

Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe

Technical Guidance documents up for adoption under the "MIWP 2014-2016 legacy actions" agenda itemof the 5th MIG meeting

Type / 5th MIG meeting Agenda item "4.3 MIWP 2014-2016 legacy actions" cover page
Creator / DG ENV
Date/status/version / 11/11/2016
Addressee / MIG
Identifier / [DOC19]
Description / The item 4.3"MIWP 2014-2016 legacy actions"on the agenda of the 5th MIG meeting consist of several Technical Guidance documents that are put forward to the MIG for endorsement. This cover page gives an overview of these documents and describes the endorsement procedure.
The documents under the MIWP 2014-2016 legacy actions ([DOC15], [DOC16], [DOC17], [DOC18]) have been developed in collaboration between Member States, EFTA Countries, Commission and EEA in subgroups of the permanent technical subgroup of the MIG. These documents have been approved by the Member States delegates in the permanent technical subgroup and are now presented for endorsement by the MIG-P. Upon approval of these MIWP 2014-2016 deliverables, the MIG-P also decides to close the associated actions. COM (JRC) will present the documents briefly. No detailed discussion of the documents is envisaged, simply an indication whether or not these document can be endorse. Should a delegation give the feedback that they cannot be endorsed, it will be asked to briefly explain the reasons for this.
As far as possible, the MIG shall endorsethese documents by consensus at the 5th Meeting of the MIG. In case issues are identified that impede endorsement at the meeting and need further clarification or investigation, this will be discussed and addressed, as appropriate. Thereafter, the group’s opinion will be requested to endorse the documents via a written procedure.
In general terms, a revised disclaimer in the documentsdescribes their status and ensures that there is no misunderstanding, i.e. that these documents are not legally binding and do not necessarily represent the official, formal position of any of the partners.
TheseTechnical Guidancedocuments were developed and finalised before the Commission issued new instructions under the Better Regulation Toolbox and before the "fitness-for-purpose" review of the INSPIRE implementing rules and technical guidelines was finished. Any possible conclusions and consequences from these horizontal processes will be factored in at a later stage, if necessary and as appropriate.
Requested actions: / Based on the usual finalisation procedure carried out by the MIG-T, members of the MIG-Pare invited to take note of the following documents, for discussion and endorsement,at the5th meeting of the MIG, without detailed discussion:
  • MIWP-6 Registries and registers – ToR Control BodySubmitting Organization [DOC15] prepared by MIG-T
  • MIWP-7a Extension for Download Service TG - Sensor Observation Service[DOC16], prepared by MIG-T
  • MIWP-7b Extension for Download Service TG - Web Coverage Service[DOC17], prepared by MIG-T
  • MIWP-8 Update of Metadata TG[DOC18], prepared by MIG-T