ClaridonTownship Board of Zoning Appeals

September 14, 2010 Public Hearing

Chair Bob Sedlak called the Public Hearing to order at 6:30 pm. Zoning Board of AppealsMembers—Bob Sedlak, Nancy Sanker, Vincetta Motil,Kay Gapas, and Sid Clouser were present. Zoning Secretary—Deb McDivitt was present to record the minutes.

Guests: Trustee - Dave Brockway, Trustee -Mike Farrell, Resident - Lucas Chuha, and Resident - Liz Chuha – Claridon residents per sign in sheet.


Motion by Nancy Sanker, seconded by Vincetta Motil to approve the minutes from April 27, 2010 as presented.

ROLL CALL:Sid Clouser – Aye, Bob Sedlak – Aye, Kay Gapas – Aye, Vincetta Motil – Aye, Nancy Sanker—Aye.

Discussion continued on the conditional zoning certificate for Mr. Chuha. Bob Sedlak asked Mr. Chuha if he had anything to add. Mr. Chuha said no.

Bob Sedlak stated that there are no neighbor complaints for this conditional zoning certificate.

Secretary McDivitt read the letter drafted to Zoning Inspector Martin Pesek for the conditional zoning certificate.

The Zoning Board of Appeals discussed the letter.

Dave Brockway asked if the Zoning Board of Appeals is going to put a time frame on Mr. Chuha for planting trees and putting in the parking behind the residence. The Zoning Board of Appeals had a discussion on a time frame.

Vincetta Motil asked Mr. Chuha about the time frame and he stated that he was waiting until his certificate was approved before starting. Due to the weather he does not think he will be able to get it done until next year. Mr. Brockway felt it is dry enough now. Mr. Chuha has to plan ahead around his work schedule. Mr. Chuha discussed all the steps needed to build his parking lot.

Vincetta Motil felt that the applicant is coming to the board for the conditional zoningcertificate; she felt he should be able to get the plan done in a reasonable time.

Mr. Chuha again stated that it takes time and he has to work around the weather and his current work load. He stated that ina couple of months it will be wet and cold. Mr. Chuha stated thathe needs to work around his business schedule.

Mr. Chuha wanted to know why the board wanted to set a time limit when he has not had any complaints from his neighbors.

Mr. Sedlak stated because he is operating a business in a residential area. Sid Clouser stated that the Township wants to keep the character of the neighborhood by having him move his equipment to the back to keep a residential look as in GeaugaCounty.

The Zoning Board of Appeals added the following sentence to the drafted letter.

  • The parking behind the current residence will be completed within six months of certificate issuance, and the buffer (trees) within twelve months.

The Zoning Board of Appeals then had a discussion on the difference between a landscape service company and a landscape company. They also discussed excavating and snow plowing.


Motion by Sid Clouser, seconded by Kay Gapas to approve the conditional zoning certificate application for Lucas P. Chuha. Mr. Chuha canoperate the business, a landscaping services company, from his residence according to Article 7 of the Claridon Township Zoning Resolution to include the following:

  • The conditional use does not adversely affect the neighbors.
  • The conditional use does not affect the health, safety, and the general welfare of the surrounding community.
  • There are no other economic alternative uses for the plan submitted.
  • Lucas P. Chuha is to add the buffer (trees) and parking behind the current residence as outlined in his plan presented to the Claridon Township Board of Zoning Appeals in the conditional use certificate application.
  • The conditional use will not include retail use of said property.
  • A conditional zoning certificate shall not be transferred or assigned.
  • A conditional zoning certificate shall be issued for a period not to exceed three (3) years. Application for the renewal of such certificate shall be made sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of such certificate. A conditional zoning certificate shall become void upon a change of ownership or lease of the premises, and shall be revoked unless a new application for such certificate is made by the new owner or lessee within fifteen (15) days of the date of transfer or lease.
  • The parking behind the current residence will be completed within six months of certificate issuance, and the buffer (trees) within twelve months.

ROLL CALL:Nancy Sanker – Yes, Vincentta Motil – Yes, Bob Sedlak – Yes, Kay Gapas – Yes, Sid Clouser—Yes.

The Zoning Board of appeals signed the letter to Marty Pesek to issue the permit.


Kay Gapas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nancy Sanker seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL:Nancy Sanker – Aye, Vincentta Motil – Aye, Bob Sedlak – Aye, Kay Gapas – Aye, Sid Clouser—Aye.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:


Deb McDivitt, Zoning Secretary Date Robert Sedlak, Chairperson