SEN Inclusion Fund (SENIF) Request Form

Child’s details
Child’s Legal Name / DoB
Main area of need / Date of admission
Parent/Carer name / Parent/Carer Phone number
Parent/Carer address
E-mail address
Child in Care (CiC)?(please circle) / Yes / No / If CiC, which Local Authority has responsibility for the child? Leave blank if Kent
Child’s eligibility for Early Education Entitlement
Eligible for(please circle) / Not Eligible / Free for 2 Funding /
15 Hours / 30 Hours / Eligibility Number (extended entitlement only):
Extended entitlement applicant national insurance number / Primary School expected date of entry
Your Setting’s details
Setting Name
Ofsted URN / District:
Setting Latest Ofsted Judgement (please circle): / Outstanding Good RI Inadequate / Date of Judgement:
Your setting contact address
Your setting contact email address
Your setting phone number
Is your setting registered to take Free for Two? / Yes / No
Other Setting(s) details
Name of Childminder, if attending / Hours attended (per week)
Details of second PVI setting,
if attending two / Hours attended (per week)
Has a Specialist Nursery Observation and Assessment place been requested? (please circle) / Yes – Requested Yes – Placement agreed No
If you have answered yes to the above question please answer the following three questions otherwise leave blank
  1. Specialist Observation and Assessment Nursery name

  1. Start date/expected start date at Specialist Observation and Assessment Nursery

  1. How many hours per week attended at the Specialist Observation and Assessment Nursery?

Child’s Attendance, Needs and Support
CurrentAttendance Pattern – (please enter number of hours per session)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
If a child’s attendance changes please resubmit this request form with the new attendance pattern updated above and indicate date pattern changed here:
Child’s current needsplease provide a pen picture for each need listed below to support the judgements made below. Please also detail how SENIF would be used in each area to support the child in relation to Personalised/Individualised Interventions and Targeted Group Work.
Any formal diagnoses and/or other relevant evidence can be recorded at the end of this section
Frequency – (Please circle) / Child’s Needs
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / has significant difficulties parting from carer
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / has difficulties engaging in play activities independently
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / struggles to manage own personal care needs independently
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / struggles to choose activities independently
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / has difficulties following instructions in a small group
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / difficult for adults to understand child’s speech/communication method
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / struggles to feed independently
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / demonstrates repetitive play skills
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / struggles with transitions
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / Requires additional visual or verbal cues to support understanding
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Never Sometimes Frequently Always / struggles to understand danger awareness
The above frequency has been selected because:
SENIF would be used to support the child with this area of difficulty by:
Please indicate any formal diagnosis or other relevant information to support your request for SENIF here:
Essential information in the last 12 months
Pre-LIFT contact with E&I Team(Please circle): Phone Call Visit / Date of last contact:
Previously discussed at EY LIFT(Please circle):
Yes No Portage involvement N/A-Direct Sensory Involvement / Date of meeting:
If Portage involvement, has a joint home visit taken place? (please circle) / Yes No Not known to Portage
If Portage involvement, has setting taken case to LIFT to access STLS support?(please circle) / Yes No Not known to Portage
Initial visit from STLS: / Date of last visit:
Jointly agreed outcomes with STLS/Portage and Parent/Carer (as per STLS/Portage reports)
SettingTraining RecordCourses must have been attended by current staff members within the last 3 years
Training course attended / Please tick / Date attended
Universal Training/Centrally Funded
Prime Importance of Communication & Language (PICL) / ☐
SENCo training / ☐
Targeted Training
Targeted level language training / ☐
Best Practice Guidance training / ☐
Assessment in the Early Years / ☐
Specialised Training
Autism awareness for Early Years / ☐
Down Syndrome / ☐
Early Years social, emotional and mental wellbeing / ☐
Risk assessments and care plans / ☐
Portage training / ☐
Sensory training / ☐
Speech day workshop (SaLT) / ☐
Supporting 2year olds with complex needs / ☐
Other (please supply details):
Other Funding Streams
Is the family in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for this child?
(please circle) / Yes / No
Is your setting in receipt of Disability Access Fund (DAF) for this child?(please circle) / Yes No Parent nominated alternative setting
How do you utilise this funding?
Is the setting in receipt of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) funding for this child?(please circle) / Yes / No
How do you utilise this funding?
Is the family in receipt of funding through a Continuing Healthcare Plan? / Yes / No
Other Agency Involvement
Please indicate other agency involvement (please tick all relevant professionals)
Additional reports may be required for clarification of need and support.
☐ / Paediatrician / ☐ / Occupational Therapy (OT)
☐ / Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) / ☐ / Physiotherapy
☐ / Social Worker / ☐ / Early Help Notification made
☐ / NHS Children’s Care Coordination Team (previously Early Support) / ☐ / Portage(please circle)
on waiting list current(visits or groups) discharged
Name of STLS Teacher
Name of Portage Practitioner (if applicable)
Has parental agreement been sought? (please tick applicable) / Date agreement given
 I confirm parental agreement has been sought to submit this application
 Parental agreement has not been given to submit this application
  • It is the responsibility of the setting to hold the agreement to engage from the PCi2 part of the EY LIFT Referral form or Portage referral form.

  • It is the responsibility of parents to arrange and provide transport for their child to any pre-school setting including specialist observation and assessment placements.

Name of setting representative completing the form
Role at the setting

Please send securely to the County SEN Inclusion Fund Officer at and copy to your Specialist Teacher or Portage depending on who this child is known to.

Please also ensure you include the following pre-existing mandatory evidence

Completed SEN Inclusion Fund Request Form
Reviewed Personalised Plan(s)
Current Personalised Plan
Relevant Best Practice Guidance (BPG) Audit Tool(s) including Specialised/Individualised*
*Sensory Service Record of Visit (for children with HI/VI instead of BPG)
*Portage Profile (for children not yet attending a PVI/Maintained Setting instead of BPG)

If you are unable to send securely via email please post recorded delivery to County SEN Inclusion Fund Officer, Special Educational Needs, Kent County Council, Kroner House, Eurogate Business Park, Ashford, Kent. TN24 8XU

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