1920s Facebook Page

The purpose of this assignment is for you to create a Facebook page (either a profile or fan page) using a person, place, or cause from the 1920s. You are to create this page based on what you signed up for after the test on Friday. This assignment is worth 50 points and the grade will go in the classwork category. You can find the template on Mrs. Grable’s blog...

Each Facebook Page has 3 pages: A Wall, Info, and Photo page. On each you should include your profile picture, current status, and your name/name of your place/name of your event in 2 spots on the top of the page. The instructions for each page are as follows:

Facebook Profile Page:

If you signed up for a person from the twenties, your instructions are as follows:

  • Wall—
  1. Profile Picture
  2. Quote from this person
  3. Use at least 4 photos of friends (up to 6), label each
  4. Include a way to connect with the person and their accomplishments in a “note” (title of note only.)
  5. Write 2 current activities of this person, even if they are trivial in nature (status updates)
  6. More detailed information about #4, include title from #4
  7. New friend (______is now friends with ______)
  8. New video about this person
  9. Tag your person in an unusual photo and include info about it
  10. Person’s mood today (status update)
  11. What someone wrote about this person, good or bad (wall post)
  12. A recent group they have joined
  13. An action of this person (status update)
  14. A wall post from a friend.
  • Info Page—including birthdate, relationship status, political/religious views (if applicable), people blocked
  • Photo Album Page—including at least 4 photos (at least 2 should be of the person, the others can be related photos)

Facebook Fan Page:

If you signed up for a place or a cause, your instructions are as follows:

  • Wall—
  1. Profile Picture
  2. Quote about the ideals of the page
  3. Use at least 3 photos of fans, label each
  4. Include a way to connect with the page and their accomplishments in a “note”
  5. Write 2 current activities of this page, even if they are trivial in nature (status updates)
  6. More detailed information about #4, include title from #4
  7. New fan (______is now a fan of______)
  8. New video about this page
  9. Tag your page in an unusual photo and include info about it
  10. Page’s mood today (status update)
  11. What someone wrote about this page, good or bad (wall post)
  12. A recent group they have joined
  13. An action of this page (status update)
  14. A wall post from a fan.
  • Info Page—include general information about your place or your position on the topic and why. A list of people blocked from being fans of this page.
  • Photo Album Page—including at least 3 photos

Attached is an example of a Facebook Page Project on Abraham Lincoln. Most of it is the same as your template with a few exceptions. Use it as a guide and if you have any questions simply raise your hand and ask. After you have finished your Facebook Page you need to email it to me at as an attachment. Please fill in the subject with your class period, last name, first name-Facebook Page Title (example: 3rd Smith, John—Abraham Lincoln.)This is due by 11:00 p.m. on February 14th, 2012.