Workplace Planning Workgroup

Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 3, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

1.  Introductions Char Christensen, Jan Kamphuis, Larry Anderson, Billie Madler, Wayde Sick, Carla Hansen, Amy Lamb, Denise Andress, Julie Bruhn, Patricia Moulton

2.  Choose a new chair: Co-chair- Carla Hansen, Co-chair-Larry Anderson

3.  Status on work plan goals and activities for July through December

Goal 1: Attracting a well-qualified pool of diverse nurses to fit projected nursing needs.

Need to do at this Meeting

·  Health career initiative list has been posted on website- - will be promoted in Dec newsletter, any other ideas on how to get the word out that the list is up? What is the audience?

Could ask for input for additional items to add to list.

o  The NDAHEC could be an audience

for the K-12 initiatives the North Dakota Education Association could share with them- might ask for other items to add

Could send a link to the Guidance Counselors, career counselors

This would be of interest to the HR staff of healthcare providers, so they are aware of what people are doing.

Department of Commerce might have a link to HR system-Wayde will check

Patricia will send links to the North Dakota Education Association, the NDAHEC, the guidance and career counselors and to the HR system link.

·  Review Career and Technical Education Health Occupation Teachers Survey results (on website) and discuss next steps. The teachers indicated that they are interested in access to human patient simulators/scenarios, nursing data including job openings, average salaries and demand for nurses in ND, a list of potential guest speakers from the nursing profession across the state and suggestions for interactive group activities about the nursing profession. They also indicated that during their August annual meeting that information about what we develop and also information on nursing specialties would be helpful. They also thanked us for asking what might be useful for them.

Interested in access to human patient simulators to use in classes, wonder if it is related to the fact that they don’t have access to sites for patient experiences?

Should talk to some of our education programs would share the simulators with the health care occupation teachers.

I don’t know how mobile the simulations are, if they could have access to simulators at the high schools- could be used as a recruitment tool to centers.

Would we envision creating a typical agenda for that period of time, for the simulation experience? There might need to be flexibility for programs to modify how they wish, but considering how burdened they are, wouldn’t want to be a burden. Something that would include ideas, training modules. Maybe the Nursing faculty education and faculty resources group and CUNEA could help out with this.

A good idea to have the high school students visit the programs with the simulation, being able to have the kids participate on campus. With money to bus students to sites. Might be nice to have nursing programs also look at visiting schools with simulators- try to peek their interest in nursing, they might have more students participate and talk with them more. We could also incorporate on and off site education for recruitment measures.

CUNEA might find this as a wonderful additional bullet point when they talk to legislators about their nursing consortium funding.

As far as the list of potential speakers we could put out a call on the newsletter for potential speakers, nurses that might be interested in talking about nursing at their local school.

Can also put out a call to the leadership team organizations to see if anyone would be interested.

How would we fund people to go across the state?

I think they would talk to people in their area of the state, we would have a list, if we see where the holes are we could try and get some more people to participate.

As far as the North Dakota Area Health Education Center, we could work with the Center and this list.

The North Dakota Area Health Education Center has simulators, we just don’t have the education with the simulators, the education programs could provide that.

There may be people that might already be doing this, perhaps in the rural areas. If they are already doing it, they maybe they would be willing to go out to others.

Some of the critical access hospitals are already doing that as a recruitment tool.

Patricia will contact CUNEA, the Nursing Education Consortium, the Nursing Education and Faculty Resources workgroup and NDAHEC to see how we might be able to coordinate some integration of simulation. Patricia will also put out a call for nurses interested in talking to high school classes in the newsletter and will also work with the leadership team organizations to identify additional nurses.

·  Determine survey questions for 80 secondary career development counselors (grades 7-12) and 15 career advisors. Similar list to teacher’s survey? They also have an August Professional Development conference that we could ask about. Kelly Pierce has indicated that she will email this group.

They have a professional development conference in February, would have to have already submitted you’re abstract.

As a counselor- would be interested in where to find education and funding. They might be interested in talking points

They may be able to provide us with important points- what are the determining factors for this generation of high school students, what draws individuals into certain professions, counselors are good at identifying their strengths. Could help us when we are developing the talking points for students.

The Partners Investing in Nursing (PIN) has developed a fact sheet/handout related to gerontology. Could be adapted for use with this group. Talks about education opportunities etc. Look at adapt this document. What does parents have to do? Patricia will obtain and send to group.

Career and Technical Education- has a website, profile etc. We could talk to them about seeing about adding nursing specific items, Wayde will check out who to contact.

Patricia will develop a draft of the online survey for the guidance counselors and send to this group for review and then to the guidance counselor group. Patricia will obtain the PIN flyer for discussion during our next meeting. Patricia will also contact to see how we might link with their resources.

·  Discuss status of Affiniscape Career Center- Affiniscape would like to have a separate job listing (not part of our monthly enewsletter) sent out each month to our email list- what do you think?

o  If they had an opportunity to opt out.

o  I think we should send out an email with the first job listings and instructions to opt out or opt in to the list.

o  Could we send a letter to HR directors to try and encourage them to post job openings?

o  That is an excellent idea to send something out to the HR organizations across the state. At NDNPA we have not done such an activity.

o  Could NDNPA partner with the center as we have a career site as well?

o  You could start with the ND Hospital and ND Long Term organizations and then send out to the rest.

o  Great start, isn’t there a number of clinics that aren’t associated with hospital HR departments? Word of mouth would probably be useful.

o  Patricia will continue working with Affiniscape to get the career center up and going and will send out the first email to the full list with the first batch of job postings and to opt in or out. Patricia will also work with NDNPA to have these jointly post listings.

