Patricia Anne Masters

Curriculum Vita

Office Address: Home Address:

Department of Sociology and Anthropology 1509 Hiddenbrook Drive

George Mason University Herndon, Virginia 20170

4400 University Drive (703) 4715691/(703) 4719830

Fairfax, Virginia 22030

(703) 9931432



19931998: American University, Washington, D.C.

Ph.D. in Sociology awarded December 1998

Dissertation title: "The Philadelphia Mummers Parade: A Sociological Study of Play and


This dissertation explored the broad question of how communities form and

persist, examining the ways in which humans define and engage in play, the many

ways in which play enriches the lives of individuals and communities, the

processes by which competitive play generates normative and symbolic culture,

and the outcomes of play for the community writ large. The Mummers Parade is a

100yearold folk parade, sociologically significant because of its effect on the

ethnic neighborhoods where it was born and is based. Multiple methods were

used in the research, including extended life history interviews, participant

observation, historical research, and content analysis, producing a 400page

ethnographic case study focusing of the three themes of family, tradition, and


19901993: American University, Washington, D. C.

M.A., Sociology, awarded December 1993

Areas of specialization: Gender and Family (with Distinction), Stratificationand

Social Inequality, Sociological Methods, and Theory

19841990: George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

B.A., Sociology (with High Distinction)

19741980: Northern Virginia Community College, Sterling, Virginia (Loudoun Campus)

A.A.S., General Studies, Magna cum laude

Teaching Experience

Term Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology

and Anthropology, George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia, 1993 to present

(Note: Initially this appointment was as a Lecturer, then became Assistant Visiting Professor, and presently is Term Associate Professor)

Courses Taught:

Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 101)

Sociology of Delinquency (SOCI 302)

Marriage, Families and Intimate Life (SOCI 309)

Sociology of Deviance (SOCI 310)

Classical Sociological Theory (SOCI 311)

Youth Culture and Society (SOCI 360)

Graduate Seminar on Criminology (SOCI 607)

Graduate Seminar on Juvenile Delinquency (SOCI 608)

Graduate Seminar on Qualitative Methodology (SOCI 634)

The Socially Constructed World (NCLC 130)

Courses Developed:

Qualitative Methods (Undergraduate)

Previous Teaching:

Academic Year 1991. and 1992: American University, Department of Sociology, Instructor

Academic Year 1990: American University, Department of Sociology, Graduate Teaching

Assistant to Ken Kusturer, Ph.D.

Administrative Experience

Director of the Sociology Undergraduate Program, AY 2006-present

Internship Coordinator, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, AY 2004, 2005. 2006, 2007, 2008 (This is part of SOCI 416 and SOCI 516)

Undergraduate Coordinator, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, a program based in the Sociology and Anthropology Department, AY 2004, 2005, 2006.

Professional Meeting Presentations

“Something Old, Something New: Play Theories in Sociology,” Paper presented to the session on Bringing intro Dialogue Divergent Perspectives about Culture, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, August 2008.

“The Importance of Play for Communities and Individuals,” Paper presented to the 61st Annual Conference of the Virginia Social Science Association, at Virginia Military Institute, April 5, 2008.

“From Play to Play Community: The Emergence of the Philadelphia Mummers in the Nineteenth Century.” Presented to the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, August 14, 2007.

“A White Ethnic Parade? The Philadelphia Mummers and the Challenge of Diversity.” Presented to the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 16, 2007.

“The Philadelphia Mummers: Forms of Play.” Presented to the International Play Association-USA/Canada and The Association for the Study of Play, 2007 Annual Conference. Rochester, New York, April 27, 2007.

"Qualitative Research and Its Application to Studying the Play Community." Invited

Lecture presented to the American University Sociology Department's Annual

Lecture Series, Washington, D.C., October 19, 1998

"Coming Together to Play: The Philadelphia Mummers Parade and Multiculturalism."

Paper presented to the Annul Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society,

Philadelphia, March 25, 1998

"The Philadelphia Mummers: Playing on Broad Street." Paper presented to the 1995

Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

April 1, 1995

"Gender Differences in Constructing Moral Judgments: Views on Homosexuality." Paper

presented at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston

Massachusetts, March 26, 1993.

"The Alcoholism Movement and the Redefinition of Alcoholism from Criminal

Prohibition to Public Health Paradigm." Paper presented at the International

Conference on Academic Knowledge and Political Power, University of Maryland,

College Park, November 22, 1992.

ReconceptuaIizing Alcoholism: The Emergence of the Disease Paradigm." Paper

presented at the Graduate Study Research Conference, American University,


“Harriett Martineau,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Race,Ethnicity, and Nationalism, John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, Anthony Smith, and Xioshuo Hou, eds. New York: Blackwell 2015.

“Eliott Liebow,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Race,Ethnicity, and Nationalism, John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, Anthony Smith, and Xioshuo Hou, eds. (New York: Blackwell 2015)

The Philadelphia Mummers: Building Community through Play. Temple University Press, Philadelphia, published May 2007. “

Play Theory, Playing and Culture,” Sociology Compass 2 (2008).

"Humanizing Language," The American Biology Teacher, May 1976.

Interviews and Appearances

Interview with the Northeast Times, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 19, 2007

Interview with Ken Hilicher, “Book Chat,” UMGA-TV, Upper Merion, Pennsylvania, August 8, 2007.

Presentation at Philadelphia Free Library on The Philadelphia Mummers: Building Community through Play,” Wednesday, February 20, 2008.

Awards and Honors

Recipient of the Irene B. Trauber Graduate Student Paper Award, presented by the

District of Columbia Sociological Society, for "Rituals in the Play Community, May


Alternate for the 1996 Dissertation Fellowship, Department of Sociology,

American University, Washington, D.C.

Graduate Assistantship for Academic Years 1990, 1991, and 1992,

Department of Sociology, American University, Washington, D. C.

Outstanding Sociology Graduate for Academic Year 198990, George Mason University,

Fairfax, Virginia

Consulting Experience

19961998, Consultant to the Mummers Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Oral

History Project, underwritten by a grant from the State of Pennsylvania.

Freelance publications consultant to clients in the Washington Metropolitan Area,

including the Overseas Development Council, the Urban Institute, the Woodrow

Wilson International Center for Scholars of the Smithsonian Institution,

Computer Science Press, the Institute for International Economics, the National

Association of Sales Training Executives, InterAmerican Research

Associates/Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition.

Other Work Experience

19781984: Editing and Publications work with trade and professional associations in

Northern Virginia

Professional Memberships

Eastern Sociological Society

American Sociological Association

The Association for the Study of Play

References available on request