This form should normally be submitted along with the Club’s standard registration forms, however it may be submitted earlier if required to obtain clearance for a player. No application for registration of a player not qualified to play for Ireland and here for cricket purposes (unless application is for a replacement player) will be considered unless a completed Supplementary Information Form and any necessary supporting information is received by 15 May 2018.

This form must be submitted (i) for any adult Player who is not eligible to play for Ireland and was not registered by your club in the 2017season (a copy of his entry visa will be required before he plays)(ii) if there has been a change in the playing status of a non-Irish qualified player who was registered by your club in 2017(see Para. 3.2 of Registrations Guidance)(iii) in respect of any adult player whodid not play NCUcricket in the previous season and has played regular 1st XI club cricket other than under the auspices of the Union, or has played representative cricket at Under 19 level or higher, in the past 3 years. Detailed information is required to enable the Registrations Committee to decide whether or not to allow a Player’s registration, and also to determine any starring requirement



FULL NAME ______AGE ______

Is the player resident in Northern Ireland for purposes unconnected with cricket?YES / NO

If Yes, please attach details (see Definition 2in Registrations Guidance)

Is the player qualified to play for Ireland? (see Definition 1Registrations Guidance) YES / NO

If Yes, onwhat basis? NATIONALITY/BIRTH /RESIDENCE If qualified by Nationality, then a photocopy of his passport should be attached to this form, andthe originaldocument may have to be produced before he plays.

Has the Player appeared in First-class or List A Limited overs/ T20 cricket in the past three years? YES / NO

Club(s) and any Representative teams played for in the past three years:

2017/18(if overseas) ______

* 2017 ______

2016/17(if overseas) ______

2016 ______

2015/16(if overseas) ______


* If 2017registration was for a Club in another Irish Provincial Union a form from that Union confirming that the transfer is in order must be attached to this form.

I hereby apply for the registration of this Player. I understand that the Club is solely and entirely responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied and that any material inaccuracy or omission may lead to the retrospective rescinding of the registration. I hereby confirm the accuracy of all the details entered on or appended to this form. I understand that registration will not be effective until approved by the Registrations Committee.

Signed ______(Honorary Secretary) Date ______

Now please complete full performance details for the past three years overleaf