IPE Scholarship Fund Application Form


Assistance with course fees

For students seeking assistance with fees for undergraduate or post graduate courses specialising in pensions related topics, please write a short initial letter and send this to the IPE Pensions Scholarship Fund Board () giving your personal contact details, outlining the course of studies you are pursuing, or intending to pursue, your case for assistance with the fee payment and the amount requested. Further information may subsequently be required, including supporting letters from relevant academic staff.

Assistance with research projects

This is for undergraduates and graduates, in full or part-time education, who seek funding for a research project that is relevant to the European pensions market. You must be enrolled with, or have a place guaranteed at a European university or business school commencing in 2013 or 2014. Both individual and joint applications will be considered.

Before completing the application please read the Scholarship details provided on the web page, which explains the purpose of the scholarship fund and the grants available. Briefly, our objective is to help students to develop research that is innovative and has a practical application to the European pension markets. Investment, for example,could bea major element of your research, as could management or administrative mattersor areas such as mortality and longevity. Your research can relate to any aspect of pensions, including, but not limited to, defined benefit, and defined contribution schemes and plans, occupational and private pensions, public and private sector, and national or other pension schemes.

In this first round of the application process we invite you to submit a brief outline of your research proposal. Should your application meet the requirements of IPE’s Scholarship Board, you will be invited to make a formal application that provides more detail and is accompanied by a letter of support from your academic supervisor.


Your details




Name and address of your academic institution:

Description of your course of study (eg undergraduate, MSc, PhD, Post-doctoral):

Start date and length of study period:

Your research project

Please describe your project and its objectives in no more than 500 words.

The purpose of the grant

Please explain in no more than 300 words the ways in which the grant might help you to develop your research.

Date of application submission: