Councillors Present: Dave Broadway (chair), Chris Pointon, Judith Green, Russell Cox

Visitors: Tom Killen, Harvey Siggs

Visitors welcomed to the meeting.

Harvey Siggs

  1. HS is the Human Resources Portfolio Holder in the new SCC. Central Government grants to SCC are likely to be reduced by 20-35% over the next few years and hence funding will be very tight, especially with additional strains on SCC services. This would affect Councillor’s discretionally funds for PCC sponsored projects. In regard to Litton, HS noted the large grant made last year for improvements to the Village Hall.
  2. CP asked HS about the Council Tax and if it would be increased. HS said there were no plans for increasing the charges for Council Tax this year.
  3. HS indicated that SCC Highways would have funds for necessary repairs to roads, pot-holes etc.

Tom Killen

  1. The Moorlands site. This has now been offered to MDC, but given the current economic situation MDC is taking a cautious and measured approach to redefining the development strategy for the site.
  2. Parking. MDC are implementing measures to increase the efficiency of management of car parks.
  3. Travellers. TK informed the PC of a parish forum meeting, taking place at MDC next month when the issue of travellers would be on the agenda. He hoped that as many Parish Councillors as possible would attend.
  4. MDC are also dedicating a page on their website to PCC information, with the idea that it will be an informative and easy way for Parish Councillors to access information.

Apologies: David Fry, Marion Dodson

Minutes Last Meeting

Approved and signed by DB (Chair)

Matters Arising

  1. Cooking smells coming from The Kings Arms. CP said he’d spoken to the landlord about this in an informal way and was told by the landlord that he’d received no complaints regarding any smells, but he had no wish to cause offence to neighbours. The landlord asked that if people had issues, they should bring these directly to his attention and he would do his best to find a satisfactory solution.
  2. The PC has no registered common land after investigation by JG

Declaration of Interest



RC asked if there had been any objection to the planning application from the last meeting, (Lilac Cottage, Litton) The Clerk said no and that nothing has been received to date yet from MDC regarding their decision.


  1. Carry forward paint claim by DF for notice board for next meeting.
  2. Meeting taking place on 08.09.09 regarding new windows for village hall. CP said the main purpose of the meeting was to get people’s views on the design of the replacement windows. Two designs had been proposed, both on a like-for-like basis. The VH Committee’s preferred design had rectangular panes, emphasising the vertical dimension. The meeting would also provide people with an opportunity to discuss with the Committee the priorities for further maintenance and restoration of the VH. The meeting would be attended by the Conservation Officer and an expert in condensation / ventilation.
  3. Village Hall Kitchen. The kitchen re-fit is seen as first priority, enabling the hall to continue to be used for functions where food is served. A grant of approx £1000.00 had been secured from MDC, RC thought the quote high but CP explained that is was based on a number of quotes and involved some upgrades to safety capacity.
  4. CP undertook to remind the President of the Village Hall Committee regarding a Sustainable Project Competition to win a sum of £5000.00. RC has the details, but feared the deadline for submissions could have been missed.
  5. Clerk Expenses. Expense claim examined by councillors, proposed by DB seconded by RC
  6. Clerk Wages, again proposed by DB seconded by RC
  7. Bill received from David Speed for strimming for 2008 the total of the invoice is £300.00 for 20 hours labour. Proposed by R C seconded by JG. However it was suggested by the councillors that a kindly request is made to David Speed asking for more prompt invoicing, what his rates are and the route he does. The clerk will send a letter with payment. This information should hopefully form a better audit trail.


  1. DB brought to the councillors attention MDC’s Parish Forum meeting, to include a discussion on Travellers on Thursday 8th October 2009 at Council Chamber MDC offices 6 for 6.30pm
  2. RC said he’d posted details, of the road closure in Litton on the notice board and that this work was due to drainage.


  1. DB said it would cost £30.00 per annum for the parish to have it’s own website. At present it is hosted by DB’s own website.
  2. All agreed that what DB had done with the new site was very good. It was agreed that at present there was no need to have a fully independent site.
  3. DB said it would be a very good idea for an advertisement, advising people of the website’s existence to go in the Parish Magazine. Clerk to arrange ad.


  1. Travellers. Ongoing issues. JG suggested that MDC could be written to on any Travellers issues. CP said he had written to TK in response to neighbour’s complaints. Councillor’s noted that unfortunately Waldegrave Estate had, reportedly, given consent to the Travellers occupying their land. It was also understood that officers of MDC were in discussion with Waldegrave Estate over the issue of non-approved sites. It was agreed that, based on feedback from HS and TK, that MDC were doing all they could, including progressing plans to identify permanent pitches, with advise from the Romany Council. It was understood the favoured approach was for “family pitches” of limited size. The councillors agreed that the best course of action regarding any issues with travellers is to keep MDC and local police informed and monitor progress directly and through TK
  2. JG noted that the parish Council is still short by one councillor. DB suggested that an advertisement for the position be placed in the Parish Magazine. JG to check and confirm finer details of any qualification required, subject to which the Clerk would then place the ad.
  3. Summaries of the Minutes of PC meetings to start being put in Parish Magazine. Extracts also to be published in the Chew Valley Gazette. Clerk to do.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm