Venice High School

Summer Reading Assignments - 2017, For All Students**

Venice High School’s summer reading program aims to encourage students to experience the pleasure of reading and develop a lifelong habit of reading for enrichment. It also encourages students to build on their reading skills. Like any skill, practice is necessary for improvement.

This year, all incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, and incoming 9th honors and magnet students, will be expected to read two books during the summer. It is, of course, understood that each student will read the entire books in their original, full version (no abridged or “junior” editions) and that he/she will do his/her own work, entirely. No outside sources will be used (online summaries, etc.).

Assignment for all incoming 10th, 11th, 12th, all students (except those taking an AP English course)

Select two books that you want to read during the summer. We hope you find two books that grab your attention and stimulate your interest in reading more. These books should be ones you have not read before, that are at your reading level, and that have at least 140 pages.

Complete one response from the list attached for each book; select two different responses, a different one for each book.

Ask your parent or guardian to sign that you have read the books; see the attached form.

On the reverse of this page, you will see a list of books that teens enjoy. This list could get you started in thinking about which books you would like to choose. You do not need to read one of these books; you may select a book you enjoy from this list or from lists on-line, or that your friend recommended, or that caught your interest in the library or book store. If you wish to purchase a book and family finances are tight, please see Dr. Wiedoeft as the school has money available to help with book purchases. Also, our wonderful public library system has books galore for free checkout! And, you do not need to limit yourself to reading two books this summer. Read, read, read! It helps you build your vocabulary, stimulate your brain, broaden your perspective, develop empathy, and enjoy your time.

11th Grade AP Language & Composition: See Ms. Lockwood or Ms. Zubiri or Ms. Lisowski for instructions; or go to, AP Language page; or see

1. Choose one non-fiction book from the list provided and complete assignment.

2. Read and mark up your book of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain.

12th Grade AP Literature & Composition (see Mr. Moore or Ms. Greene for instructions, or see.

If you are enrolled in an AP Language or Literature class, complete only the assignment for that course, not the assignment described in this packet.

Student/Parent Acknowledgment of Summer Reading

Please bring this – signed – to your English class in the fall of 2017. (First day is August 15.)

I understand the summer reading requirements for my students in the English/Language Arts program of Venice High School. My child will turn in this form and the personal response written assignment by Friday, August 18, 2017.

I approve of my student’s reading choices:

Student’s name (please print)______Birthdate______

Book #1 - Student’s choice:______

Author______Total Page Numbers______

(Choose a book you enjoy, that you haven’t read before, that is more that 140 pages, and that is at your reading level)

Book #2 - Student’s choice:______

Author______Total Page Numbers______

(Choose a book you enjoy, that you haven’t read before, that is more that 140 pages, and that is at your reading level)

My student has read (cover-to-cover, in their original full versions) the two books, listed above, and has written a personal response (described on reverse side) for each book.

When I sign below, I know that my student has read the entire books since June 1, 2017 (and she/he has not read them previously).

As a parent/guardian, I verify that this was done with my knowledge and approval.

Parent/Guardian name (please print)______

Parent/Guardian signature______

Contact information (phone # or e-mail address)______


I verify that I read all of these two books since June 1, 2017 and that my response is my writing and ideas.

Student’s signature______

(Over for specific assignment)