Outstanding Conservation Farm Family
The North Carolina Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Outstanding Conservation Farm Family Award recognizes individual farmers who are taking the initiative to implement sound, innovative, and cost-effective conservation techniques, and are actively involved in conservation education.
Award Category:
Outstanding Conservation Farm Family
Participant Eligibility:
Each Soil & Water Conservation District is eligible to nominate one individual or group of individuals involved in a single farming operation. This program is open to all farmers, including Conservation District Supervisors. Nominees must derive a substantial portion of their income from their farm business.
Entries for this award recognition will be judged on a district, area, regional, and state level.
Judging Criteria:
The program emphasizes new and innovative conservation techniques as well as the application of sound traditional conservation practices. Another important focus of the program is conservation education. Selection is based upon:
- Conservation Techniques(30 points)
- Comprehensive Conservation Treatments(30 points)
- Conservation Education(20 points)
- Individual Initiative(20 points)
Factual evidence of effective conservation techniques must be available fro review and fall within the following categories – soil resource management, water resource management, pollution impact management.
The entire operation, including livestock and property that is owned, rented or operated by the contestant must be considered in the application.
State winners must agree to allow their farm to be used for demonstrational purposes to inform others of their outstanding conservation achievements.
Conservation Farm Family Award
Nomination Form
Mrs. FirstMILast
Address: Street, R.R. & BoxCityCounty
State______Zip______Phone( )______
Names to appear on award certificate:______
Affiliations, Offices Held, and Honors Received:
Commodity Information:Livestock Information:
Major Crop(s)______Dairy______
______Beef Cattle______
List the major Soil & Water Conservation techniques/systems used on the farm:
Conservation Techniques (30 points)
Identify the soil & water resource management problems found on your farm. Describe the innovative as well as traditional conservation techniques you have used to address these problems.
Comprehensive Conservation Systems (30 points)
Describe the ways in which you have combined multiple conservation treatments into a comprehensive resource management strategy for all of the agricultural and forestry activities on your farm.
Conservation Education (20 points)
Tell how your farm has been used in order to demonstrate to others in the community problems and solutions in the agricultural resource conservation. Explain other ways that you help publicize your conservation techniques and concepts.
Individual Initiative (20 points)
Explain to what extent your own labor, initiative and equipment are used in developing and implementing your conservation techniques. Indicate other ways in which you have made your conservation systems cost effective. Tell how you got started in resource conservation.
Describe why you practice Conservation:
May be used for new/press releases
Mail all entries to:
Mecklenburg Soil & Water Conservation District
700 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC28202
E-mail entries to: