I.  Background

KHANA is a non-governmental organization registered with the Ministry of Interior (since 2000). It began as a project of the UK-based International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 1996. Since then it has significantly scaled up its programs and coverage; it currently provides financial and technical support to 38 local partners in 20 provinces and municipalities, enabling them to develop more effective community responses to HIV and AIDS.

In March 2016, KHANA was contracted by CLSI based in the United State to manage a QA/QC project to complement the HIV/AIDS Flagship project in ensuring and enhancing the quality of HIV testing and counselling (HTC) at both facility and community level. The project works in collaboration with USCDC and NCHADS to develop protocol, guideline, and training curriculum in quality control and assurance of HTC. This project will be implemented as a demonstration before putting it at a large scale once it’s proved to be effective in enhancing the quality of testing.

II.  Objectives of the assignment

The main objective of the assignment is to help the Flagship team to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the activities as per agreed workplan and budget between KHANA, USCDC, and NCHADS.

III.  Key Activities

·  Work with Flagship Technical Advisor(s) to organize the training(s), workshop, and meetings with relevant key persons

·  Support the logistics of all activities as listed in the workplan including training(s), meetings, assessments, coaching/mentoring/field monitoring to target areas (Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham and Siem Reap)

·  Monitor the expenses against the approved budget

·  Prepare the receipts and/or disbursement requests to CLSI

·  Provide a regular update about the progress of the project implementation to the Flagship Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP)

·  Document the project progress and produce quarterly report of the project

·  Coordinate with NCHADS, US-CDC, CoE/IPs, and other relevant partners for training and meeting arrangement

·  Communicate with NCHADS, US-CDC, CoE/IPs, and other relevant partners for tool development and any updated information when necessary

IV.  Required outputs/deliverables

·  Report of field monitoring , trainings, meetings ,quarterly report and final report of the project based on the template and requirement of CLSI

·  Disbursement request(s) according to the activity plan

·  Compilation of receipts/invoices to be submitted to CLSI

V.  Specific requirements:

Skill type (tick as required)
Human Resources / X
Finance / √
Monitoring & reporting / √
Coordination / √
Resource mobilisation & fundraising / X
Thematic HIV and HTC / √
Policy and Advocacy / X
Research / X
Training / √
Other / √

VI.  Education & Training and Experience

-  Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, Social Science, or Public Health

VII.  Knowledge & Skills

• Organizing and facilitating training workshop

• Strong coordination skills with national stakeholders

• Have an understanding of HIV/AIDS and other related health issues.

VIII.  Liaison and Supervision:

The post holder will work closely with the Flagship team and report directly to Flagship Deputy

Chief of Party.

IX.  Work Hours, Compensation, and other benefits:


KHANA employees generally work 37.5 hours per week (and up to 40 hours per week as needed).

Office hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:30 with 1 hour lunch break. However, employees may be required to work at different hours from the official office hours depending on the nature of their work, roles and responsibilities, or work station.


The post holder will be remunerated with a gross salary of US$948.00 (Nine Hundred and Sixty Eight US Dollars) per month.

Employee Benefits

Besides the monthly salary and KHANA holidays, the post holder is not eligible for other employee benefits and entitlements stated in KHANA Personnel Manual.

Developed by: Approved by:

Date: Date:

Agreed by (Staff Member):


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