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Today’s Date

Henry M. Greenberg, President

AARP - Maryland

200 St. Paul St. Suite #2510

Baltimore, MD 21202

Dear Mr. Greenberg:

I am a member of AARP and would like to express my concerns about the smart meters that are being installed in the service territories of BGE, Pepco, Delmarva Power & Light and SMECO.

These meters are supposed to help us manage our electricity usage and save both money and energy. While I am certainly in favor of both of those goals, studies have proven that these meters will not save either energy or money. Instead we will end up paying higher bills when the costs of this $2 billion project are built into the rate base. In addition, these meters will fill our homes with harmful radiation that can exacerbate a whole range of health conditions, interfere with medical devices, damage our appliances and even cause fires.

Smart meters also constitute a serious invasion of our privacy because of the wireless two-way communication capability and ease of hacking. Some of the most intimate details of our lives will be on display for anyone working for my utility, anyone working for the contractor who prepares my utility bills, and anyone hacking into the system. To make matters worse, there is nothing stopping my utility from selling my data to third party marketing companies as is already being done in California.

On February 26th, the Public Service Commission (PSC) agreed to allow Maryland ratepayers to opt out of the smart meter program, but the PSC can always rescind the opt out. The only way to make sure we can opt out from having one of these devices put on our dwellings is with legislation. Moreover, the PSC order allows utilities to impose significant fees on opt out customers. These fees are in addition to the cost of the smart meter program which opt-out ratepayers will end up paying through rate increases. The fees undermine the ability of many of my fellow retirees to choose not to have a smart meter. Finally, the PSC order did not address privacy protection in any way.

It is anticipated that there will be legislation introduced in January that will address the right to opt out, the unfair fees, and the privacy issue. I therefore urge AARP to support this legislation when it gets introduced. Thank you for your time and consideration.
