January 16, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Public Comment

At 7:00pm Continue public hearing on the applications to rezone properties located at 3760 & 3800 Carman Road from Local Business to Multiple Residence for the construction of apartment buildings.

At 7:30pm Public hearing on the application to rezone property located at Winding Brook Road (opposite the YMCA) from R40 to Planned Unit Development or the construction of 52 units in 13 town home style buildings on a 26.7 acre lot.


1. Consider adopting a resolution establishing the standard work day for retirement purposes for the Director of Parks Recreation and Recreation Programs & Activities Coordinator as recommended by the Personnel Administrator.

2. Consider adopting a resolution amending Exhibit A of the Town’s Code of Ethics to add the Land Use Advisory Committee to the list of boards whose members are required to file annual statements of disclosure.

3. Consider authorizing the Supervisor to sign a professional services agreement with Delaware Engineering for engineering services associated with the water interconnect with the Town of Rotterdam.

4. Consider authorizing the Supervisor to sign amendments to the professional services agreement with Delaware Engineering for the McKownville Stornwater Management Project that allows for subcontracts as follows:

(a) H2H Associates, LLC in the amount of $17,000 for survey work;

(b) Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. in the amount of $3,000 for archeological services; and

(c) Kenyon Pipeline Inspection, LLC in the amount of $20,000 for closed-circuit television inspection services.

5. Consider authorizing the Supervisor to a professional services agreement for engineering services for water line replacement associated with the McKownville Stornwater Management Project.

6. Consider scheduling a public hearing for February 6, 2018 at 7:00pm on a proposed local law to extend the opt-out exemption from property tax for solar, wind and farm waste energy systems to include micro-hydroelectric energy system, fuel cell electric generating systems, micro-combined heat and power generating equipment system, electric energy storage equipment, and electric storage system as recommend by the Assessor.

7. Consider scheduling a public hearing for February 6, 2018 at 7:15pm on the application to rezone property located at 6025 State Farm Road (Route 155) (opposite the Farnsworth Middle School) from R40 to Planned Unit Development for the construction of a 256 unit Residential Facility, Independent Living on a 16.81 acre lot and a general office building on an adjacent 6.28 acre lot, with the remaining 20.7 acres dedicated to the Town.