Rochester Public Schools, SEAC Meeting March 26, 2009
In attendance: Becky Fluegel, Sue Palmer, Vesna Sloan, Angie Heinrich, Kristen Stier, Holly Bowe, Shelly Burlcharett, Corey McIntyre, Jess Redinger, Tammy Bonnicksen, Beth Honecher, Laurie Laudon, Jon Riebow, Michelle Verna.
Excused Absences: Maka Boeve, Kasey Johanson.
Welcome: The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:30 pm by chair Becky Fluegel. The following were reviewed :)
- Introductions were made of all members present.
- Purpose of SEAC was reviewed.
Approval of Minutes: Sue Palmer made a motion to approve the minutes from last meeting. Mary Bennett seconded, and the minutes were approved.
Community Information Sharing: Shelly Burkhardt from Augsburg College presented on Masters in Education and special education program. She discussed the importance of field experience, service hours, and foundation classes required of the students. She discussed the importance of each student working with families of students receiving special education and understanding the process for the families and students point of view. She asked that any parents interested in working with a student, to please contact her. 507-281-2829
Subcommittee Reports:
- Membership Committee: Will meet in the next month to go over the list for openings for SEAC.
- Outreach Committee: Hopes handbook will be soon be available online to review. Then the subcommittee will approve the final draft.
- IEP 101: Went well. Lots of good information provided. Comments from attendees are on back of agenda.
- Inclusive Schools Wee: Posters and flyers to be developed. Will be held the first week of December 2009. Next meeting will be held on April 22, 1:00 at the ESC building.
- SEAC PR: Needs members. Vesna Sloan volunteered to assist in coordinating. Tammy Bonickson will review webpage.
- Grant Committee: Sue Palmer reported that it is tough finding grants with the poor economy. Please contact Sue if you have any ideas.
- Protocol: Will meet in April. Voting in May for new officers. Please e-mail Becky Fluegel, Sue Palmer or Jess Redinger with ideas or suggestions for next year’s meetings.
New Business:
- Becky Fluegel initiated a discussion on the letter she sent out regarding the proposed budget cuts for the school district.
- SEAC is asking the district to include Becky Fluegel and Sue Palmer to be representatives in the interviewing panel for Cory’s position.
Updates from Cory McIntyre:
- Cory discussed that the state compliance review is a 4 yr. process. The district has a 94% compliance record. The district will be given a year to correct these citations.
- A supervisor position is currently open in special Ed.
- Budget issues discussion hit points and details of the overall budget, state reimbursement, federal money, and stimulus money.
- Staffing budget was discussed and how the money is allocated.
- Please e-mail feedback or comments on Cory’s presentations this year to Becky Fluegel.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by Mary Bennett