School Building Committee
Westport Community Schools
DATE: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Westport Jr./Sr. High School Media Center
Present: Chair Dianne Baron, Jon Bernier, David Cass, Ann Marie Dargon, Michael Duarte,
Craig Dutra, James Hartnett, Robert Medeiros, Joseph Pacheco, Caroline Pontes, Co-Chair Tracy Priestner, Kevin Rioux, John Tunney, Sue Ubiera, Antonio Viveiros, Dan Tavares from Daedalus and CGA, Johnathan Levi from Jonathan Levi Architects LLC.
Absent: Michelle Duarte, Thomas Gastall, Timothy King, Warren Messier, Cheryl Tutalo, Antone Vieira, Adam Charest (WMS Student).
I. Call to Order — Chair Dianne Baron called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Il. Action Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes of Wednesday, March 2, 2016 — B. Approval of Minutes of Wednesday, March 16, 2016 —
A motion was made to accept the minutes of March 2, 2016 and March 16, 2016.
Motion by Craig Dutra, seconded by Co-Chair Tracy Priestner, all were in favor
Ill. Informational Agenda
A. Update on April 5 Visit to MSBA — Co-Chair Tracy Priestner updated the group on their trip to Boston. Several members from the SBC along with Carolyn Pontes, and 3 students who will be directly impacted by a future building project attended the meeting. Mr. Levi from Jonathan Levi Architects is a Westport resident and was significantly better than the others in presenting his proposal. The students had a personal connection and the quality of the presentation left the students "wowed". A picture has been placed on the school website. It was a fascinating day with very engaging proposals presented. Out of the three remaining firms the final tallies were as follows:
Jonathan Levi Architects LLC37 Dore & Whittier Architects, Inc. 24
Tappe Associates, Inc.17
Mr. Jonathan Levi was introduced to the group. He informed everyone that he has been in Westport since 1966 and loves the community. He wants to contribute to be a part of the solution and do as much as he can for Westport. Chair Baron will be placing information and pictures on the school website of the schools Mr. Levi has been working on such as the Dearborn School in Boston, Roger Wellington School in Belmont, and Weston School. Dr. Dargon mentioned the project is now "full force ahead". Mr. Viveiros mentioned that a big decision was made with everything falling into place with Mr. Levi doing a very impressive presentation. Sue Ubiera said this was a wonderful oppoffunity to be able to participate and welcomed Mr. Levi aboard.
Update - Mr. Tavares has begun the process of contract negotiations and hopes to get everything underway in a week or two. Mr. Levi has already identified their consultants. A kick off meeting will be hosted once the contract is executed. Mr. Tavares distributed a visual timeline for the feasibility study broken down by modules.
- Module 2: Forming the Protect Team
- Module 3: Feasibility Study - Preliminary Design Program (PDP) identifying options and alternatives. May need adjustment. Process driven with deadlines and Board votes to take place.
- Module 3: Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) Module 4: Schematic Design
- Module 5: Funding the Project 120 days to approve local funding for the project.
Chair Baron asked if the vote in September would be on 3 choices? Mr. Tavares said there could be various options. Mr. Levi will be tasked with the options and with the price tags to assist in the decision-making.
Chair Baron asked how will cost estimates for alternatives be determined? Mr. Tavares responded that these will be based on real data and will include many factors for criteria. All concerns will be addressed. Mr. Levi will put costs forward and so will Daedalus based on the expertise of their solid team.
Craig Dutra asked who would make the selection? Mr. Tavares responded that the SBC (this group) would be the ones to select. This committee makes recommendations then goes to the MSBA who will have comments and do the reviewing. Mr. Dutra recommended that it is good to have a consensus among leadership in the community.
Chair Baron asked if the Local vote to approve the Preliminmy Design Program (PDP) in September 2016 was this group the SBC? Mr. Tavares responded yes.
Mr. Dutra said with Town Meeting in May 2017 you have 90 days for a debt exclusion.
