Rubric for Creative Projects: “Oblique Structures” Therapy Deck Name: ______

Criteria/Points / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Format / The project follows
the format to an
outstanding degree. / The project follows
the format to a
satisfactory degree. / The project follows
the format. / The project follows
the format to a slight
degree. / The project does
not follow the format.
Insight / The project shows
superior insight into
the work’s theme of stress or anxiety relief. / The project shows
good insight into
the work’s theme of stress or anxiety relief. / The project shows
decent insight into
the work’s theme of stress or anxiety relief. / The project shows
limited insight into
the work’s theme of stress or anxiety relief. / The project shows
No insight into
the work’s theme of stress or anxiety relief.
Creativity / The project shows
excellent creativity in design. / The project shows
average creativity in
design. / The project shows
Moderate creativity in design. / The project shows
little creativity in
design. / The project shows
very poor or no creativity in
Written / Has more than minimum number of aphorisms of superior quality
Little to no grammatical /
mechanical errors. / Has minimum number of aphorisms of strong quality
Few grammatical/
mechanical errors. / Has close to or minimum number of aphorisms of mixed quality
Several grammatical / mechanical errors. / Has less than minimum number of aphorisms of low quality
Many grammatical /
mechanical errors. / Has less than minimum number of aphorisms of extremely poor quality or off-topic
Excessive grammatical / mechanical errors.
Work as a Whole/Effort / Project exceeds
Superior effort is
recognized. / Project meets
Average effort is
recognized. / Project barely
meets expectations.
Substandard effort is
recognized. / Project does not
meet expectations.
Little effort is
recognized. / Project does not
meet expectations.
No effort is

Adapted from Rubric at

Points ______x ______= ______/ ______%