Academic Affairs
Deans’ Council Minutes
Meeting of Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 9:30 a.m.
Present: Barbara Busse, Kris Brancolini, Dennis Draper, Shane Martin, Michael O’Sullivan, Richard Plumb, Ernie Rose, Teri Schwartz
Minutes – Changes were recorded to the minutes of June 10, 2008 and August 26, 2008. The minutes were approved as amended.
Ernie Rose updates – Ernie updated the Deans on the following information:
· Department Chair contracts; The Chair stipend will not be processed on a separate sheet as done in years past. There will be an attached addendum to the Chair’s faculty contract that will include the stipend in addition to the Chair’s faculty base salary.
· Budget Process; Ernie distributed the draft of the Academic Affairs 5 Year Planning Goals. In the plan there are 5 broad goals for the division. He asked the Deans to critique the draft and let him know if there are any questions or comments to be added.
· Cabinet Meetings; Ernie announced that on the 1st Wednesday of every month the Deans will be invited to attend the President’s Cabinet. All agenda submissions are recorded by Maria Mancera, Executive Assistant to Dave Burcham, the Monday prior to the Wednesday meeting. Maria will send the deans an invitation to attend the meeting.
· Handbook; Clinical Faculty; To add clarity and agreement on title and description of non-full time faculty and what constitutes rank, Ernie announced that he will appoint a Task Force to address all related aspects of Clinical Faculty and to look at the issues around clinical faculty. Ernie assigned Interim Dean Michael O’Sullivan and Dean Shane Martin to the task force. Ernie will collaborate with Faculty Senate President Seth Thompson regarding faculty representation. It was proposed that Human Resources be part of the Task Force.
· Spot Bonus; In accordance with the approved June 10, 2008 guidelines for awarding Spot Bonuses that states “The nomination will be reviewed by the Deans Council for approval,” Dean Richard Plumb put forth a Spot Bonus to discuss with the Deans. The Spot Bonus was unanimously approved by all Deans and will be processed accordingly.
Workload and Merit Task Force Report – As Co-Chairs of the Joint Task Force on Faculty Workload and Merit, Richard and Michael discussed the Workload and Merit Task Force Report including the executive summary and the Task Force’s three recommendations. Ernie put forth the motion to discuss the Workload and Merit Task Force Report roll-out at the next available Deans’ Council meeting on Tuesday, October 21, 2008.
Announcements –
· Ernie announced that he and Senior Vice President Tom Fleming will be forwarding a memorandum to the internal community the week of September 22nd about the negotiation of a new Facilities and Administrative Cost Recovery Rate. Ernie asked Vice President Joseph Hellige to send the announcement to the Deans prior to September 22nd.
· From the Center for Teaching Excellence, Ernie asked the Deans to review and share with their respective colleges and schools the CTE brochure and SoTL Showcase of public events, agenda and public relations for the coming year.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Pascual
Academic Affairs Associate