Provost’s Strategy Group


Prof Judyth Sachs (Chair), DVC (Provost) / Prof Michael Johnson, Vice-Pres Academic Senate
Ms Maxine Brodie, University Librarian / A/Prof Kevin McCracken, Acting Dean ELS
Prof Tyrone Carlin, Dean Division of Law / Prof Stephen Marshall, Director LTC
Prof Ed Davis, Dean EFS / Prof Michael Morgan, Dean School of Advanced Medicine
Prof Mitchell Dean, Dean SCMP / Prof Alan Rice, Dean ACES
Dr Julian De Meyrick, Dean of Students
A/Prof Julie Fitness, Acting Dean L and P / Prof Christina Slade, Dean Humanities
Prof Roy Green, Dean MGSM / Prof Stephen Thurgate, Dean ICS

In Attendance

A/Prof Glenn Jones, for Prof Ed Davis

Ms Sue Lubbers, Centre for Macquarie English (CME)

Ms Barb McLean, Exec Officer

Ms Zoe Williams, Manager Quality Assurance, MI


Prof Ed Davis, Dean EFS

Prof Michael Morgan, Dean, School of Advanced Medicine

Prof Stephen Thurgate, Dean ICS


2.00-4.00p.m. Friday 6th June 2008, Function Room, level 2, E11A

1.  Internationalisation Strategy

Ms Williams reported that the University’s Internationalisation Strategy is being developed by a representational working group (academic and general staff from the Divisions, the Library, SIBT, and Macquarie City Campus). The working group has met four times and is expanding the focus of internationalisation beyond mere student recruitment towards an emphasis on teaching, research and engagement. The 3 Goals are:

·  Incorporate inter-cultural and global perspectives into research and learning and teaching activities;

·  Enhance and ensure the quality of educational activities and strategic partnerships;

·  Diversify recruitment, curricula and student experience to achieve a more global perspective.

This Strategy will align with the Macquarie International Strategy (which is also focussing on quality enhancement rather than student recruitment), the Learning and Teaching Plan and the Research Plan. After consultation with this Group and Committees of Academic Senate the Strategy will go to the University’s Internationalisation Steering Committee for adoption.

Once the Strategy is finalised, consultation will take place with Divisions and Departments to establish where we are now, identify good practice and then establish mechanisms to implement the Strategy.

2.  Office of Dean of Students

Dr De Meyrick reported that the work of the Dean of Students is guided by strategy but also ensures close contact with students. The aim is not to build an empire but rather a network:

·  Analysis is taking place to identify areas and causes of student complaints. He then works with the areas to nullify these.

·  Workshops for academic advisors are being run jointly with the Undergraduate Studies Section. Series 1 are on credit for previous study.

·  Working to integrate academic advising with SIBT - A regular briefing at the end of each semester with relevant Divisions and SIBT is being established. This will ensure transfer requirements and credit for previous study is agreed and that students are not given unrealistic expectations.

·  Working with HR to establish a University-wide Grievance system (modelled on that of UWS) for both staff and students.

·  Ms Sandie Rudman is moving to ELS, but an overlap period has been negotiated to ensure a smooth transition

·  Plans to expand the student tutor system (with Marsden High School) to a second school in semester two

·  Working with a policy drafting group on a Plagiarism Policy

·  Involved in community engagement through opening the meetings of the Golden Key Society and hosting Careers Advisors functions

Future developments include:

·  Expansion of the Science Tutor (student mentor) program in the schools. A position in the Dean of Students Office is being jointly funded by Macquarie and the NSW Dept of Education to manage this program

·  Special programs with local schools, such as the recent one with Baulkham Hills High School – Macquarie Fields has requested a program on multiple intelligences (in conjunction with Psychology and Education)

·  Programs for gifted and talented students in local schools (Education and schools in the Hills District)

3.  Language Support - Centre for Macquarie English

Ms Lubbers reported that following the 2007 Review of NCELTR, the Centre for Macquarie English (CME) has been established in Access MQ. CME works on an embedded model with Macquarie teaching disciplines, delivering co-developed tailored workshops and programs, e.g. GACC, where CME administer a discipline-specific language test and classified students into 4 groupings:

·  No assistance required

·  2-3 workshops

·  Intensive and on-going, and

·  Remedial

They then worked with academic staff to develop the programs for the various levels.

