Cell Division:

  • All cells come from ______(Cell Theory).
  • Cell division in the process by which cells produce ______cells.
  • Cell division differs between prokaryotes (______) and eukaryotes (______


  • Cells grow in ______NOT in size.

How often do cells divide?

  • Some cells must be repaired often such as cells lining the intestines, white blood cells, ______cells with a short lifespan.
  • Other cells DO NOT divide at all after birth such as muscle, nerve cells, brain cells, female ______cells.

Reasons for Cell Division:

Asexual Reproduction:

  • Reproduction of cells involving only ______parent.
  • The organism will make a ______of itself. This produces ______offspring.
  • Types:

Sexual Reproduction:

  • A type of reproduction that involves ______parents.
  • Produces offspring that are ______.
  • Happens in the ______cells ( ______) which are called ______


  • The ______stage of the cell cycle.
  • Called the ______stage because the cell isn’t dividing.
  • Consists of 3 stages:


  • Division of the ______occurs first (______)
  • Mitosis is ______reproduction.


offspring are genetically ______

  • Mitosis consists of four stages:


  • ______phase of mitosis
  • Chromatin condenses into ______consisting of two ______chromatids.
  • ______move apart (not found in plant cells)
  • ______form and attach from centrioles to centromeres.


  • shortest phase of mitosis
  • Chromosomes line up across the ______(the center of the cell – the ______of the cell)
  • The ______of each chromosome attaches to spindle fibers.


  • Sister chromatids ______and move ______.
  • After separation, chromatids are now considered ______.
  • During this phase, the cell contains ______the normal number of chromosomes.
  • Cells begin to ______.
  • At the end of anaphase, there are ______number of chromosomes at the poles.


  • ______reappears.
  • ______reforms.
  • Chromosomes uncoil and appear as ______again.
  • In the end, two genetically identical ______are present.
  • ______begins.


  • Division of the ______of the cell and its organelles into two new ______cells.
  • Differs between animal and plant cells:

Animal cells: ______forms to make the circular shape.

Plant cells: ______forms where new cell wall will be to make the rectangular shape.


  • Cancer is ______. Cells dividing uncontrollably.
  • Mitosis must be controlled or else it will grow without limit (______).