RI-Milan Booster Club Minutes from the November 14, 2013 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Kevin Guthrie.
There were no thank-yous or guests.
The minutes from the October meeting were read, there were no changes or additions. Dave Rockwell made a motion to accept the minutes, 2nd by Ted Hinze and they were accepted.
Rock Shop: Dave noted that he was planning to move the items from the Stadium to the Fieldhouse this week. He will use the VISA machine offline and then process the transactions in the Stadium. He said he was in good shape on inventory with no plans to order more.
Concessions: Kevin said he is also starting to gear up for the move to the Fieldhouse, getting stuff moved out of the Stadium and thoroughly cleaning the stands there. The football playoff game was a disappointment, sales wise, he has four packages of pork chops for sale, He said he won’t need much product for the Turkey Tournament.
Treasurers Report: Mark DeBarr noted we made (cleared) over $8,500.00 on the Raffle Dave suggested Mark show the $3,000.00 we underwrote for the Head Start banquet, we probably won’t need all of that, or maybe any of it, as Dave is trying to raise funds outside the Booster Club, but it is a potential bill. Ted made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report, 2nd by Eldon Samdbman, and the motion carried.
Old Business:
As noted, the Raffle was pretty successful with 234 tickets sold, but there were some disappointments. Washington sold 10 tickets last year, this year they sold zero. Dave believes that if we could get an advocate in each school, especially the grade schools, who can point out the good things we do for them, that would help sales. A big thanks was noted for Jay and Sue Pienta who did tons of hard work to set up the Raffle dinner Kevin was tied up at the football playoff game for much of the day, Jay and Sue really stepped up
New Business:
We should be all set for the Western Big Six Basketball Coaches banquet on November 20th. Randy Slusser and Mark will be there for 50/50 and ticket sale, Ted will be (has been) gathering door prizes, and Kevin will be there of course to kick off the event.
The Hall of Fame is pretty well set for now, they got some funds from Development, and a quote from Christensen for more cases down the road.
Ted made a motion, 2nd by Jim Veasey, that we donate $4,000.00 for the Turkey Tournament, as customary. The motion passed
Sue Pmade a motion to adjourn the Novembermeeting, 2nd by Eldon. The motion was accepted.