Many people are concerned about how a transmission or gathering pipeline on or near their property might affect their propery value, insurance rates, liabilities, etc. What specific concerns would you like to have more information about?

Complete list of all responses given to this question

- In my case, the line was placed in a landfill without a permit and in the flood plain without a permit. The topography of the land was changed as a result and my property flooded. I would love to have ANY information available regarding how pipelines affect property value.

- Not interested in right now

- Why is this risk forced on the victim? Are you saying that you know there is no risk of these negative effects?

- Pipeline companies get by with offering a one time payment in perpetutiy for an easement with no inflation factor using eminent domain. What can be done about this? At the same time pipelines lower property values or make a farm hard to sell. Still, the oil pipeline company is not forced to offer compensation. Laws need to be changed. How do we do this?

- Any research on property value impact

- Property values, and insurance rates. After an incident what are the effects on surrounding property values?

- The danger of having the pipeline run through the City of Seward's water well field.

- The laws of liability. This should be 100% on the installer of the utility. Even Act of GOD related events. Send me info on all of them.

- property values

- more ability of property owner to negotiate responsibility for liability insurance, damage to property, assignment of rights into the easement agreeement. Eminent domain effectively removes this ability.

- what changes might happen to my homeowners insurance coverage wise

- every thing

- What data is available to reveal the loss of land value due to gas line intrusion?

- None. I don't have pipelines on my property. But, those that do should be concerned about specific details of how they and the pipeline operator can access and use the ROW.

- I want to know EVERYTHING that will affect my property, including whether or not they'll be spraying poisons on the abutting land (to keep plant life from growing) where the pipeline exists

- all

- everything

- We were unable to get any liability ins. and were not able to prove devaluation of property. Where did we go wrong in the research and investigation?

- Property values, insurance rates and liabilities!

- Does the pipeline company take responsibility to protect the landowner from loss by carrying insurance. Does the state have a fund to protect its citizens from the possibe dangers of a pipeline mishap? If there is a mishap it should be the pipeline company/state's responsibility to protect the landowner from a loss that they have no control over.

- none

- Statistically, do pipelines have any effect on property values?

- Please send summaries of impact on property values ( you spelled the word wrong) insurance rates and liabilities.

- all

- All of the above.

- I would be concerned that i would be hampered as far as building on the property in the future.

I have heard that the steel pipe bought from China for used in PA was found to be defective and the company that bought it is involved in lawsuit with supplier. But i also heard that some of this pipe is already in the ground.

- Everything


- We are already hearing about homeowners insurance companies who will euther not insure, or not cover, and losses or damage to a property that has a pipeline on it, under it, or on an adjacent property. Many banks and mortgage companies will not approve a mortgage on a property with a pipeline, or that eminent domain status. Some are even calling in the debt forcing people off their properties.

- What about leaks, how soon are they detected, and how fast is the pipeline shut down, who is resposnsible for cleanup?

- all above mentioned

- property values

- how this affects short and long term use of water

- Property Devaluation does occur but is denied by industry. Insurance rates: Loss of use of land but still pay full insurance...shared insurance responsibility possible? Better education on HCA

- Are there stats? If there are any accurate studies that information should be provided to the homeowners during the tilte search

- None

- Who's in charge when a spill occurs? Are there response plans in place? Are the operators in communication with first responders? What kind of human health impacts could occur?

- Duh. Of course a pipeline affects value. My land will never be the same. The restoration allowed the pipeline to move tons of soil off my land onto Army Corps of Engineers land in order to create an erosion barrier in a drainage area above a drill site.

The drain tiles on my land were destroyed, new drainage does not work, the 50' easement sits a foot lower than the surrounding land and where there used to be pasture, there are cattails and water plants growing. How can a pipeline be set smack dab in the center of a natural drainage area, at the bottom of a valley and not affect the area. I don't know where these engineers studied or where FERC geologists went to school but any farmer could have predicted the outcome with accuracy and clarity.

- Duh. Of course a pipeline affects value. My land will never be the same. The restoration allowed the pipeline to move tons of soil off my land onto Army Corps of Engineers land in order to create an erosion barrier in a drainage area above a drill site.

The drain tiles on my land were destroyed, new drainage does not work, the 50' easement sits a foot lower than the surrounding land and where there used to be pasture, there are cattails and water plants growing. How can a pipeline be set smack dab in the center of a natural drainage area, at the bottom of a valley and not affect the area. I don't know where these engineers studied or where FERC geologists went to school but any farmer could have predicted the outcome with accuracy and clarity.

- we argued that with them but they seemed to think that it didn't make a difference in the values

- Has anyone been able to demonstrate an appreciable loss of permanent value to the property outside the corridor easement?

- The property owner should be well informed......

- all of the above. How much liability insurance must a pipeline company carryz? Do the have to post a bond. Who paid forthe disaster in San Bruno?zWEre the taxpayers reimbursed for the wages paid to police and emergency workers?

- what info do you need? if it spills your s.o.l. property value is toast, resale is toast, insurance won't touch you. Your property is worthless. Seen it.

- the position of the insurance companies on who is liable for the pipeline and its consequenses

- Decrease in land value or increase in insurance or lack of insurance.