The importance of warming up

The skeleton and muscles are used for movement of the body, Warm ups are necessary in order to prepare the body for physical work and also to get the mind ready mentally to improve the focus. It is important that actors use energy and control without injury.

Warming up increases the blood flow around the body and relaxes the bones and muscles so that physical movements can be performed at ease.

The actor needs to always be ready to act. This means that they need to maintain very high levels of energy without strain, without tension and remembering to only use what energy is needed at the specific dramatic moment.

In a neutral position the actor needs to be relaxed but aware of every muscle in the body in order to be in control and ready.

It is important that the actors know how to warm up themselves or in a group situation. If the warm up is not done properly it can affect the actor’s performance. Time needs to be taken when warming up a quick work out is not good enough. The actor needs to be focused and pay careful detail to their body and the character they are playing.

The actor must be aware constantly of the relaxation whilst working and be using the least possible tension and energy needed. Relaxed muscles stretch well and contracted ones rip.

It is also necessary to cool down and relax after a performance. This slows down the heart rate and blood flow. The muscles begin to go back to normal and breathing becomes easier. Cooling down also helps your mind to return to a normal state.


Massage can be used to warm the skin tissue muscles up. It can be performed on yourself or can be done with a partner. Specific areas should be looked at such as the back, neck and shoulders and the face. Care must be taken not to massage the bone only the muscle as this could cause pain or injury.

Each individual actor will have various areas of tension that will need to be massaged. Before beginning the warm up the actor should discuss with a partner their concerns.

Massage should be performed in a correct order to make sure that the muscle is warmed up before being manipulated.

For the back it is best to work with a partner. The massage should start of with a rubbing and stroking to warm the skin up before moving onto deeper kneading, rolling movements working on specific muscle groups and the spine.

The kneading rolling techniques should move onto the neck and shoulders and should be performed until the actor feels relaxed.

For the face muscles it can be easier to massage yourself. Concentrating on the jaw and mouth area.

It is best to use circular rubbing motions around the jaw whilst moving the mouth and wiggling the tongue inside as these are muscles used for speech and the actor will be using them a lot within the performance.

It is important to asses your own individual needs as an actor to make sure that you are warmed up to the best of your ability before a performance.