·  Draft list of organizations that are working on increasing workforce diversity and possible partnership opportunities

o  Next Steps

o  American Indian Community University Partnership Project

o  Department of Health Minority Section

o  Department of Commerce workforce Development- relocation program which works on attracting out-of-state workers

o  Explore minority in nursing professional organization- national organizations- resources or things they have done.

o  Patricia will start exploring these organizations and where partnership opportunities might exist. Will also look at the national minority nursing professional organizations to see what they have for resources.

·  Discuss sources for re-entry information and where we should put this information on the website.

o  NDNA used to have something, I don’t think they are doing it anymore, refresher courses are very limited. There isn’t anything in ND. If they want to take a refresher course they have to go out of the state.

o  NDNA is only keeping the IVN course until the current enrollees are finished.

o  There is a link to Minnesota to do a refresher course- on the board of nursing website.

o  Should ask the NDBON- How many reactivate each year? How many take the course?

o  Patricia will contact the NDBON to gather information about reactivations and refresher course possibilities.

Work that will be done during the remainder of this quarter through Dec and starting in Jan-March quarter

·  Start next steps on Career and Technical Education Health Occupation teacher activities

·  Start next steps on secondary and post-secondary advisors, schools and counselors groups to determine needs.

·  Contact healthcare and diversity partners to determine ways to collaborate.

·  Compile nursing re-entry information and put on website.

·  Explore mechanisms for creating awareness of industry to nurses outside of our state.

Goal 2: Retaining Talent: Develop strategies for retaining nurses in the field.

Need to do at this meeting

·  Discuss findings from examination and discussion with Washington Center for Nursing and their Transition to Practice Toolkit and the NCSBN toolkit and study (on website). Discuss next steps.

The Washington Center for nursing toolkit was developed as a part of their 2008 Master Plan for Education. They especially wanted to establish residency programs for minority students, although they are available for everyone. Plan to have every new acute care RN go through the program by 2012 and all new grads by 2020. The toolkit includes curriculum suggestions for organizations to customize. Also have a section on how to make the case in their organization for why a residency program is important.

The National Council of State Board of Nursing Transition to Practice project is a double-blind study of three states- Illinois, North Carolina and Ohio. The project will be completed by 2014. The purpose of the NCSBN toolkit is to encourage boards of nursing to require all new graduates to go through a transition to practice program before their first licensure renewal. They utilize online modules that all of the sites currently have access to and that will open for other states to use for a fee in 2014. The toolkit does include curriculum information, how to make the case for a program and a very extensive literature review.

o  Very interesting what the other states are doing.

o  Be very interested at the end of the trial phase.

o  The other thing, if we are developing something, so many of our hospitals are looking at this.

o  This is very exciting!

o  What are the Next steps- there is a lot that we could do with this information.

o  Could have a meeting. Bring someone in that has done it and then have those that are doing it- best practices within the state.

o  Maybe plan it around the hospital association meeting and the long term care association meeting in the fall. Contact the North Dakota Organization of Nurse Executives (NDONE) and the LTC Executives group (NADONA) to try and get a couple of hours to cover this information. Try to get it during the regular association meeting.

o  Look at who we might invite- they could be from the NCSBN study (Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina), a facility that has implemented in Washington State or one of the rural residency programs.

o  Patricia will contact NDONE and NADONA to see when the fall 2013 meetings are and if it would be possible to have a couple of hours for this. Will also take a look at who we might invite.

Work that will be done during the remaining of this quarter through Dec and starting in Jan-March quarter

·  Start next steps on Transition to Practice project.

Goal 3: Examine the demographics and transition of nurses through different health care settings including out of the nursing field.

Need to do at this meeting

·  Discuss status of supply and demand spotlight report (on website). This report is scheduled to be finished by Christmas, routed through the leadership team over the week after Christmas and then printed after January 1st for mass distribution to legislators, Dakota Medical Foundation, Workforce Development Council, state government and the leadership team. The report will include sections reviewing the last 10 years of education, supply and demand information and will include a description of what the Center for Nursing is doing within its strategic plan paired with policy recommendations.

o  Very much appreciated.

o  It would be a good to find an LPN at the statewide level to participate on the leadership team. We currently have Bonny Meyer that is also a NDBON member.

o  Might even float an idea to the North Dakota Action Coalition- for a leadership development for LPNs in the state

·  Discuss final draft of supply and demand projections (on website) and next step.

The draft supply and demand projections report is meant to be a technical report for those that are interested in how the model was built. Have worked on it for the last four months and every version tells pretty much the same story. The RN/APRN supply line is slightly over the demand line, but not over the 10% high demand line. The LPN supply line is quite a bit below the demand line, even below the 10% low demand line. These projection graphs will be added to the spotlight report. The LPN findings will pair well with the work to start regional LPN Interest groups. We don’t know what the impact of the ACA will have on demand- am thinking that it might be around the high demand line.