

(Genetic Basis of Life)

(July 2013)

Unit Statement: In this unit the student will examine the cell life cycle, mitosis, meiosis, animal development, and Mendelian genetics through the development, analysis, and interpretation of genetic crosses, pedigrees, Chi-square problems and laboratory experiments. Genetic disorders and chromosomal mutations will also be addressed.

Overview – Genetic Basis of Life (3 weeks)

●  Cell Cycle

●  Mitosis and Meiosis

●  Reproduction

●  Animal Development

●  Mendelian Genetics

●  Non-Mendelian Genetics

●  Genetic Disorders

Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)

1.  The Student Will describe and make predictions about the events and natural phenomena occurring during the cell cycle.

2.  TSW describe representations and models that illustrate how genetic information is copied for transmission between generations.

3.  TSW construct a representation that connects the process of meiosis to the passage of traits from parent to offspring and increased genetic diversity necessary for evolution.

4.  TSW evaluate evidence and construct an explanation, using visual representations or narratives, as to how heritable information in the form of DNA in chromosomes is transmitted to the next generation via mitosis, or meiosis followed by fertilization.

5.  TSW apply mathematical routines to determine Mendelian patterns of inheritance provided by data sets.

6.  TSW explain deviations from Mendel’s model of the inheritance of traits.

7.  TSW describe representations of appropriate examples to explain how the inheritance patterns of many traits cannot be accounted for by Mendelian genetics.

8.  TSW predict the effects of changes in environmental factors on the variation of genotypic expression and the phenotypic variations in populations.

9.  TSW create a visual representation to illustrate how changes in a DNA nucleotide sequence can result in a change in the polypeptide produced.

10.  TSW pose questions about ethical, social or medical issues surrounding human genetic disorders.

Suggested Chapters (Campbell):

●  12 - The Cell Cycle

●  13 - Genetics

●  14 - Mendel and the Gene Idea

●  15 - The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

●  46 - Animal Reproduction

●  47 - Animal Development

Suggested Chapters (Starr):

●  9 – How Cells Reproduce

●  10 – Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction

●  11 – Observing Patterns in Inherited Traits

●  12 – Chromosome and Human Inheritance

●  42 – Animal Reproductive Systems

●  43 – Animal Development

Suggested Overview of Lecture and Discussion Topics:

1.  Cell cycle and control points

2.  Meiosis and possible errors

3.  Animal development from fertilization of the egg

4.  Control of developmental process: hox and homeobox genes

5.  Mutations and changes in animal form

6.  Mendel’s background, research and laws of inheritance

7.  Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

8.  Non-Mendelian Genetics

9.  Probability and Law of addition and law of multiplication

Suggested Activities:

1.  Chi-Square M & M Lab and practice problems.

2.  Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis: AP Investigation 7. (Smartscience Labs: Mitosis, Effects of Environment on Mitosis, Meiosis Activity

3.  Students will perform research on the connection between cell division and cancer. They will use at least two scientific journals for their research. They will write and present a 5-page paper.

4.  On-Line Fruit Fly Crosses (Drosophila Virtual Labs: http://sciencecourseware.org/vcise/drosophila/)

5.  Smartscience Lab Activities: Corn Genetics – Monohybrid, Corn Genetics –Dihybrid, Sordaria Crossing Over

6.  Case Study of the Death of Baby Pierre: A Genetic Mystery.

Technology Links:

●  Drag and Drop Genetics: This site will give you practice with monohybrid, blood type, sex linked and pedigree genetics problems. Useful for students struggling with genetics or for those of you who simply want more problems.
●  More Genetics Problems: These problems are from a university genetics class, so they will be more challenging.
●  More Drag and Drop Genetics: Another drag and drop site with more challenging problems. This one includes:testcross, dihybrid, trihybrid, sex-linked, sex-influenced, epistasis.
●  30 Genetics Problems: Great variety of 30 genetic practice problems from basic to advanced. Be aware that there are no answers given here.
●  Links to the Genetic World: This site contains many valuable links. A useful reference site for genetics projects.
●  BioChem Net; Molecular Genetics: A collection of web links about molecular genetics, biotechnology, sequencing databases, problem sets, and more.
●  Morgan: A Genetics Tutorial: This site offers an excellent online tutorial to help students work genetics problems.

Suggested Rubric:

The students will be evaluated for each unit according to the following rubric:

Above Mastery (A) / Mastery (B) / In Progress (P)
Multiple Choice Unit Exam (s) / 93% or better / 86% - 92.9% / 85.9% or lower
Free Response Question / 8 or better on the unique rubric written for each question / 5 – 7 on the unique rubric written for each question / 4 or below on the unique rubric written for each question
Laboratory Experiment (s) / Laboratory experiments were performed, data collected and analyzed, and written in a concise, clear, and accurate manner with graphics/diagrams neat and complete and appropriate terminology according to teacher’s instructions. If formal lab is requested – use Lab Report Rubric / Laboratory experiments were performed, data collected and analyzed, and written in a concise, clear, and accurate manner with graphics/diagrams relatively neat and complete and generally appropriate terminology according to teacher’s instructions. If formal lab is requested – use Lab Report Rubric / Laboratory experiments were performed and written in a concise, clear, and accurate manner with graphics/diagrams lacking in neatness and completeness and some appropriate terminology according to teacher’s instructions. If formal lab is requested – use Lab Report Rubric.
Study Guide, Worksheets, Homework, and Notebook / Study Guides, Worksheets, and Notebooks are consistently up to date, neat, and accurate.
Information can be easily accessed. / Study Guides, Worksheets, and Notebooks are relatively up to date, neat, and accurate
Information can be somewhat easily accessed. / Study Guides, Worksheets, and Notebooks are not up to date, neat, and accurate.
It is difficult to access information.

If a student falls within the “P” range the following steps will be taken to complete the outstanding unit:

1.  The student will be automatically be assigned to the after-school homework tutorial for the duration of the next unit or until mastery of the outstanding unit, whichever comes first. In the after school homework tutorial, the following steps should be taken:

a.  First, the student must complete all unfinished work for the outstanding unit.

b.  Second, the student will use his/her time to study the necessary material and ask for additional help if necessary.

c.  Third, student will retest if necessary. If the student masters the subject matter the second time around with an 86% or better and finished all past work with at least a ‘B’ according to the rubric, he/she will earn a ‘B’.

2.  If the student doesn’t master the outstanding unit according to the rubric during current unit, the unit will be assessed with an H, W, or D. If a W is awarded then no credit for that unit may be obtained in the current calendar school year, but the student still may participate in the AP exam in May.



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