A Quick overview

Improving the quality of pharmacy practice and promoting patient safety is a focal point for state pharmacy associations. Reduction of medical errors and implementation of a continuous quality improvement process is in the forefront of today’s healthcare agenda. PQC provides the tools for community pharmacists to meet the growing emphasis on controlling medication errors, provides methods to decrease costs by reducing errors in everyday workflow and increases patient safety, by providing an analysis that the pharmacy can use to implement more efficient ways of reducing medication errors. State Pharmacy Associations have become marketing partners with NASPA in order to be in the forefront of this issue as the emphasis on quality improvement grows.

Pharmacy Quality Commitment was developed for the purpose of providing risk management services to pharmacists. The core philosophy of Pharmacy Quality Commitment is that pharmacists and pharmacy staff will work as team members in an organized effort to evaluate past failures of quality, and commit to policies that have been developed to prevent future failures of quality. Non punitive that recognizes that pharmacists are human and that humans make mistakes. It strives to reduce medication errors in the pharmacy by offering structures and method improvement and a feedback system that allows the pharmacist to correct.

PQC is a two part system that enables a pharmacy to identify, document and analyze workflow through a simple web based system. It is compromised of the SentinelTM System, which offers a standardized workflow system for the pharmacy to set up based on 20 “best practices”. It is designed to be easily implemented into the pharmacy in a full or graduated start. The other component, the Quality ManagerTM directs that the pharmacy collect all medication error and medication intervention information using the Peer Review Audit form. The data from the sheets are entered daily into a simple, secure internet site unique to each pharmacy via a password access code. After several weeks of reporting, the pharmacy is able view report data from their pharmacy with the click of a button, using standardized report icons on their login screen. More detailed reports are available if desired. This easy to use program streamlines the reporting process as it virtually eliminates paperwork. With the click of a button, the pharmacist is able to access graphical analysis of entered data which enables him/h to track medication error trends within pharmacy and establish methods to reduce and eliminate them.

While we are committed to the Pharmacy Quality Commitment system as it stands today, we advocate continuous quality improvement and believe that that goes for PQC as well. NASPA has established user group committee in order to get feedback on what components work best and what components can be improved upon. We have also established and Advisory Panel to evaluate and recommend enhancements to the product and anticipate this to happen in late spring 2006.

Marketing Tips and Ideas

State Marketing Partners are the sales force for PQC. NCSPAE had the vision and foresight to understand the political and business implications of the trends of quality assurance in the marketplace. Pharmacy Quality Commitment is the vehicle that was selected to meet the need for your members – to provide a strong, tested and respected continuous quality assurance program to the pharmacists in your state. It will be the standard for quality assurance in pharmacies across the country.

Marketing PQC to Pharmacists – ideas to share……

·  Get endorsement by Independent pharmacy Associations within State Association

·  Present CE “Making a Case for Quality” to members at mid year, educational and annual conventions

·  Get endorsement by Buying groups

·  Inter office competition – use referral button on the order form to give credit

·  Local Association Competition

·  Discounts – “time limit” – order now

·  Discounts to groups - association discount

·  Small chains – if have QI system in place, talk to them about the Quality Manager only. Can purchase web based system.

·  Include PQC brochures and envelope stuffers in mailings with dues information

·  Run Quality Assurance articles in Newsletters and Journals

·  Add PQC web site information and web link buttons to your association web site

·  Run PQC advertisement in journal and newsletters and on association website

·  Employee an external sales force with local association, pharmacy students, college students and give incentive for sales

·  CE Programs at meetings – state wide and local associations

·  Press releases – announcement of participation in PQC

·  Partner with QIO’s on quality initiatives

·  Meet with your state Board of Pharmacy to discuss PQC