Benchmarking of their approach and programs has been taking place with the University of Reading in the U.K. This involves the sharing of data, staff exchange and the development of collaborative programs e.g. joint development of an English test. Following this initiative CME has developed an eclassroom along the lines of that at Reading.

Benchmarking re assessment is taking place in the four Sydney university language centres in order to further develop the granularity of IELTS as an assessment of academic language. There is a potential for all universities to jointly move to the level of IELTS 6.5 for Writing (currently 6.0) to increase the quality of students.

CME is responding to the Green Paper on the Review of Academic Programs regarding the development of a process whereby students at risk are identified after their first assignment and a remedial process established. This is regarded as preferable to auditing all entry pathways.

4.  Minutes of the Meeting 9th May 2008 and Business Arising

Minutes adopted.

5.  Report from the Provost

5.1  Prof Sachs reported that the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Julia Gillard, MP will visit Macquarie on 10th June to launch the Review of Australian Higher Education, chaired by Emeritus Prof Denise Bradley AC

5.2  Prof Sachs visited Kuala Lumpur to attend the graduation ceremony of BEd (TESOL). This is Macquarie University’s contribution to a consortium arrangement between a group of Universities and the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOEM) to prepare teachers of English for Malaysian schools. Five overseas universities (Macquarie University, Queensland University of Technology, Victoria University in Wellington, Auckland University and the College of St Mark and St John (University of Exeter)) -- “The Overseas Partners”-- have contracts with MOEM to work with a specialist teacher training institute in Malaysia, Institut Perguruan Bahasa -Bahasa Antarabangsa (IPBA). Although years 1 and 4 are common across all partners, years 2 and 3 vary and so each participating university awards its students its own degree.

At the time of the graduation Macquarie hosted an alumni event which was attended by c. 35 people. Prof Sachs was impressed with the affection with which Macquarie is held, and felt that this was an opportunity to further strengthen our relationship through the Alumni Office. In addition, English is increasingly the language of choice in tertiary institutions in Malaysia, therefore Malaysia offers opportunities for increasing ties through the offering of PhD programs for university staff, research and cotutelle arrangements.

5.3  The Review of Languages in Humanities is in its final weeks and the Review of Programs in International Communication by a disciplinary expert from the University of Melbourne is in its preliminary stages. Prof Sachs would prefer reviews to be led by teams rather than individuals, to ensure the integrity of the review.

6.  Implementation of the Review of Academic Structure

The Departmental structure under the new 4 faculties is still fluid with discussions taking place amongst disciplines in the Faculty of Arts.

The placement of General Staff into the new Academic Structure is underway, with the Director HR speaking to faculty meetings about their place in the new structure. Consultation has revealed that there is a Student Management position that may need to be introduced into the new structure. Discussion raised concerns about the lack of a Financial Management position in the new faculties. Deans to speak to Director of HR about this.

7.  Any Other Business

7.1 Prof Stephen Marshall tabled a document “Model for the Development, Maintenance, Administration and User Support of On-line Units”. This document outlines the responsibilities of the Learning and Teaching Centre and the faculties in the new academic structure, with regard to the Learning Management System (LMS) and the development and maintenance of online units of study. The model is that of a hub and spoke, with the LTC providing routine support and train the trainer programs.

All general Web development will be supported by the Publications and Marketing Unit – the “owner” of the University Content Management System (CMS).

7.2 Ms Brodie reported that the Library has undertaken an audit of the current building with the aim of releasing more space for students. This will be accompanied by a communication program to alert students that it is no longer acceptable to reserve a seat for the day, if it is not occupied all that day. Until the occupation of the new library, the opportunity to provide library access to community partners (schools) will not be possible.

There is a need for a common University strategy regarding access to non-teaching space by students. Replication of the W6A Courtyard in E4A and E4B should be investigated.

7.3 Prof Sachs noted the contribution made by Prof Ed Davis. His leadership of the Appeals process for Academic Promotions was a demonstration of a fair and transparent process.

7.4 This was also the last meeting of Prof Tyrone Carlin, Acting Dean of the Division of Law. Prof Sachs thanked him for his leadership of Law over a time of a large amount of change and wished him well in his career at the University of Sydney.

8.  Next Meeting:

2.00-4.00p.m. 4th July in the E11A Function Room

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