St Mary the Virgin Walton

Annual Report


Group Reports

Deanery Synod Report 2015

Three meetings of the Colneys Deanery Synod were held in 2015, in February, June and October. It was good to be joined by Lynda Tempest as a second representative from St Mary’s to the Synod.

Each meeting has been preceded by a guest speaker or a discussion topic. In February we heard from three Local Giving Advisers, who explained their roles as not only encouraging financial giving in their churches, but also giving in the wider sense of giving time and gifts to further the mission of the Church. The discussion in June focussed on the Deanery Plan 2011-16, how far it had achieved its goals, what was still required, and what, if anything, was no longer relevant, especially in the light of the current emphasis on the Growing in God vision for the Diocese. The Rev’d John Parr, Director of Ministry, Education and Training, led a wide-ranging discussion in October encouraging us to think about what the Church will look like in 5-10 years time, against a background of gloomy predictions in the media, changing society and rapid developments in technology. Despite all this the discussion was positive and lively! John suggested that churches take as the key point for discussion “What should we keep, lose, improve or introduce?”

2015 finally saw the end of the discussions about Pastoral re-organisation, and of several vacant clergy posts. The Rev’d Andrew Dotchin was appointed to St John’s, Felixstowe, and as Rural Dean, and an appointment to Martlesham has also been made. “The Villages” post remains vacant. Reorganisation has taken up much of Synod’s time, so it will be good to move on.

Appointments were made to Diocesan Synod (both Rev’d Caroline Allen and Lynda Tempest were nominated and appointed). Margaret Condick gave her final report as General Synod rep. after holding this post for 12 years - her reports will be missed, but we look forward to hearing about General Synod from Andrew Dotchin in future. Margaret White

Junior Church

Explorers and Climbers continue to work as one group. We have nine members who attend regularly, although not necessarily on the same weeks.

In July we were informed that as from September we would be holding junior church sessions in the choir vestry rather than in the Church Hall, which proved rather cramped and limiting. One of our junior members stopped attending regularly because they did not enjoy coming along any more. Since January we have been back in the Church Hall.

As from September we were also told that we would not be using our Scripture Union resources, but using material from Roots the Lectionary based resource. Initially we found this rather difficult, but since February we obtained a copy of the Roots teaching book which has proved helpful. Being back over in the Church Hall allows us to do more acting out and playing games which the children all like to do. The children continue to enjoy taking part in All Age Services. Julia and Nicki

Exodus – St Mary’s youth group – Jesus sets us free.

Exodus meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 7-9pm and is aimed at young people, high school aged (and upwards). Since September we have been meeting at the vicarage. We said goodbye to Ellie and Rachel who have gone to university (although it is good to see them again at holiday time) and have welcomed Charlotte to the group.

After an introduction we share a meal together and then spend time in teaching, discussion and prayer. We have recently been thinking about the fear of God, following Jesus and the Holy Spirit using Francis Chan videos to help us.

We would value your prayers for the young people who attend as well as ourselves, Chris, Annie, Caroline, Lorna and myself, who are involved in the running of the group. We extend a warm welcome to any young people you may know to come along and share with us as we look to learn more about living as a Christian in the world today. Please do speak to any one of us for more information.

On a practical note if anyone feels that they could offer to cook a simple meal for one of our meetings it would be very much appreciated. Thank you. David Bellamy

Messy Church

Messy Church Team – Wendy Fellingham (co-ordinator), Rev Caroline Allen, Maureen Budner, Graham Fellingham, Chris & Jackie Hopson, Carolyn Jones, Margaret Lake, Mary Wakefield (sound & vision) + Phoebe Storer and Marjorie Whiting on occasion.

Another excellent year! God has been in our work and fun and blessed us richly in so many ways. Our numbers have remained steady, most have little church connection otherwise and many families come consistently every month. We continue to meet monthly on the 1st Sunday of the month (except Jan & Aug – we need to come up for air occasionally).

I hope you have enjoyed our ‘creations’ on display on a 1st Sunday Evening. Do have a look.

Do pray for us – that our numbers will grow, that we will build relationships, especially with those who come regularly (one of the key requirements of a Messy Church worker is the ability to chat), that we will see links with 123 and the local schools grow and that, most importantly, we will see children and adults alike growing in a relationship with God. Wendy Fellingham


Sing praises to the Lord! It has been another year of enjoyable rehearsals, and we thank the 2 new members who have augmented us to 10 singers. St. Mary’s had 8 weddings during 2015 and the Choir was required for 2. We again joined the CTIF Choir on the final Sunday of Unity Week at the Academy, and were, as always invited to sing at the annual Diocesan Church Choirs Festival in Bury Cathedral. We sang Mozart’s “Ave Verum” at the Good Friday Service, and another anthem at the Archdeacon’s visit.

The Carol Service was, as usual, the highlight of the year, and the Choir and JAM (with their voices and instruments) provided the music. The Choir sang 2 anthems in line with Revd Caroline’s chosen theme “one Child changed the world”, one of which was John Rutter’s “Angels Carol” with its “off-beats” and interweaving of parts well-mastered.

Taizẻ Services were introduced in June, and will continue on the last Sunday of the month, every other month. We thank Mary Wakefield and Margaret White for their planning of the Sung Prayer Responses, and are so happy that members from Trimley Church have joined the Choir on these occasions.

