Triple P Steering Committee
Terms of Reference
October 18, 2010 - Revised
To improve the overall mental health and physical well-being of children and youth and their parents in the District of Algoma by encouraging and supporting the implementation and long term sustainability for the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program which is an integrated population-based parenting support strategy.
Guiding Principle
Parents, children and families have the right to an effective and consistent system of education and supports regarding parenting from all providers across the service system.
Committee Objectives
The Committee will:
- Meet the short and long term parenting needs of parents and families by adopting and overseeing the implementation of Triple P in the service delivery continuum in the District of Algoma.
- Engage all levels and sectors of the community –social services, the business community, local and provincial governments in support of the Triple P initiative.
Responsibility of Project Sponsor
Algoma Family Services (AFS) is the sponsoring agency for the Triple P Project. The Triple P Steering Committee will include a designated representative from the Sponsor organization. The current funding agreement and contract is between Algoma Family Services and the Ministry of Health Promotion and is in effect until March 31, 2012.
As the Sponsor, Algoma Family Services holds fiduciary responsibility for project administration and financial management, but recognizes the Triple P Steering Committee as the central policy and decision-making body for the Triple P Project.
Decision Making and Quorum
The Triple P Steering Committee is the central policy and decision making body for the Triple P Project. As such, it is pivotal to the communications network between and among all participating organizations.
It is the philosophy of the Triple P Steering Committee that decisions are made by consensus where at least 2/3 supporting members are present and an overall majority (50% + 1) of the Triple P Steering Committee membership are present.
In a situation where a member feels that they are in a conflict of interest situation either personally, or because of the organization they represent, the member will declare the conflict of interest and remove themselves from the decision making process around that issue.
Supporting Members
Organizations that have made an in-kind or financial commitment to the Triple P Project implementation will be considered “Supporting Members”. Currently there are nine (9) members:
- Algoma Family Services
- Algoma Public Health
- All Star Children’s Services
- Child Care Algoma
- North Star Family Resource Centre
- Prince Township Family Resource Centre
- Superior Children’s Centre
- Algoma District Best Start Network
- SSM Best Start Network
General Members
Other members may be invited to join the Triple P Steering Committee on a permanent or ad-hoc basis.
Responsibility of All Members
All members are expected to attend meetings regularly and to carry out any actions as determined by the Triple P Steering Committee.
Responsibility of Designated Representatives
In addition to representing their own organization on the Triple P Steering Committee, members may also be identified as “designated” representatives of various committees and planning groups such as Algoma Cooperative Children’s Services (CAPC/CPNP), Algoma District Best Start Network, SSM Best Start Network, Local Service System Management Team, Student Support Leadership Initiative and other groups as determined by the Committee. As a “Designated Representative”, the member will also have the responsibility to act as communicationliaison between the Triple P Steering Committee and the committee or group they are designated to represent.
Committee Chair
The Chairperson is appointed by the Triple P Steering Committee annually, and will be responsible for presiding over all meetings of the Triple P Steering Committee.
The Chair will also be responsible for:
- Calling meetings
- Ensuring that minutes of meetings are recorded
- Ensuring agenda items and minutes are prepared and circulated in advance
- Ensuring that the Committee’s action items are followed up on
- Communicating with the project sponsor (AFS) or with external organizations or individuals as required on behalf of the Triple P Steering Committee.
Project Staff
The Project Manager will attend all meetings of the Triple P Steering Committee as a non-voting member. Other Project Staff or Team members may be invited to attend all or part of a Steering Committee meeting when necessary; they will also be non-voting members.
Frequency of Meetings
There will be a minimum of six (6) meetings annually, but additional meetings may be called as needed.
Review of Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the Triple P Steering Committee will be reviewed at least annually for as long as the Triple P Steering Committee continues to exist.
Triple P Steering Committee
Terms of Reference – October 2010
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