Minutes of Meeting of Roseland Plan Planning Assessment Group

at Gerrans Memorial Hall, 9.45 am on 9thOctober 2015


John Adams JAMT & Technical Resource

Ralph German RGAssessor – Gerrans

Alison Golding AGAssessor – Veryan

Helen Hastings HHAssessor - Gerrans

Wendy Hopper WHAssessor – Veryan

David Hubbard DHAssessor – St Just

Jon SmithJS MT

David SpreadboroughDS Assessor – Philleigh

Sue WagstaffSWMT

  1. Apologies received fromJulian German, Geoff Pring and Brian Willis
  2. Declarations of interest: None
  3. Minutes of meeting 2ndOctober 2015: Approval was proposed by WH and seconded by AG before signature by JS
  4. Matters arising:JS confirmed that AG’swork onPermitted Development Rights regardingextensionswill be passed to Cornwall Council planners for comment before circulation to the PAG members and incorporation in the Roseland Development Checklist. AG suggested the group should try to understand the principles to enable them to take an informed view.

AG advised that following Geoff Pring’s previous email on sustainable development she had reviewed section 14 of the NPPF and felt further advice should be sought. After discussion within the group it was agreed that JS would speak to James Evans of the AONB unit for input/advise.

The MT reported a good meeting with the Householder Team in Cambourne and although there are 3 members of the team with a good knowledge of the Roseland they have yet to secure dedicated planning officers.

SW confirmed that a letter had been sent to the planning officer, relevant parish clerk and Julian German on thePrimrose Hill case assessed at the last meeting and a letter would go to Julian German in the next couple of days regarding the appeal on Trecarrell.

  1. Assessment of:

Pre-application - Watersmeet, Polvarth Road, St Mawes TR2 5AY – the chair and clerk of St Just parish council had asked that the PAG review this submission sent direct to them. The A1 plans were laid out and JS led the group through the assessment form and all agreed that the main concern was over whether they should consider under HO9 Extensions as with such major work proposed HO8 Replacement dwelling seemed more appropriate so both were considered. All agreed that the proposal was not in conformity with 4 policies concerning size and design.

Pre-application - Summers, 4 Pedn Moran, St Mawes TR2 5BA – this is another case presented direct to St Just parish council where they are seeking advice. SW read an extract from an email from Brian Willis who has spoken to a neighbour of the site who is concerned over the increased height. JS reported a conversation with the architect who indicated he had considered the RNDP in the application. The group raised concern over the planning officer’s letter written in May 2015 in response to a previous pre-application where no mention was made of the RNDP and little of the AONB. Without detailed plans for the proposed development the group agreed that sympathetic design should be encouraged but on the information provided the proposal was not in conformity with 2 policies mainly concerning scale.

PA15/02937/PREAPP - Kerdreal Lodge, Ruan Lanihorne TR2 5NX – JA was able to give some background information as he had viewed the property some months ago. SW also read an email from Geoff Pring (GP) who is a neighbour of this site which gave more detail of the topography. All agreed that the information provided was poor and that an oak framed barn was not ‘Roseland design’ but agreed to respond using GP’s comments and reference to non-conformity with HO8.

PA15/08921 – Windy Ridge, Calendra, TR2 5PR – Although no comments are invited on this application for non-material amendments it was felt pertinent to discuss in the group. Background information was provided by Veryan parish councillors present – the original application had been passed prior to the RNDP - but all felt the amendments now proposed were ‘material’. It was agreed that JS would phone the planning officer to seek clarification for the group as part of their training and to follow up with an email expressing the group’s views.

  1. AOB –During the assessments HH made the observation that applicants should be obliged to state clearly the current and proposed volumes of properties. JA suggested it could be included in the Roseland Development Checklist which planning officers should encourage applicants to complete.

DH produced plans for a pre-application in St Mawes and suggested the group should provide their views to the parish clerk, however it was agreed that as it is now on the planning website it would be added to next week’s agenda.

HH provided JS with contact details for Mark Ball of the ‘Majors’ team in Cornwall Council planning department as it is his department that handles the Pendower Hotel applications.

HH also raised the issue of the damaged slipway on Pendower beach and after discussion it was agreed that she should approach Julian German for guidance.

Meeting closed at 11.30amS Wagstaff