Management Handbook Form Instructions


This form should be used when a TC-15 “Asset Verification” indicates that an applicant or resident has an asset(s) held jointly with another person(s). Proof of the beneficiary of the asset(s) must be determined. This form will be used to clarify ownership and responsibility of these assets.

Please follow these instructions:

1.  Ensure that the top half of page one of the form completely filled out: property stamp, date, name of applicant/resident, unit #, type of assets, account numbers, “other” account holder names. NOTE: In the case of multiple accounts that are held jointly with different persons, a separate form must be completed for each account.

2.  Please review the “Penalties for Misusing This Consent” paragraph with the applicant/resident.

3.  Instruct the applicant/resident to review the questions listed and to answer as many as are appropriate to the account(s).

4.  Please give the original verification to the applicant/resident for completion. In most cases the form can be completed in the leasing office. However, if this is not the case, then please do the following:

a.  Instruct the applicant/resident to return the form within 2 – 5 business days. Please make them aware that the signatures must be notarized. If you do not receive a reply within the above time frame, please contact applicant/resident and request that he/she will need to return the form to the leasing office. Be sure to document your attempts to get the needed information.

b.  If the applicant/resident does not respond, please call the Occupancy Compliance Supervisor for assistance.

5.  When the verification is returned to you, please review it carefully for completion and clarity. If the form is not filled out completely or if the comments are unclear, you must contact the applicant/resident and verify the information in question. Ensure that the signature(s) have been notarized and dated, as well.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this form or the information returned to you, please call the Occupancy Compliance Supervisor in the Occupancy Department.

Clarification Assets Jointly (06/08) Page 1 of 1 TC-15a