Declaration of authorship

I, [please print name]

declare that this thesis and the work presented in it are my own and have been generated by me as the result of my own original research.

[title of thesis] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


I confirm that:

  1. No part of this thesis has previously been submitted by me for a degree or any other qualification at this University or at any other institution;
  1. Where I have consulted the published or unpublished work of others, this is always clearly attributed, with an accurate and complete reference;
  1. Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work;
  1. I have acknowledged all main sources of help and funding;
  1. Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself;
  1. ☐None of this work has been published before submission. OR

☐Parts of this work have been published as: [please list references below]:



Copyright and consent for distribution

☐I renounce hereby any copyright and declare that this thesis may be made available to third parties, without restrictions, including online publication.(this option will effectively "publish" your thesis; you may choose it only if you do own the copyright to your thesis in full)

OR☐Copyright belongs to...... (case of third-party funding or of student employed by LMU)

OR☐I retain the copyright, and this thesis may be made available to third parties only by obtaining my permission first.

OR☐This thesis may not be made available to third parties, because it contains proprietary data for which I do not have permission for distribution. (case when permission from the owner of the data would be needed before anyone other than the author may even look at the thesis)




Fill in all fields, choose appropriate checkbox (one only) where different options are offered ("OR"), and then delete all text in red.

Consent for distribution: thesis work funded by third parties falls under the copyright rules of the funding source. External funding includes being paid as a HiWiby LMU for carrying out thesis work ("student is employed by LMU"). In general, work funded through public funds (e.g. research grants) may require publication, whereas work based on proprietary data may carry a requirement of non-publication.

The only clear-cut case in which you have full copyright, without questions, is when (1) no research grant funded any part of the work, (2) you never received a salary from LMU for any work related to your thesis, (3) none of the data included in the thesis carries restrictions by third parties.

Please consult with your advisor/s before filling in the copyright portion of this page.

Further information on thesis copyrights at LMU (German only) may be found here: