European Physical Society

6 rue des Frères Lumière

F - 68200 Mulhouse, France

Tel. +33389 32 94 40Fax +33389 32 94 49

Please submit electronically to:




1.1. Title of meeting: (full title and acronym, if any)


If it belongs to a series:

- Serial number of the meeting:


1.2. Date and Duration:


1.3. Place:


1.4. Type of meeting:

  • general conference

  • topical conference

  • other (please specify)

1.5. If it is a part of an established series, indicate for the previous event:

- serial number and/or subtitle:

- date and place:

- name of organizer:

- Was sponsorship applied for any previous event of the series?

  • If yes, please indicate for that event the year and serial number:

- Are some conferences of this series organised outside Europe?

  • If yes, please complete thespecial form for International Series
1.6. Are there other bodies sponsoring the event?Yes No 

If so, what arrangements have been made with regard to sharing any profit or bearing any loss?
(give in percentages):


2.1. Members of Programme Committee: (See Sponsored conferences, point 2)






2.2. Members of International Advisory Committee: (See Sponsored conferences, point 2)





2.3. Provisional scientific programme:(See Sponsored conferences, point 6)







2.4. Preliminary list of invited speakers: (See Sponsored conferences, points 4 and 6)





2.5. Submitted papers: : (See Sponsored conferences, point 5)

  • Will there be submitted papers?
/ YES / NO
  • If yes, how will these papers be refereed?

  • through the Programme Committee?
/ YES / NO
  • through another procedure?
/ YES / NO
  • Please specify:

2.6. Approximate number of participants:

2.7. Is the meeting by invitation only?Yes No 

2.8. Working language(s):

2.9. Indicate the names, dates, and places of at least three scientific events, devoted to similar topics and held in Europe during the last three years:




3.1. Addresses of Main Organizer and Conference Secretary:
(Please indicate phone, fax and e-mail)






3.2. Contact address for further information (if different from 3.1):
(Please indicate name, address, phone, fax and e-mail).



3.3 Conference Website address:


4.1. Registration fee: (See Sponsored conferences, point 7)

  • for Individual Ordinary Members of EPS:
/ ......
  • for Members of National Societies:
/ ......
  • for Non-Members:
/ ......
  • for Students:
/ ......

Does the fee include?

  • Proceedings
/ YES / NO
  • Accommodation?
/ YES / NO
  • Meals?
/ YES / NO
  • Social events?
/ YES / NO

4.2. Are Proceedings of the Conference to be published?Yes No 

Please give details:

  • Price:
  • Publisher:
  • Date of publication:

4.3. Ifapplied physics and physics in industry will be covered, which specific topics are planned?




4.4. Is an exhibition to be organised?

  • AcademicYes No 
  • CommercialYes No 

4.5. For Schools only: Please indicate the fraction(s) which will be devoted to non-school aspects: workshops, others (specify)



5.1 Does the event meet the criteria of Freedom of Attendance?

Yes No 


- Date and Place:

- Signature, Name and Title:


The whole list of all Recognized Conferences/Workshops/Schools is published at

(EPS last update 23.01.2018)