Chair Baron asked Mr. Dutra if Town Meeting is always at beginning of May? Mr. Dutra replied in the past there have been meetings later in May. Mr. Dutra recommends running a campaign to target Town Meeting and the ballot issue. He feels that the language is more important than the dollar amount.
Mr. Levi said the mission of the MSBA is to get the project built and that staff is key. He went on to say that Mr. Tavares has a great relationship with the MSBA Board. Since the MSBA meets every other month there will be a need to plan carefully. Mr. Levi said the towns like to see a commitment from the MSBA done previously before a Town Meeting.
Dr. Dargon reported that the MSBA took the grade 7-12 option off the table.
Invoices- Mr. Tavares mentioned Daedalus has submitted an invoice of $10,000 for March services. Mr. Tunney said it would be helpful to outline what is received and what is outstanding. Mr. Tavares will talk to Daedalus since they do all the formatting.
Discussion on the budget and reimbursement took place. Chair Baron mentioned at this time no reimbursements have been received from the MSBA (46.79%). Mr. Tavares said that some items might not receive 100% approval by MSBA. Chair Baron stated the budget of $700,000 comes from free cash for project. Only 54% of that total will be spent. At the end of the feasibility study reimbursement will come from the MSBA. Mr. Tavares mentioned there would be a line item budget that sits on top of the budget for $700,000. Chair Baron said the storage and administration offices are not reimbursed. Mr. Tavares will keep track of all items. Mr. Tavares mentioned that the MSBA has caps on site works, furniture, technology and $1 ,200 per student. Towns may spend what they want but MSBA will only allow $1,200 per student. Mr. Tavares said in 1 stphase most is reimbursable including designer and OPM fees. Mr. Levi mentioned that the current MSBA process of reimbursements is a monthly process and is very timely now.
Mr. Tavares explained that this would be a process with key milestones with all parties staying on task. Impact analysis will be the Town's decision. Dan recommended being transparent with the project. His firm's job is to help get the project done. Maintaining good community engagement is key. Mr. Levi shared the importance of not just providing infonnation but also showing "tangible involvement" in gathering community support to help them own the project and become advocates of the project.
Dr. Dargon announced the April 12 Teacher Training Day will have David Stevens Educational Coordinator and Planner speaking from 8-9 a.m. in the auditorium. Educational visioning will take place and will include what is the vision of school, PBIS advisory, anti bullying, and visionary planning from 8 am. — 12. Mr. Levi informed the group that David Stevens is a national leader in 21 stCentury learning. Mr. Stevens created High-Tech High School in
California, an open admission school that showed amazing results in student success and testing as well as a high graduation rate of college graduates. Dianne Baron and Tracy Priestner will show a PowerPoint Presentation from 9: 15-10:30 am..
Contest - Dr. Dargon and Antonio Viveiros began a contest for Pre-K- Gr. 6 called "My Ideal School " that will run now through April 29. Children are asked to draw a picture (8 xl 1) of what they think their ideal school will look like and in no more than 60 words write 3 things they think is important about their ideal school.
Meetings -
•Next SBC Meeting will take place on May 18th not on May 17 as listed on the OPM progress report.
•Chair Baron announced a Steering Committee meeting will be held on April 18 that 5:00
B.Subcommittee Action Plans- The PR and Communications Committee will meet next week April 14 at 6:00 p.m.
C.Public Relations Campaign- Dianne Baron mentioned the need to set up a bank account. Funds would be used for having refreshments when holding meetings. It was decided for now to purchase items needed and board members will pass the hat to cover any costs for refreshments. Mrs. Baron will speak to others on how they handle this.
Model Schools - Dan Tavares was asked to explain the model school program status. Jess who is the Project Coordinator at MSBA is still in the process of visiting and evaluating candidates for a model school. Chair Baron noted if Westport made the decision to go forward with a model school Jonathan Levi would not be the architect for the project since they do not work on model schools.
IV.Comments and Statements from the Public/Citizen's Participation- There were none at this time.
V.Adjourn A motion was made to adjourn.
Motion by Co-Chair Tracy Priestner, seconded by Antonio Viveiros
The School Building Committee Meeting ended at 7:30 p.m.