Computer Security and Viruses

What is a virus?

Not unlike a virus in nature, a computer virus is a piece of code (a program) that replicates by being copied or it initiates its copying to another program, computer boot sector or document.

¨  Can be transmitted as e-mail attachments, in a download file or be present on diskette.

¨  Some are immediate in the harm they do

¨  Some lie dormant until they are initiated by circumstance or time

¨  Often increase their chance of spreading by infecting files that are accessed by multiple computers on a networked system

Harmful viruses can erase data, cause a hard drive to fail (require reformatting), yet some can be playful with no ill intent.

Types of Viruses

File infectors

¨  Attach themselves to program files usually aimed at .com or .exe files

¨  Loading the file loads the virus

¨  Some arrive as independent programs or scripts attached to e-mail

System or boot-record infectors

¨  Infect executable code found on system areas of the disk or hard drive.

¨  Attached to the boot sector on a disk they are undetectable until you reboot the computer, and can make the computer inaccessible

Macro viruses

¨  Most common and causes the least damage

¨  Often insert unwanted words and phrases into documents


¨  Know your sources are clean,

o  avoid sites that show they have had “previous problems” look at site advisor notices

o  only open email from sources you know

¨  Run anti-virus software

o  Can be configured to scan emails prior to them getting in your “inbox”

o  Searches hard drive and floppy disks for potential threats

o  e.g. Of free software AVG, Avast, Avira and Kaspersky

So, where are the Trojans, worms, spyware, dishonest adware etc??


¨  malicious software – any software that executes a process without a users consent

o  designed to disrupt computer operation

o  collect sensitive information

o  gain unauthorized access to a system

Types of Malware


¨  self-replicating computer program

¨  uses the network to send itself to other computers

¨  does not attach to an existing program

¨  usually cause harm to a network (even if only taking up bandwidth)

Trojan horse

¨  usually make copies of themselves (but not usually), steal information, or harm the host computer

¨  they appear as helpful programs

¨  downloaded by “Drive-by downloads” (download authorized by a unknowing user)

¨  worst one is a program that claims to get rid of viruses, but actually introduces them to the computer


¨  collects information about a user from the computer (personal info, internet surfing habits)

¨  hidden from user and hard to detect

¨  can be used to monitor a networks activity


¨  software package which automatically allows for advertisement (often pop-ups)

¨  can be spyware


¨  Stealthy software designed to hide certain programs from detection.

¨  Enables continued privileged access to a computer (as “root” or administrator of the system)


¨  If you suspect malware us an anti-malware application (e.g. Malwarebytes, Spyware Doctor, Spybot S&D, SuperAntiSpyware)

¨  Make sure you have anti-virus software that includes malware as well


¨  A firewall is a program or a hardware device that can be used to help protect a network from hackers who might try to break in and gain access to your data.

¨  The firewall filters the information coming through the Internet connection into your personal computer or into a company's network.

¨  It is set up to allow mainly one way access

o  Your data can get out but only that which has been given permission can get back in

o  Data that cannot get in has been “blocked”

¨  Anyone who has access to the internet should have a firewall installed.

Computer Maintenance and Security

¨  use a security software with a firewall

o  (Norton’s, McAfee, other free anti-virus etc)

¨  Password protect wireless networks

¨  log in as a user not as an administrator (protects OS)

¨  Maintain security updates

o  Patches, hot fixes and service packs

o  Only 21% are technically fixes, most are software upgrades but improves functionality of system and of hardware drivers

¨  Don’t click on random links

¨  Beware of e-mail attachments from unknown sources

¨  Don’t propagate chain mail or virus hoaxes (mail that tells you to delete OS system files because they are viruses)

¨  Be careful of software you download from internet

¨  Restrict remote access

¨  Backup important files and documents

o  in case of intrusion

o  software failure

To maintain your system:

¨  Use “Add or Remove programs” from the Control Panel when removing unused applications

o  Removes information from your system registry (database that holds configuration information about your Windows operating system)

¨  Defragment your hard drive occasionally (Disk Defragmenter)

o  Places all fragments of a program together

§  increase available space on the hard drive

§  increases the efficiency and performance of the computer

¨  Keep system cool and clean

¨  Unplug the system before touching anything inside

o  Also ground yourself and the system as well.