Holiday Homework: English

Class: IX

Date of Submission: 23rd June 2013

I. Make a collage on an A3 size sheet or chart paper (A 3 size only). Use powerful visuals/photographs cut out from newspapers and/or magazinesand sayings/quotes/slogans made from alphabets/whole slogans or quotes cut out from magazines/ newspapers etc. There should be bare minimum use of poster colors and sketch pens. Ensure that the colour scheme is visually pleasing and eye catching. Use any ONE of the following socially relevant themes:

a. Save the girl child/Stop female foeticide

b. Save the environment

c. Protect endangered species

d. Empathy for the differently abled

e. Educate the girl child

f. Stop child labour

h. Cancer Prevention

(Formative Assessment: Content: 5 marks, Visual Appeal: 5 marks)

II. Read Gulliver’s Travels/Three Men in a Boat up to Chapter VI. The following questions are long answer questions to be done in about 100 words each. These are to be done in your literature notebooks. You will be evaluated on the same.

Gulliver’s Travels

Chapter 2:

Q 1.Give a brief description of the inventory of everything that the Lilliputians found in Gulliver’s pockets? What were these personal belongings of Gulliver really?

Q 2.From your reading of the chapter, can you conclude that Gulliver was detail oriented? Why/Why not?

Q 3.What do you think of the Empress? How did she receive Gulliver?

Chapter 3:

Q 1. What is the ridiculous ceremony that Gulliver had to perform in order to be unchained? What were the conditions laid down for his freedom?

Q 2.The Lilliputians are by and large intelligent people Cite examples (Hint: they mounted upon each other’s shoulders to see things which they otherwise couldn’t see).

Q 3.SkyreshBolgolam has been referred to as Gulliver’s mortal enemy. Why?

Chapter 4:

Q 1. Which countries do Lilliput and Blefuscu stand for? What was the reason for the war between them?

Q 2.Though a foreigner, why was Gulliver ready to defend Lilliput against all invaders? Discuss.

Q 3. Which two parties had been running on animosity so much so that they would neither eat nor drink nor talk with each other. What does this tell you about their nature or character?

Chapter 5:

Q 1.How did Gulliver endeavour to divert the designs of the emperor of Lilliput?

Q 2.What does the intrigue against Gulliver show about the Emperor and his council?

Q 3.The Empress firmly resolved that she could not forbear vowing revenge against Gulliver. What does this tell you about her?

Chapter 6:

Q 1. How do the notions of the Lilliputians relating to the duties of parents and children differ from ours?

Q 2. What gave Flimnap an opportunity of doing Gulliver some ill? How had he been Gulliver’s secret enemy?

Q 3. Why did Gulliver find his interest decline very fast with the Emperor himself? What light does it throw on the characters of both?


Three Men in a Boat

Chapter 2:

Q 1. The writer presents himself as a poet when he talks about the sun, the moon, the night and the river. Describe his poetic descriptions of these objects of nature in your own words.

Q 2.Based on your understanding, draw a pen-portrait of Montmorency, comparing him with an ordinary human being.

Q 3.Keeping in view the main traits of George’s personality, where would you like to place him on the scale of trusted friendship? Justify your answer by drawing a pen-portrait of him.

Chapter 3:

Q 1. Jim appears to be both a philosopher and a satirist. Give one example of when he uses a satire.

Q 2. Compare and contrast the characters of Harris and Uncle Podge as drawn by the writer in the chapter. Do you find the comparison apt or exaggerated? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q 3. Do you agree with George when he compares the boat for their trip with the boat of life? Give reasons in support of your stand.

Chapter 4:

Q 1. What according to you are the most humorous incidents in this chapter as created by the writer?

Q 2. Study the following sentences carefully and bring out their significance in the development of the characters concerned.:

a. “And he went off quietly after he had drunk it and got into another carriage, which I thought mean.”

b. The coroner said, “it was a plot to deptrive him of his living by waking up the corpses.”

c. “What is it? Tell me the worst.”

Q 3. What impression do you form about the three friends regarding their friendship with each other?

Chapter 5:

Q 1. The writer is in the habit of exaggerating things….Describe the following incidents in the chapter and point out the exaggeration used.

a. weather forecasts

b. using words to describe the kind of weather predictions

c. reaction of the Bigg’s boys at the first sight of the luggage kept at the door-step of the writer.

d. reaction of the two groups at the sight of the luggage

Q 2. What is the role of the Bigg’s boys indepicting human nature?

Q 3. How do the friends react to each other at their late rising in the morning? What can you infer from this?

Chapter 6:

Q 1. What satires does the writer make on the social practices and philosophy of life in this chapter?

Q 2. In what context does the writer say that the people are not satisfied with what they have? How does this attitude affect a man’s character? Cite incidents from the life of any of the characters portrayed in this chapter in support of this fact.

Q 3. What humour has the writer created by describing the maze related incident which embarrasses Harris in the eyes of the people?

III. Research on, select and paste any one poem of at least 20 lines by any one of the poets whose poems are in your Literature Reader: Robert Frost/ Tennyson/Kahlil Gibran/Shakespeare in your literature notebooks.

Q 1. Write a critical appreciation of the chosen poem to be evaluated for FA in your literature notebooks.

5 marks: (Content: 3, Expression: 2)

Q 2. Learn the poem to be recited in class for the poem recitation FA.

10 marks (Pronunciation: 3, Expression: 4, Recall: 3)

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Cite references for all research material used in any of the projects. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.