Stenton Primary School

Summer term 2017

“Anything is possible. All it takes is an opportunity.”

Welcome Back!

We arestarting a new science based topic this term – Electricity. This starts off with a Generation Science Workshop called “Power from the People” where the children will be discovering the secrets of electricity first-hand in an interactive workshop. Towards the middle of term, all the children will be taking part in the John Muir Award. This will involve visits and workshops where the children will be learning all about the life and work of John Muir. Towards the end of term, our focus will be on practising for our end of term show – details of which will be announced to the children very soon!

French and German continues for our Primary 6 & 7 pupils for an hour a week with Mrs Scott, while all pupils practise early French daily with Miss Seago.

In Music this term, Mrs Dick will be preparing songs for our end of term show.

In P.E. this term, Miss Gordon will focus onathletics with all the children.

P4-7 Bowling

Our P4-7 pupils will start the first of four Friday morning bowling sessions at Stenton Bowling Club. The final takes place on Friday 2nd June.

Stenton Parent Council

The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Wednesday 17th May at 7.30pm. All parents are very welcome to come along. If you would like to find out any more about what our Parent Council does or if you have any questions please contact Verity on .

Thank you for your co-operation and support with the following:

  • Dropping off and picking up of children on time.
  • Any changes for pick up or bus arrangements – please notify school.
  • Checking and bringing in post bags daily.
  • Water bottles required every day.
  • Clearly naming all items of clothing.
  • Providing your child with sun hats as well as rainproof jackets– we try to get the children outside as much as possible, whatever the weather!
  • We have an amazing attendance record- thank you, such resilient children!

Thank you for your continued support.

Gill Whitford and all staff at Stenton Primary School

See reverse for diary dates – letters will be sent home giving more details for some of these events.

Date / Time / Event
Tuesday 25th / 9.30am-4pm / P7 transition event, Lochend Campus & Hallhill
Wednesday 26th / 9am-3.20pm / Whole school - Healthy Living masterclass, West Barns Primary
Friday 28th / 10-10.30am
12.20/12.30pm / Whole school, first aid skills with Chris Humble
Rev Scott assembly
All break for May Day holiday
Tuesday 2nd / 8.50am
All day / All resume
P7 science transition event, East Linton Primary School
Friday 5th / 11am-12.15pm / P4-7 bowling
Monday8th / 11am
1.30pm-2.30pm / Wholeschool photograph, Tempest photography
Pitch, Pulse, Magic – whole school music workshop
Friday 12th / 11am-12.15pm / P4-7 bowling
Tuesday 16th / 1.30pm / Children singing at the Spring Lunch in the village hall
Wed 17th / 7.30pm / Parent Council meeting at school
Friday 19th / 11am-12.15pm
12.20/12.30pm / P4-7 bowling
Pupils break for In-Service Day
Monday 22nd / All day / In-service day
Tuesday 23rd / 8.50am / Pupils resume
Wed 24th / 9am-12.30pm / P4-7 athletics, Meadowmill
Friday 26th / 9am-12.30pm
11am / P7 Science transition event, DGS
Rev Scott assembly
Monday 29th / 9am-12pm / Whole school visit to John Muir Birthplace
Tuesday 30th / 11.15am- 3pm / Whole school rock pooling at Thortonloch beach with Outdoor Education
Wed 31st / All day / P6 enterprise event, DGS
Thursday 1st / 10.15am-12.30pm / P5-7 orienteering competition, Musselburgh Lagoons
Friday 2nd / 10.30am-12.30pm / P4-7 bowling final
Monday 5th / 1.30-2.30pm / Whole school ,John Muir dance workshop in the hall
Wed 7th / 9.30am
6-8pm / P1 & P7 dental checks
P7 parents information evening, DGS
Thursday 8th / 9am-10.30am / Whole school, John Muir drama workshop in the hall
Monday 12th / 2.15pm-2.45pm / PC Johnston, drugs & alcohol awareness talk to P7’s
Friday 16th / 9.30am-12.30pm / P7 transition, DGS
Monday 19th / All day / P7 transition, DGS
Tuesday 20th / All day / P7 transition, DGS
Wed 21st / 1pm-3pm / Sports Day, Playing fields at the village hall
Tuesday 27th / 2pm / End of term show #1 at the village hall
Wed 28th / 1pm / Reserve sports day
Thursday 29th / 6pm / End of term show #2 at the village hall
Friday 30th / 12pm-12.20pm
12.30pm / End of term leavers’ assembly. P7 parents welcome.
All break for summer holidays. Pupils resume Wednesday 16th August