darla would have to contact facilities and ask if its allowed. Kendra is going to email back to JR and see if April would work for them.

-Kendra is going to work on the SCC pamphlet and send to us for approval. IF anyone can think of anything that should be in the pamphlet please message her.

-Jackie is going to put an ad in the paper for our AGM on November 14th. She will include Millers for November 15th and bill them.

-We would like to have our first hot lunch on November 16th. Mandy will contact Quiznos and see if that works for them. Send out the forms for the 6th to have back for the 9th.

Meeting adjourned- 8:16 pm

Next Meeting- November 14th AGM with meeting to follow