We are grateful to Roy Allen, Andy Thomas, Arthur Bean and 15 year old Harrison Cole for playing for some of the Services, the latter who played the organ with the Choir on Christmas Eve. As always, we would welcome any new voice - treble or bass, alto or tenor!

Pam Hewitt

JAM (Jesus and Music)

JAM continues to provide music worship during the All Age services at St Mary’s, introducing new songs to the fellowship which have been well received. This year JAM were particularly pleased to be part of the July All Age Service which took place outside in the front of the church. Our membership has remained steady over this year and we look forward to James playing the base guitar when he is home from university. We also thank Andrew on keyboard and Rachel on flute, saxophone and keyboard for their support. We are keen to include musicians from our fellowship and would love to hear from anyone who feels led to support music worship ministry at St Mary’s. Georgina, Heidi and Clare

Walton Churches

I have met with the reps from Seaton Road Methodist, Maidstone Road Baptist and Hope Trust six times this past year. We have shared news and prayed together for the community of Walton. We have been so encouraged by the working together for Parish Nursing. In June we held an awayday for older folk at the FOPWA Hut which was enjoyed by all. The children’s holiday club in July was held at Seaton Road and some of us from St Mary’s helped again. The Parish Nursing celebration service was held in October and a good number from all three churches were there.

I had indicated to Caroline that I would like a break from this group as from the APM. However as time has gone on in this past year we have all been thinking and praying about whether the group is needed now that the ministers meet and communicate with each other and with Hope Trust. We have all served at least five years and feel that others should take on the present roles if the group is to continue. At our last meeting we all agreed that the group should cease for a few months with a date in the autumn (October18th) to review whether the work of the team has been missed and if it should reassemble or not.

Georgina has set up a Walton Churches group e-mail so that news of events, posters etc. can be shared easily. I hope that the three churches and Hope Trust will continue to communicate and share in fellowship, worship and service to the community in Walton. Maureen Budner

The 123 Toddler Group

The 123 Toddler Group of St Mary’s Church continues to attract toddlers with their parents or carers. At the beginning of this year we have 48 children registered with us which represents about 35 families, and a number more have already joined this year. We are currently having between 25 to 30 children each week to enjoy painting & play dough, crafts, and of course all the toys.

We now have a friendly child based bible story and songs in the Symonds Room every week, but this is entirely optional and aimed at the older children.

We tell the families about Messy Church as well as the Christingle Service and Nativity Service through a termly Newsletter. Each child also receives a birthday card together with information about the children’s services and junior church.

2015 finished with a Christmas party for 35 children, with food, crafts, balloons and of course Father Christmas which was a great success

This is of course thanks to Isabel, Joan, Marjorie, Rosemary, Jan, Caroline, Penny & Mary Ann. This year we celebrate 25 years since the group was started and plans are being made for a celebratory meal later in the year. Margaret Lake

Open the Book

Open the Book Team – Wendy Fellingham (co-ordinator), Maureen Budner, Brenda Caddick (our story-teller), Graham Fellingham, Chris & Jackie Hopson, Philip Rawe.

We continue to go into the 3 schools - Maidstone Infant, Grange Primary & Causton Junior. We go into each approx 9 or 10 times a year, telling and acting out a different Bible Story each time. Over this last year we have covered stories such as Samuel Hears a Voice, Samuel the King Maker, The Good Shepherd, Christmas & Easter of course and as I write we are looking forward to 2 stories about Paul – Problems for Paul and Paul is Shipwrecked (another outing for our boat). We continue to get positive responses from children and staff alike and we are often ‘recognised’ while out & about in town. All 3 schools continue to be willing to accept Messy Church invites and the links are growing resulting in the opportunity to present a ‘Christmas Experience’ to both Maidstone Infant and Causton Junior schools. We would continue to say that, while we hope we are a blessing to them, they are certainly a blessing to us.

Please pray that this work, that has been going some 6-7 years now, will go on growing, reaching and blessing children and that as the Open the Book aim says – we will go on ‘enabling every child to hear the story of the Bible at school in their primary years’ – and I hear on the ‘grapevine’ that almost every school in Felixstowe now has a team from local churches going in with Open the Book. Wendy Fellingham

Homegroups 2015

Our Homegroups continue to offer an opportunity for church members to meet informally in small groups providing friendship and fellowship as well as the opportunity to study the bible, and grow in understanding of our Christian faith, also giving opportunities to witness to our faith. As such they play an important part in our church life.

We have four groups, three of which meet in an evening, one in an afternoon. Three of the groups meet fortnightly, the Mums' group, monthly. All the groups meet in homes of church members, with around ten people in each group.Our Mums' group has continued to provide hospitality by organising the catering for our special events, this is a splendid service, and very much appreciated.

The Group Leaders have continued to decide on their own course of study, and this material is shared and discussed at regular Homegroup Leaders' meetings held with Caroline. Studies have included ‘Lifebuilder’ bible studies on Women of the New Testament, Fruit of the Spirit, and Christian Discipline, a Diocesan study course -"The Way Forward", discussion on the previous Sunday's sermon, and studies on old and New Testament books & letters.

The groups also enjoy occasional social times together, at Christmas or summer for a barbecue.