Oak Creek Lake News – July 2011

This is the first issue of the Oak Creek Lake Association’s (OCLA) information issuance to folks at the lake for the new Association year. While this issue will be mailed to all lake lot lessees, all future issues will only go to OCLA members. To continue receiving these newsletters, become a member of the Association by submitting your dues (set at $10 for the year beginning June 1, 2011) to P.O Box 376, Blackwell, TX 79506. At the end of this newsletter is a form to submit with your dues.

Membership in the Association is limited to those who lease (or own) property around Oak Creek Lake. The Association (a 501(c)) entity, focuses on and addresses issues affecting lake lot folks.


Our Annual Membership meeting was held May 28th as required in the By-Laws and the following Officers and Directors were elected:

President Tommy Parker Directors:

Vice President Kerry McDonald Bill Reilly Gene Millsap

Secretary Gail Whitley Lynn Herndon Corky Davenport

Treasurer Doretta Kitten Jack Burns Sonny Sweet

Jane Battle Cliff Osburg

George Hughes Jim Hogan

As authorized at the Annual Meeting the OCLA has contributed $1,000 to the Volunteer Fire and Emergency Medical Services at Blackwell and Bronte (a total of $4,000). Press releases have been sent to all surrounding newspapers and posted in various community locations.

A Membership Committee has been created and will shortly have the listing of all Oak Creek Lake lot lessees updated, making communication to members more accurate.

The Association’s goal is to send out information to the membership in the form of these newsletters at least every couple of months.

We are working on updating and improving our web site.

We (an OCLA Board Member or Director or several of same) attend the City of Sweetwater monthly Commissioners meetings watching for things Oak Creek Lake oriented. At that June 14th meeting, we found the City is acquiring along with Nolan County a new pontoon boat for waterborne needs. Also the City noted that Oak Creek dam weed eating and mowing was completed.



Fire and emergency medical services for our part of Coke County is accessible via 911. Additionally, you could call the Coke County Sheriff’s Department directly (they get immediate notice of all 911 calls) at 325.453.2717.

Remember to give: the telephone number you are calling from; your name; your physical location (meaning your 911 address); the specific nature of your emergency.

Every location on the Lake has a 911 address. Such address should be prominently posted on the lake lot, just like on your permanent home. If you don’t know your lake lot 911 address, you can obtain it from the Coke County Judge’s Secretary, Lorrie, at 325.453.5641. Most frequently, this address is the same as your electrical service address.

Help emergency services find you quickly… get your 911 address posted!!

The Blackwell Volunteer Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is in need of drivers for their ambulance. In fact, three new drivers would be ideal. Three new volunteers would allow the EMS to request grant money from the State of Texas to pay for the training (about $495 per person) and have the training done in Blackwell. The training is 40 hours and the volunteer would need to make at least a one year service commitment.

The current lack of drivers coupled with the existing volunteers having full time 8 to 5 jobs has dramatically reduced the EMS ability to respond to 911 calls.

Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Karen Walls at Husky Feed in Blackwell at 325.282.2030.


Marty Sedden

P.O. Box 364, Bronte, TX 76933

(325) 277.4100

A US Government trapper; handling animal control at Oak Creek Lake; beaver, nutria, raccoons, hogs, skunks; Sedden will not deal with feral cats or dogs; our area Texas Game Warden will refer to Sedden any calls he gets; Sedden will also respond to direct calls from Oak Creek Lake lot residents/owners.


While the lake lot lessee is responsible for obtaining all trash services individually, limited other services are also available to lessees.

The City of Bronte has a Service Center that lessees can use:

Times of operation- 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month; 8 am tillnoon.
Location – Corner of North Washington St. and West Jackson St. in Bronte.

Accepted materials -large appliances, A/C's, scrap metal, furniture.
No household trash, brush, limbs, tires, batteries,etc.

Weekly residential household trash service providers include Allied Waste Services (325.677.2288) and Knox Waste Service (325.691.5974).

There are currently no Coke County trash sites for brush, limbs, tires, batteries, etc. We do not now have current information on what is available in nearby counties.


Complete and send with $10 check payable to OCLA at P.O. Box 376, Blackwell, TX 79506.


Mailing Address______


Lake 911 Address______

Sweetwater Lot #______

Email Address______

Home Phone______

Cell Phone______