Tudor Court Script

First Case

Judge- We have found the following man/woman guilty of the horrible crime of stealing a loaf of bread from Mr. Smith’s bakers shop in the High Street. How do you plead, guilty or not guilty?

Man/ Woman-Guilty/ not guilty

Judge- Well it doesn’t really matter what you say, there’s no justice here, just us! I find you guilty for this horrific crime for which I will sentence you to the maximum punishment which will be a public whipping. You will be chained to the post in the town centre at three o clock tomorrow where you will receive ten lashes. Next case please!

Second case

Judge- We have found the following woman guilty of the disgusting crime of witchcraft. This is one of the most serious crimes possible in our times. You were seen by Mr. Proctor on the hill at night dancing round a fire and casting spells. How do you plead, guilty or not guilty?

Judge-Well it doesn’t really matter, Mr. Proctor’s word is stronger than yours, and so, you leave me with no choice but to sentence you to the ducking stool. You will be strapped to this chair and placed under water, if you float, you were most certainly a witch, if you sink, well you were innocent, but you will die anyway!

Good day to you, next!

Third Case

Judge- We have found the following man/woman guilty of the terrible crime of being drunk in public. You were seen by Miss. Percy falling over in a puddle yesterday. What have you to say for yourself?

Man/Woman- Well I….

Judge-I’m not interested in your excuses; this is a most serious crime indeed! And this is not your first time!

You will be put into the ‘drunkard’s cloak’, a large barrel which you will wear on yourself as people in the town, laugh, jeer and throw things at you. I hope that this will be embarrassing enough for you not to do it again, have a nice day, and do NOT come again!