How were the early Mesopotamians able to farm successfully in a dry climate?

1.  agriculture – growing crops and raising animals as a source of food.

2.  city-state – a single city and its surrounding farm land that is ruled by a king.

3.  fertile– land that is good for growing crops because it is rich in minerals and nutrients. This is the root word for fertilizer.

4.  Fertile Crescent- a crescent-shaped region in the Middle East where agriculture began in the region. This region is nicknamed the Fertile Crescent because the area of farmable land forms a crescent shape. The modern-day countries found in this region are Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel. Dotted area shows the Fertile Crescent.

  1. irrigation– the process of supplying water to crops where there is not an adequate source of water. An irrigation system typically has four parts:

  1. canal– a trench or ditch dug to allow water to flow from a river toward fields of crops.

An irrigation canal in Iraq.

  1. dam– a wall built across a river to block or redirect the flow of water.

A modern-day dam in Iran.

  1. levee– a wall built along a riverbank to prevent a river from flooding.

A levee along the Mississippi River.

  1. reservoir– an artificial lake used to save extra water from a flood or rain. Hint: think of the word “reserve” which means to save something for later.

Satellite photo of the Maple Leaf Reservoir.

10.  Mesopotamia – This is the central region of modern-day Iraq, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The word “Mesopotamia” is a Greek word that translates as “the land between the rivers.” Mesopotamia is also known as “the cradle of civilization.” People from Mesopotamia are Mesopotamians.

11.  plow – a tool for turning over soil to prepare it for planting, usually dragged by oxen.

12.  silt – a fine soil carried by a river that is rich in nutrients. It is beneficial when a flood deposits silt in a field because it will help the plants grow. However, silt is harmful when it builds up behind a dam because it can clog up the irrigation system.

13.  Sumer – the area in southern Mesopotamia where the first city-states appeared. Some examples are Ur, Uruk, and Akkad. People from Sumer are Sumerians.