Instant Apps Employer User Guide
Getting Started
Your broker will set up your organization with anEmployer Login.The system automatically assigns a user ID with the default password as the word “password”. When first logging in, you will be required to enter the user ID assigned to you and this initial password. /
After you first log in or ifyour password
has been reset, you will have the opportunity to assign a new password. This section also requires personal identifiers such as “In What City Were You Born?” to aid users if they forget their login information. / .
After changing the password, the user is asked to log in again using their new credentials. /
Managing Employees
Active Employers who successfully log in will be brought to the Employee Manager.Employers have the ability to edit existing Employee information, as well as add and remove employees. Adding Employee data can be done manually (one-by-one), or added using the Census Upload feature, which adds data for Employees all at once. /
To add a new Employee, click on the “Add Employee” button on the screen, or use the Census Upload feature.
To edit any Employee, simply click on the corresponding “Edit” link as displayed.
To view or print a specific Employee form, click the corresponding “Forms” link, as described in the “Managing Employee Forms” section.
The Census Upload Feature
Instead of adding Employees one by one, a user can add multiple Employees from a spreadsheet using the Census Upload feature. / To ensure the proper information is inserted in the appropriate fields, the system provides an example spreadsheet to be used as a template for the information and format needed. The user clicks the “Example” link, which is then saved and used to input Employee data.
To upload your spreadsheet, click on the “Browse” button and select the spreadsheet with the Employee data. Click on the “Upload” button to add the information from the spreadsheet to the Employee Manager. The Employees are added all at once and displayed immediately.
Managing Employee Forms
To view or print forms for a specific Employee, click the “Forms” link corresponding to the Employee record in the Employee Manager. /This screen will display only the forms that have been previously added to “Queue” by your Broker. If no forms have yet been added to “Queue” for your group, it will display no forms. Contact your Broker to request the forms you wish to use. Your forms library can contain carrier enrollment forms, claim forms, change forms, and standard new hire forms such as W4, 1-9, and release forms. You may also provide your broker with specialized employer forms including non-compete or policy forms (be sure to ask your broker if about any additional costs associated with custom forms).
To view or print the Employee’s forms, click the corresponding “Forms” link beside the selected Employee record, select the desired form and click the “Print Selected” button. To print all the forms within your collection, click the “Print All” button.