Training and Development Opportunity – USGS Office of Organizational and Employee Development (OED) - National Training Center (NTC)

Course: Basic Hydraulic Principles


Course: SW1004


Dates: July 13-17, 2015

Start: Monday July 13 8:00 am

End: Friday July 17 2:00 pm

Class: USGS Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory

Location Golden, CO

Course Registration Deadline Date: May 20, 2015

Course Developer:

Robert Holmes 573-308-3581

(please contact the above course developer for course related questions)

Tuition: USGS: $700 Non USGS: $700

Payment: Contact Staci Unruh at 303-445-4667 or

Course Description:

This course combines an element of distance learning with onsite lectures and class problems in the study of basic open channel flow. Specifically, subject matter includes forces on submerged objects, conservation of energy, velocity profiles, resistance, the momentum principles, roughness coefficients, energy losses, backwater computation, flow through culverts, flow over dams, and flow through weirs. The in-class portion of the course has 18 2-hour instructional blocks. Each instructional block consists of a lecture followed by time for the students to work on problems to reinforce the material covered in the lecture.

Prior to the course, participants will be sent a math refresher that is required to be completed before attending the in-class portion of the course. The math refresher will ensure that the student has the proper math skills to tackle the hydraulics problems presented in this course. Additionally, students will be required to review a few online lectures and complete a small subset of problems prior to the course in order to give participants early exposure to the material. This early exposure will hopefully increase the understanding and comprehension of the material presented in class.

Students will need to bring a laptop with them to class. Each day’s problem solutions will be handed out via digital PDF files. Additionally, some homework problems will be much easier to complete using EXCEL spreadsheet. Lastly, the course textbook will be available in PDF as well as hard copy for reviewing.

In the afternoon of the last day of class (Friday, July 25th) an optional mini-workshop will be conducted on the IRIC Software Package which include models to simulate 2-D flow including the program FASTMECH. This workshop will be led by staff from the USGS Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory.

Course Attendees:

Hydrologists or hydrologic technicians whose work involves application of hydraulics. Maximum number of students is 12.

Course Prerequisites:

All attendees must have a working knowledge of algebra and some background in basic physics. In addition, the Office of Surface Water recommends that prior to taking Basic Hydraulics Principles, participants have done one of the following: 1) completed the Hydrographer Hydraulics (SW1524) course, 2) have successfully completed a college-level physics class, 3) have had significant on-the-job experience with indirect measurement of discharge or step-backwater computations, or 4) have taken training course which involve hydrology and hydraulics concepts. Potential participants should contact the course developer (Robert Holmes) if they have questions about their preparation for Basic Hydraulic Principles.

Basic Hydraulic Principles (SW1004) is a prerequisite course as stipulated by the Office of Surface Water for participants who intend to take both Surface-Water Hydraulic Analysis courses (SW2009A and SW2009B).



DOI LEARN – The Department-wide Learning Management System (LMS)

If you have never logged into DOI LEARN, please first visit the DOI LEARN Portal Page for detailed instructions:

If you do not know if you have an existing account, or have forgotten your username and/or password, please contact the DOI LEARN Help Desk at:

866-466-1998 or email

To learn more about DOI LEARN, see FAQs and How-to Tutorials, please visit the Employee and Career Development tab on the Human Capital Website:

If you have any DOI LEARN questions, email:

for assistance.

DOI LEARN Class Registration Instructions:

1.  Go to the DOI LEARN Portal Page at:

2.  Click on “Have an Account? Login Here” on the right side of the screen and enter your username and password.

3.  Once logged in, first verify your Profile is set up correctly, including your time zone and assigned supervisor(s). Under the “My Home” tab, click on “Update My Profile,” “Update My Supervisor,” and/or “Update My Time Zone” then click on “My Profile” and update as needed. If any changes were made click “Save” and then click on “Close Record.”

4.  While still under the “My Home” tab, click on “Search the Catalog” and “Register for a Course.”

5.  The new catalog page appears. Click on, “Click here to continue on to the Catalog.” NOTE: this area will be updated as changes are made to the system; and wording and links may be different at this step than described here.

6.  Once you are in the catalog, in the “Search For:” field, enter the exact course title and click “Go” . . . . . the Advanced Search option is also available for a more specific search on the course code, description, etc.

7.  If more than one course appears, scroll through the list until you find the course you are looking for. NOTE: there may be multiple pages.

8.  Click on the “Details” tab for general course information. Click on the “Scheduled Classes” tab for specific class information and “Enroll” when ready. If supervisor approval is required, you must first select the scheduled class, click on “Submit Request” and then click “Begin” to go to the Learning Request form. Complete and click “Submit.” An auto-generated email will be sent to the supervisor listed in your profile asking them to approve using the Approval Manager.

If supervisor approval is not required, simply select the scheduled class you wish to attend and click on “Enroll in this Class.” NOTE: In both situations, an auto-generated email is sent to you and your assigned supervisor(s) with detailed information. If you did not have the correct supervisor(s) assigned, the auto-generated email cannot be resent and you must then update your profile and verbally notify the correct supervisor(s) that you need a Learning Request handled. NOTE: if you are not seeing any scheduled classes to enroll in, please go back to the “Details” tab and see who is listed under “Contact” for additional information.

9.  To check the status of your pending learning request(s) or to see what classes you have self-enrolled in, go to the “My Home” tab and click into “View My Training Requests” and/or “Access My Elective Training” areas. If you or your supervisor(s) are unsure on how to complete any of these steps, please visit our FAQs and How-to Tutorials on the Employee and Career Development tab of the Human website:

Registration Instructions for Non DOI, Other Federal Agencies and Cooperators:

Some scheduled classes are available to non-USGS personnel on a space available basis. Non Department of Interior (DOI) personnel, Other Federal Agencies (OFAs), State and Local Government Agencies, and American and Alaska Tribal Governments must complete a non DOI course application at the following link:

USGS Cooperators may attend if space is available. Employees of private companies and/or consultants are eligible to attend only if they meet the status of a cooperator as verified by the host USGS office.

A USGS Cooperator must have a current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), or a current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), or be currently working on a Joint Funding Agreement (JFA) with a USGS office. Approval steps for a Cooperator include:

1.  Verification of agreement and approval of attendance from the partnering USGS Office and local WSC Office sent to OED, Nancy Gregory ().

2.  A completed non DOI registration form which can be accessed at the following URL: Email or fax to OED, Attn: Nancy Gregory, 303-445-4668, .

After these documents are received and approved, the USGS course developers will make the final selection of class participants.

Basic Hydraulic Principles


July 13-17, 2015

Course Outline:


Monday Fluid Properties

Forces on Submerged Objects

Overview of Similitude and

Dimensional Analysis

The Energy Equation of an

Ideal Fluid

Velocity Profiles

Tuesday The Energy Equation Applied

to Real Fluid

Flow Resistance

Computation in Steady, Uniform Flow

Flow in Channel Sections with

Variable Roughness

Wednesday The Momentum Principle

Specific Energy

Determination of Flow Resistance in

Open Channel

Classification of Water Surface Profiles

Thursday Local Energy Losses in Natural Channels

Water Surface Profile Computation

Rapidly Varied Flow at Constrictions

Flow Through Culverts

Friday Flow Over Weirs

Team Exercise in Flume in Determine Flow

IRIC mini-workshop