Copley-FairlawnMiddle School
PTA Minutes
April 19, 2011
President’s Report: Beth Hofacker
*Meeting called to order at 9:32 A.M.and Pledge of Allegiance was repeated.
*PTSA was awarded the President’s Gold Award for greatest increase in membership and the President’s Bronze Award for the most creative membership theme.
*Pass around folder: Growums fundraiser flyer, cyber bullying flyer, Dr. Rae Guarendi thank you, information on digital signs for MS and HS, Romi Brozeit advocacy flyer for Senate Bill 5 and budget cuts, talent show flyer, school newsletters, Ohio PTA Advocacy Award and the National PTA Magazine.
Question: What are the class incentives for this year per grade?
Response: A lot of the teachers wait until the end of the year to take advantage of the incentives. 8th grade is using their money for incentives for the Washington trip and 6th grade used their money towards the Magical Theater trip.
Question: Why was there no 7th and 8th grade talent show?
Response: Mrs. Forchionne used to put on the talent shows. Since she left the talent show was not scheduled. Beth didn’t want it to totally go away, so she started with the 5th and 6th grade. The dates to hold the show were hard to find. The show will take place at the high school on April 29 and depending on the numbers, she may open it up to the other grades.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Winson
*Expenditures for the month were: @$22 for school clean-up committee, @$250 for Ohio PTA membership dues, @$21 for the 7th and 8th grade dance and $820 for Rae Guarendi (speaker). Incoming revenue of @$90came from PTA membership dues. The end of the month cash balance was $$47402.33.
Question: What are the PTA expenses for the 7th and 8th grade dances?
Response: The concessions are run by the PTA and expenses also come from some decorations. A total of @$20 has been used from this account.
Secretary’s Report: Blair Lampner
*Minutes were passed. No corrections noted. Minutes were filed.
Principals Report: Mr. Bill Kerrigan
*The school is preparing for the OAA testing. Wed. – reading (5-8) , Fri. – math (5-8) and Tues. – science (5&8)
*The schedules for the 7th and 8th gradeshave been sent to Sandy Hebing to work on master schedules. They will be wrapping up with hand-put IEP students (inclusion classes). There is still room for movement. The goal is to have the 7th and 8th grade schedules go home with students at the end of the school year.
*Mr. Kerrigan is working with Mrs. Ashcroft with scheduling summer school. The schedule should be ready by the end of April.
*The 7th grade CampChristopher flyer has been passed out. There is a need for parent volunteers. The trips are scheduled for May 5 and May 6. The cost is @ $20.
*There will be a parent meeting for the WashingtonDC trip the week of May 9. The biggest difference from other years is the scheduling. The students will leave on Wednesday morning. Medications will be collected on Tuesday after school (They will be secured and locked – 1 bin per bus). They are hoping that doing this will help with getting on the road on time.
*Mr. Kerrigan asked the PTA to purchase mints for the OAA week and for snacks for the CampChristopher trip. There is money budgeted for both in the PTA funds.
Question: What is the policy of taking OAA practice tests and using them as a grade for the class?
Response: Practice tests should only be used as a tool, not as an assessment.
Question: How is the 7th grade health curriculum being presented? It is not seen as being covered.
Response: It should be integrated into the science program and curriculum. He will be speaking to the teachers. The teachers have not mentioned this to him before. It is required to be covered.
1st Vice President: Melody Hunter – Nothing at this time.
2nd Vice President: Barb Varley
*The magazine sales committee met with representative. They will be staying with QSP because they offer the best schedule and the best incentives. Nikki Cox has agreed to chair, but more volunteers are needed. They are looking into getting rid of the Kalahari incentive and getting smaller incentives for more people to reach. The kick off will be when school starts. Thank you to Chris Brucken for chairing last year.
Old Business: Ohio PTA Achievement Award
*Debbie Forster nominated Beth Hofacker and Carla Zahler for the 2010/2011 Ohio PTA Achievement Award. Jodi Vrabec seconded the motion and all were in favor.
New Business: Changing Standing Rules
*There was a motion to change the standing rules and the bylaws to include the nominating chair under the 1st VP position. Barb Varley made the motion, Debbie Forster second and all were in favor. See attached motion for more detail.
New Business: Request for sound system update in old gym
*Barb Varley motioned to purchase a sound system for the old gym at a cost of approximately $3600. Felicia Langing seconded the motion. A discussion followed and an all in favor vote passed.
New Business: Request for new digital sign out front
*Jodi Vrabec motioned to purchase an electronic sign for the front of the middle school at the cost of approximately $25000. Debbie Forster seconded the motion. A discussion followed. The motion did not pass.
Committee Report:
Council Delegate: Mark McManus - See attached report
Nominating Committee: Debbie Dugan
*The Nominating Committee voted in the slate of officers presented as is for the 2011-2012 School Year.
President: Giselle Davis; First Vice President: Melody Hunter; Second Vice President: Barb Varley;
Treasurer: Liz Timm; Secretary: Pam Knight; Council Delegates: Mark McManus and Nikki Cox;
Alternate Council Delegate: Wendy Roddy.
Multi-Cultural Day: Christine Braman
*There have been some issues with bills being paid. Dancing with Wheels and the Akron Symphony were the presenters. Overall, the performances were well received by the students. Next year they will consider splitting the performances into an AM and PM performance because of the length.
Staff Appreciation: Patti Jacob
*This year’s theme will be a Western Theme. She made wanted posters of all the staff and they will be displayed in the front lobby, along with making the offices jails. She needs volunteers to sign up for help duringthe week. The schedule follows: May 2 – Starbucks and brueggers bagels; May 3 – baked goods; May 4 – Leonardo’s pizza and antipastos; May 5 – pack lunch and enjoy western theme stations in the multi-purpose room; and May 6 – BBQ. On Monday, May 2 the bus garage will be treated to juice and donuts. She needs donation of prizes for teachers.
Scholarship Chair Needed: Barb Varley volunteered to help.
There will be 6 - $500 scholarships given to the 8th grade class when they graduate.
Cookies for Hospice: Pam Knight
*78 containers with @1500 items collected. Thank you to packers and bakers. The middle school was recognized at The Hospice brunch.
Recycling Program: Debbie Forster
*On May 17, the school district will be collecting batteries for recycling in the MS lobby. (They will be recycled at the SASWMA.)
Derby Car: Mr. Prucha
*Mr. Brian Prucha met with the soap box derby chair. There was some confusion over the funding of the event and he is waiting to see if money will be donated from Kiwanis and the CF Foundation. The purpose is to try and rejuvenate the Derby.
Talent Show: The talent show will be held on April 29 at the HS.
Newsletter: Carla Zahler – Deadline for May is April 21
April 22 &25: No School
April 26-29: OAA testing
April 29: Talent show at the HS auditorium
May 4: PTA Council meeting
May 10: CFMS PTSA meeting and volunteer luncheon at the Tomahawk Room
May 18: Installation of new officers