Mail should be addressed to: Parents Mother Father Other (specify)______

(We will communicate via email whenever possible.)

Father/Guardian Last Name______First Name______Cell______

Address______City______State_____ Zip______

Home Phone______Email______

Mother/Guardian Last Name______First Name______Cell______

Address______City______State_____ Zip______

Home Phone______Email______

Youth lives with ______

Catholic?  Yes No Registered Holy Spirit Parishioner?  Yes No Attend Another Church(specify)______

Sacraments Received YesNoIn Need OfDatePlace


Reconciliation (Confession)____/____/______

Holy Eucharist (Communion)____/____/______


Youth in the Archdiocese of Mobile get Confirmed in the 11th grade. Confirmation Preparation is a two-year process for those in the 9th and 10th grades. Please mark “In Need Of” if you have a child who is in 9th or 10th grade OR if you have a child in 11th or 12th grade who has not yet received Confirmation, but you’d like them. We will contact you with more information. Or contact Charity Firestone in the Office of Faith Formation at or 334-277-1989.

Liability Waiver

(To be filled out by parent/guardian of a youth under 19 years of age. If youth participant is 19 or older, consent must be signed by the individual.)

I ______, as the parent or guardian for

(Parent’s Name)

______, a minor child who is in my

(Child’s Name)

care and custody, release and hold harmless and defend the Archdiocese of Mobile, Holy Spirit Parish (its pastors, youth directors, other employees and agents, etc.) or are representatives associated with any ongoing scheduled activities from all damages, claims, suits, expenses, and payments for injury to my child and/or property, including all damages, claims, suits, expenses and payments resulting from negligence of the Archdiocese of Mobile, Holy Spirit Parish, and/or their officers, directors and employees. This liability waiver is effective from August 30th, 2017 to August 30th, 2018.


Return completed forms to Justin Castanza at Youth Group or Mail to: Holy Spirit Parish 8570 Vaugh Road, Montgomery, AL 36117