Application form can be completed and saved in Word, and emailed back to us at

Student Name / Age
Instrument(s) / Years learning
Parent’s Name
Parents mobile phn#
Parents Email
Have you participated in the Bondi Wave Youth Bands course before? / Yes No
If yes, which year(s)?
Do you wish to be grouped with particular band members? / Yes No
If yes, please name
(Please note, all applicants still need to complete their own application form in order to be considered)
Please tick ALL possible options for rehearsals (4:30pm-6:30pm, ages 10-12 & 6:30pm-8:30pm, ages13-16):
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Image release approval. By ticking this box you allow Waverley Council to use images of students participating in The Wave for Waverley Council Promotional material and the Wave 2013 promotional facebook page.


  • If you have NOT participated in the Bondi Wave Youth Bands, you will be required to attend a short audition. Auditions will be held on Thursday 1st May, between 4pm – 7pmin music studio 1 @ Bondi Pavilion. You will be allocated a specific audition time after submittingyour application.
  • You will be notified by Thursday 8th May,about the band you are in and your weekly rehearsal time.
  • The course will be running from Monday 12th May – Saturday2ndAugust2013(10 weeks). You MUSTattend your weekly rehearsals during this period. The course will break for the school holidays
  • You MUST be available for the following dates:

Friday 1stAugust from 6pm-8pm(evening dress rehearsal @ Bondi pavilion)

Saturday 2ndAugustfrom 6-9pm (evening showcase concert @ Bondi pavilion)

  • Recording sessions will take place from Monday 4thAugust – Friday 8thAugust 2013 and will take place in each bands usual 2hr time slot.
  • Course registration fee is$295.00/studentand includes10 weeks of tuition and song writing sessions, a performance and a 2hr recording sessions with a professional sound engineer, and a fully mixed copy of the recordings. Payment MUST be made at the Pavilion prior to the commencement of the course. Payment by credit card over the phone on 02 8362 3400 is the preferred option or by cash at the Bondi Pavilion cultural Services Office (see how to pay form attached) payments will only be open from Tuesday 6th May.

PRIVACY: The personal information supplied on this form is required in order to provide the service requested. It will be used by Council staff and stored in our record system for only as long as necessary. During this time it can be accessed and amended by you. We will only give your information to a third party with your consent or if we are required to do so by legislation.