>Father Paul’s day-off is on MONDAYS

MONDAY, Sept. 13

6:30pm Men’s Bible Study – Conf. Rm.

TUESDAY, Sept. 14

Noon Mass –Intention-Claudia Slosz


Noon Mass Intention-Claudia Slosz

5:15pm Legion of Mary Conf. Rm.

7:30pm Choir Practice – 11:30 Mass

THURSDAY, Sept. 16

9:30am School Mass

6:30pm-Liturgy Committee Meeting –Conf. Rm.

FRIDAY, Sept. 17

Noon Mass –Intention-Claudia Slosz

SATURDAY, Sept. 18

5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass

SUNDAY, Sept. 19- 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:30am 9:00am Mass Choir Practice

9:00am Mass

10:15am Religious Education classes begin

11:30am Mass

5:00pm Vietnamese Mass

Soup Kitchen: Transfiguration and friends


For this weekend are:

5:00pm –Sarah Talbert

9:00am –Elsie Kyer

11:30am –People of the Parish

Soup Kitchen: Rosary Altar Society


Total Gen. Fund Collection..…………….. $5,960.83

Weekly Budget Needed …………………..4,206.71

Weekly Budget Needed for Mortgage…. 2,079.29


Over / Under ………………………...... - 325.17

Maintenance ……………………………… 25.00

Catholic University ………....……………. 320.25


Funds Needed: $1,850,000.00

Building Fund to date: 974,932.84

Building Fund Last weekend:.….…… 884.00

THANK YOU for your continued support

Ministry Schedule for next Weekend

September 18 and 19, 2010


Sat (5pm) Adriana Joyner

Sun (9am) Rosalyn Frierson

Sun (11:30am) Sonia Canzater


Sun (9am) Anna Chadwell & Crystal Deneal

Sun (11:30am Jasmine Gunter


Sat. (5pm) Marion Alexander & Melida MacDonald

Sun (9am) Barbara Jones & Vern Garcia

Sun (11:30am) Katrina Lorick & Barbara Johnson


Jerome Brown, Sheri Felder and Rosalyn Frierson

Hospital : Adrian Nkwocha; Edward Hampton; Home Bound: Sally Boykin; W. McRant; Maggie Boykin; Nursing Home: Joseph Brown, James McKie; Dorothy Fogg; Mary Catoe; Bernice Moody; Byron Weston. Please Keep in your prayers: Moses Rabb; Emma Jean Kokesh; Robert Kokesh; LaSeandra Samon-Jones; Lucius Bartley, Kevin Malcolm James; Leon Elliott.


2010-2011 registration for Pre K (ages 3) thru 6th grade is open. Applications can be picked up from the school office or online at www.saintmartindeporres.org. Non-refundable registration fee is $50.00.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: YOUR GIVING CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Have you given your share? Jesus gave his life for you, won’t you give him at least the cost of a cup of coffee and a doughnut? If 400 parishioners gave $25 per week (just $3.33 per day) this would yield $480,000 to the parish. Example:

$3.33/day x 7 = $25 per week

$25 x 4 weeks = $100 per month

$100 x 12 months = $1200 per year

$1200 x 400 parishioners = $480,000 per year


The altar flowers this weekend are donated by the Ekure Family.


We will be meeting this Monday, September 13, at 6:30pm in the Conference Room. If you have any questions contact Deacon Carl Johnson.


VBS – “The Day In the Life of Jesus” was an awesome adventure for our children. This experience helped each child learn about the life of Jesus and how to enter into a life long relationship with him. We are blessed to serve a risen Savior who holds the same power today to heal, bless and forgive as he did over 2000 years ago. THANK YOU for your participation! ****Religious Education classes will begin next Sunday, September 19, 2010. We will have an opening celebration in the Library of the School.


Our R.C.I.A. classes will be starting up again for those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Classes will be held on Sunday’s starting on October 3, at 10:30am in the church office. If you are an adult Catholic and would like to know more about your faith, you are most welcomed to attend. If you are thinking about becoming a Catholic, or would like to know more about what the Catholic Church teaches, these classes should answer most of your questions or concerns.


If you have eye glasses your are no longer using the Rosary Altar Society is collecting them. Please put them in the box in the gathering area.


The Annual Diocesan Respect Life Workshop, “Love

Without Measure” will take place on Saturday, September 25 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at St. John Neumann School. It is open to all. Speakers will discuss ways to cultivate a culture of love and life in your home, your church, and your community. For more information or to register, please contact John Staab at 386-8073 or e-mail:

. Lunch will be provided for $5 for those who register before September 17.


The Columbia Housing Authority invites you to attend “Your Health Matters” Health Fair on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 form 10am to 2:00 pm at the Cecil Tillis Center, 2111 Simpkins Lance Columbia, SC 29204. Health Screenings to include: Diabetes (Must call to Pre-register (803)296-2273), Blood Pressure, Vision, Weight, Pulse and BMI, Hemoglobin; Workshops: Diabetes Education, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention, Medicaid Enrollment, Healthy cooking Demonstrations. If you have any questions call Ms. C. Montgomery at (803)254-3886 Ext. 254.


All young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 looking to get away for a short weekend to encounter Christ with their peers at the White Oak Conference Center in Winnsboro, SC. The retreat will begin on Friday, October 22, at 7:30pm and end on Sunday, October 24, at 12:30PM. Registration deadline is October 8, 2010. See Br. Henry for further information.



The Conference this year will be October 22-24, held at Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church, Columbia, SC. The theme – “Receiving God’s Unlimited Mercy”. (Luke 18:13). Keynote speaker – Fr. Richard McAlear. The conference begins with registration at 6:00 pm Friday, October 22. Mass, begins at 7:30pm followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. General Sessions on Saturday, October 23 begin at 8:30am. A Mass, followed by a healing service, will be celebrated at 7:30pm. On Sunday, there will be a parish Mass at 8:00am, and brunch with Fr. McAlear, and the State Service Team, at 10:00am. To register for the conference call Sharon Crocker (803) 309-2480 or Ross Gamble (803) 788-4480 or e-mail: or . Cost before October 15 is $30.00 for individuals and $55.00 for married couples. After Oct. 15 the cost increases $10.00 for each category. There is no charge for youth, religious, or clergy to attend. The Sunday Brunch is limited to the first 120 registrations. The cost is $15.00 and reservations must be received by October 15.

September/October 2010 Calendar

Sept. 13 – 6:30pm – Men’s Bible Study-Conf. Rm.

Sept 14 - No Noon Mass

Sept 15 – 6:30pm Parish Council Mtg. Conf. Rm.

Sept. 19 10:15am Religious Ed. Classes begin.

Sept 21 thru 24 – No Noon Masses

Sept. 27 – 6:30pm – Men’s Bible Study Conf. Rm.

Oct. 3 – 10:15am – RCIA Classes begin-Fr.’s Office

Oct 11 – 6:360pm Men’s Bible Study – Conf. Rm.

Oct. 20 – 6:30pm Parish Council Mtg. – Conf. Rm.

Oct. 25 – 6:30pm Men’s Bible Study – Conf. Rm.

Oct. 26 thru 29 –No Noon Masses-Priests Retreat