Guidelines for 1710 (Calculus I) Instructors

on the Use of TAs and Graders

The main purpose of these guidelines is to give you some expectations and information which will help you to work with your recitation instructors (TA’s) and graders in a comfortable manner. Please make sure that you and your TA’s are working as a team, and that you are the team leader!

Standardized rules for all sections

•  Use of graphing calculators (TI 83, TI 83 Plus, TI 84, TI 84 Plus or equivalent) is allowed in class and on exams.

•  Grading scheme is

•  Three exams (60%),

•  Homework via MyLabsPlus (10%),

•  Recitation Worksheets (in lieu of quizzes) (10%)

•  Final exam (20%)

•  Office hours (At least 4 office hours. If you have more than 2 class sections, please add 2 office hours for each class. It is a requirement to post your office hours in front of your office door during the first week of the semester.)


All exams are given during your lecture classes. Please make sure to prepare at least 3 versions of said exams to avoid cheating. Pearson provides a test generator, and you are free to use it; however, please make sure your exams include free response questions.

You may ask TAs to help proctor exams. (If you have trouble finding someone to help, please ask Ms. Kim Manzer at least 5 days before the test date.)

The TA's can help with grading as well; however, please keep in mind that your share of grading should be at least twice as much as the share of any TA. (In other words, do not use your TA’s as your slaves!) Please finish all grading within a week. You may ask TAs to help with grading the final exam as well. However, they also have their own finals to take. Please respect and care about their time and reduce the amount of grading you ask of them.

Exam Reviews and the Answer key

Exam Reviews and the answer key are available. Some problems are indeed challenging, but this is our standard level of 1710. You may ask your TAs to explain detailed answers in their recitation class.


Routine homework via MyLabsPlus is graded automatically. Students are encouraged to go to the Math Tutoring Lab or ask homework questions in their recitation class. Please let your TA’s know what sections are covered after each lecture. (For example, posting the lecture situation on Blackboard is a good way to share information with your recitation instructor.)

Please communicate with your TAs frequently about student's attendance, mass misunderstandings, concepts that require more attention in class, etc.

Recitation Worksheets/Quizzes/Writing Assignments

It is your call which one of these options you choose. These are administeredby the TA’s ; the students can work together and the TA can provide guidance, but they are turned over to the grader for grading. Please make it clear to your TA's what you want in your recitation class.

You may ask TA’s to collect the worksheets/Quizzes/Writing Assignments and pass them to graders for grading. Please make sure to give the answer key as well. You may ask your TAs to attach the answer key; however, it is your responsibility to provide the materials ahead of time (at least, 48 hours before each recitation class).

You may ask either TA’s or graders to record students' grades. Worksheets/Quizzes/Writing Assignments should be returned in their recitation class within a week.

Recitation instructor’s office hours and syllabus

The syllabus templates are available for all TAs. TA's are expected to have 2 office hours per week for each section. Please make sure that they post their office hours in front of their office door during the first week of the semester.

Class notes/class slides

Class notes (written by Matthew Dulock) and class slides (made by Benjamin Schwaighofer) are available for use. However, you are free to modify these resources to fit your own style of lecturing.

Core Assessment report

In order to convince SACS reviewers that UNT merits re-accreditation we must assess how well the students incorecurriculum classes are meeting certain objectives. To measure this, we will request you to have a few target questions on your final exams and submit their performance rates at the end of the semester. Submitting the data is NOT optional. The modified target questions can be found in the Exam reviews.


After the semester is finished, please submit all of your gradebooks to Ms. Carol Fichera. Please remember that you are responsible for all graded work in your class, whether you do the grading yourself or delegate it to TAs/graders.

If you have questions or need help, please feel free to contact the Calculus course coordinators: Matthew Dulock and Kiko Kawamura.