Robert Moton Elementary: 2017-2018 Supply List

Students in all grades should bring an extra set of clothes (pants/shirt/socks) in case of emergency.

Donations of tissues for all classrooms are always appreciated. Student supplies should be replenished throughout the year.


·  Judy Center to provide student tote bag

·  Extra set of clothes (pants, shirt, underwear, and socks labeled with child’s name)

·  2 boxes of wipes

·  2 box of tissues

·  2 dry erase markers

·  Diapers (if needed)

·  1 box of crayons

·  1 jumbo sized glue stick

·  1 water color paint set

Donations of extra baby wipes, inexpensive paper plates (large or small), napkins, and stickers are always appreciated.


·  Judy Center will provide a tote bag for the student

·  Extra set of clothes (pants, shirt, underwear, and socks labeled with child’s name)

Donations of Ziploc bags and boxes of tissue and wipes are always appreciated


Items are shared, individual names not needed

·  PTO will provide large tote bag for each student

·  4 primary composition notebooks (open space at top, lines at bottom)

·  1 Poly folder (plastic) with 2 pockets (any color)

·  4 boxes of 24 crayons

·  8 glue sticks

·  1 box gallon zipper plastic bags

·  8 pack of wide OR thin markers

·  1 plastic school box

·  2 packs of 6 BLACK dry erase markers (not Crayola brand)

·  Extra set of clothes, labeled with student name in a Ziploc bag

Donations of tissues are always appreciated.

Items are shared, individual names not needed

Please no backpacks with wheels!

FIRST GRADE: (items are community supplies)

·  4 marble composition books

o  2 regular

o  2 primary (open space on top for drawing and lines on the bottom to write)

·  1 yellow, 1 blue, 2 green pocket folders

(2 pockets on bottom, no fasteners)

·  24 #2 pencils (sharpened)

·  12 black skinny dry erase markers (thin tip)

·  1 pack of 24 crayons

·  1 pack of 12 colored pencils

·  12 glue sticks

·  1 pack of markers

Donations of stickers, gallon, quart or sandwich Ziploc bags and tissues are always appreciated. Art supplies such as pom-poms, ribbon, pipe cleaners, tacky glue, wiggly eyes, beads, glitter, brown paper bags and inexpensive paper plates are also appreciated.


·  1 pair scissors

·  8 glue sticks

·  3 pocket folders (red, yellow, blue)

·  4 composition notebooks

·  36 pencils (plain #2, no glitter/sparkly/designs)

·  1 plastic pencil supply box

·  10 dry erase markers

·  1 pack of 16 crayons

·  1 pack of 8 markers

·  1 bottle tacky glue

Donations of tissues and Ziploc plastic storage bags in gallon, quart and sandwich sizes are always appreciated.


·  4 composition notebooks

·  3 folders w/pockets and prongs (1 green, 1 purple, 1 red)

·  1 pencil pouch or box

·  48 #2 pencils

·  1 box colored pencils

·  6 large pink erasers

·  4 glue sticks

·  2 pairs of scissors

·  6 fine tip dry erase markers (black)

·  1 pack dry erase markers (any color)

·  2 boxes of 24 crayons

·  1 pack of 8 wide markers

·  2 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper

Donations of tissues, Ziploc plastic bags in gallon and sandwich sizes, sticky notes, and pencils are also appreciated.

Continued on next page…….


·  5 pocket folders w/prongs (1 red, 1 blue,

1 yellow, 1 green, 1 purple)

·  2 marble composition notebooks

·  3 single subject wide ruled notebooks

·  1 box of 12 crayons

·  1 pack of 12 colored pencils

·  6 glue sticks

·  1 pencil pouch

·  1 pack of 4 dry erase markers

·  1 pack of highlighters

·  24 #2 pencils

·  1 pack of 8 wide markers

·  1 pair of scissors

·  4 large pink erasers

·  1 pack of wide ruled notebook paper

·  2 white 1” 3 ring binder

Donations of tissues, construction paper, and sticky notes are appreciated


·  7 pocket folders (1 green, 1 blue, 1 red,

1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 orange for music)

·  12 #2 pencils

·  highlighter

·  1 pack of 12 colored pencils

·  2 large pink erasers

·  1 pencil case

·  4 glue sticks

·  1 pair of scissors

·  5 wide-ruled spiral notebooks

·  1 pack of 8 thin markers

·  1 pack of dry erase markers

Donation of tissues and plastic Ziploc bags in gallon, quart, and snack sizes are always appreciated.

BEST K, 1, 2nd GRADE

·  12 #2 pencils

·  2 primary notebooks (open space on top for drawing, lines on bottom for writing)

·  4 folders w/pockets (red, yellow, green and blue)

·  1 pack of thin dry erase markers

·  1 pack of 24 crayons

·  1 pack colored pencils

·  2 large pink erasers

·  1 box of tissues

Donations of stickers, gallon or quart zipper bags and tissues are always appreciated. Art supplies such as pom-poms, ribbon, pipe cleaners, tacky glue, wiggly eyes, beads, glitter, brown paper bags and inexpensive paper plates are also appreciated.


·  2 primary notebooks (open space on top for drawing, lines on bottom for writing)

·  2 composition notebooks

·  1 one inch binder

·  24 #2 pencils

·  1 pair scissors

·  1 pack of 24 crayons

·  4 pack dry erase markers

·  2 highlighters

·  2 glue sticks

·  1 purple pocket folder

·  1 pencil case

Donations of tissues and art supplies such as pom-poms, ribbon, pipe cleaners, tacky glue, wiggly eyes, beads, glitter, brown paper bags, and inexpensive paper plates are also appreciated.


·  4 pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green)

·  2 marble composition notebook

·  2 spiral notebooks

·  1 box of 24 crayons (or 3 boxes of 8)

·  1 pack of 12 colored pencils

·  4 glue sticks

·  1 pencil case

·  1 box of tissues

·  1 pack pencil top erasers

Donations of tissues, gallon, and sandwich plastic bags are always appreciated. Art supplies such as pom-poms, ribbon, pipe cleaners, tacky glue, wiggly eyes, beads, glitter, brown paper bags and inexpensive paper plates are also appreciated.


·  6 pocket folders (1 green,1 blue, 1 red,

1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 purple)

·  12 #2 pencils

·  highlighter

·  1 pack of 24 crayons

·  2 large pink erasers

·  pencil case

·  4 glue sticks

Donations of tissues and plastic Ziploc bags are appreciated.
