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Advance Unedited Version
7 April 2009
Original: ENGLISH

Tenth session
Agenda item 1

Organizational and procedural matters
2-27 March 2009

Draft report of the human rights council on its tenth session[1]

Vice-President and Rapporteur: Mr. Elchin Amirbayov (Azerbaijan)


Chapter Paragraphs Page

Part One: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Council

at its tenth session, as well as the President’s statement

agreed upon at its tenth session

[to be added in final report]

Part Two: Summary of proceedings 6-156

I. Organizational and procedural matters 1-47 6

A. Opening and duration of the session 1-5 6

B. Attendance 6 6

C. High-level segment 7-10 6

D. General segment 11-13 8

E. Agenda and programme of work of the session 14 9

F. Organization of work 15-28 9

G. Meetings and documentation 29-35 11

H. Visits 36-37 11

I. Selection and appointment of mandate-holders 38-40 11

J. Election of members of the Human Rights Council
Advisory Committee 41-42 12

K. Adoption of the report of the session 43-47 12

II. Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner
and the Secretary-General 48-66 14

A. Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights 48-52 14

B. Reports of the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights and
the Secretary-General 53-60 15

CONTENTS (continued)

Chapter Paragraphs Page

C. Consideration and action on draft proposals 61-66 16

III. Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political,
economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to
development 67-211 18

A. Panels 67-87 18

B. Interactive dialogue with special procedures 88-145 22

C. Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the
Prevention of Genocide 146-149 31

D. General debate on agenda item 3 150-152 32

E. Consideration and action on draft proposals 153-211 33

IV. Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention 212-242 43

A. Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea 212-215 43

B. Situation of human rights in Myanmar 216-219 43

C. Follow-up to Human Rights Council resolutions

7/20 and S-8/1 220-224 44

D. General debate on agenda item 4 225-227 45

E. Consideration and action on draft proposals 228-242 46

V. Human rights bodies and mechanisms 243-259 48

A. The report of human rights bodies and mechanisms 243-245 48

B. General debate on agenda item 5 248 48

C. Consideration and action on draft proposals 249-259 49

VI. Universal Periodic Review 260-725 52

A. Consideration of the universal periodic review outcomes ….. 261-706 52

B. General debate on agenda item 6 707-708 139

C. Consideration and action on draft proposals 709-724 140

CONTENTS (continued)

Chapter Paragraphs Page

VII. Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied
Arab territories 725-761 142

A. Follow-up to Human Rights Council resolutions

7/30, 9/18 and S-9/1 725-729 142

B. Annual interactive dialogue with the special procedure…….. 730-733 143

C. General debate on agenda item 7 734-735 143

D. Consideration and action on draft proposals 736-761 144

VIII. Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration
and Programme of Action 762 149

IX. Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms
of intolerance, follow-up to and implementation of the
Durban Declaration and Programme of Action 763-780 150

A. Reports presented under agenda item 9 and general
debate on that item 763-766 150

B. Consideration and action on draft proposals 767-780 151

X. Technical assistance and capacity-building 781-805 154

A. Interactive dialogue with the special procedure 781-784 154

B. General debate on agenda item 10 785-786 154

C. Consideration and action on draft proposals 787-805 155


I. Agenda 158

II. Administrative and programme budget implications of Council
resolutions adopted at the tenth session 159

III. Attendance 166

IV. List of documents issued for the tenth session of the Council 172

V. List of Advisory Committee members and duration of terms of
membership 205

Part One: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Council at its tenth session, as well as the President’s statement agreed upon by the Council at its tenth session

[To be added in final report]

Part Two: Summary of proceedings

I. Organizational and procedural matters

A. Opening and duration of the session

1. The Human Rights Council held its tenth session at the United Nations Office at Genevafrom 2 to 27 March 2009. The President of the Human Rights Council opened thesession.

2. At the opening, the High Commissioner for HumanRights addressed the plenary.

3. At the 12th meeting, on 9 March 2009, the High Commissioner for Human Rights made a statement for the International Women’s day.

4. In accordance with rule 8 (b) of the rules of procedure of the Council, as contained in partVII of the annex to Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007, the organizational meeting of the tenth session was held on 16 February 2009.

5. The tenth session consisted of 45meetings over 20 days (see paragraph 28 below).

B. Attendance

6. The session was attended by representatives of States members of the Council, observer States of the Council, observers for non-member States of the United Nations and other observers, as well as observers for United Nations entities, specialized agencies and related organizations, intergovernmental organizations and other entities, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations (see Annex III).

C. High-level segment

7. At the 1st to the 5th meetings of the tenth session, held from 2 to 4 March 2009, theCouncil held a high-level segment, at which 64 dignitaries addressed the plenary, including:2vice-president, 3 vice-prime ministers, 39 ministers, 19 vice-ministers, and the President of the United Nations General Assembly.

8. The following is a list of the dignitaries who addressed the Council during the highlevel segment, in the order that they spoke:

(a) At the 1st meeting, on 2 March 2009: Mr. Francisco Santos Calderón, VicePresidentof Colombia; Mr. Mohamed Waheed, Vice-President of Maldives; Mr. Paulo Vannuchi, Minister of Human Rights of Brazil; Mr. Abdelwahad Radi, Minister of Justice of Morocco; Mr. Sven Alkalaj, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Mr. Mahinda Samarasinghe, Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights of Sri Lanka;

(b) At the 2nd meeting on the same day: Mr. Paul Mba Abessole, Vice-Prime Minister of Gabon; Mr. Manouchehr Mottaki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran; Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia; Mr. Hoda Abdullatif Alban, Minister of Human Rights of Yemen; Mr. Bandar bin Mohammed Al-Aban, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Saudi Arabia; Mr. Mufid Shehab, Minister of Legal and Parliamentary Councils of Egypt; Mr. Ould Dadde, Commissioner for Human Rights, Humanitarian Action and for Relations with Civil Society of Mauritania; Mr. Alberto van Klaveren, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile; Mr. Hussein Al-Zuheiri, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Human Rights of Iraq; Ms. Rama Yade, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Human Rights of France; Mr. Raymond Johansen, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway;

(c) At the 3rd meeting, on 3 March 2009: Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic (on behalf of the European Union, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine); Mr. Jean Asselborn, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration of Luxembourg; Ms. Maria Esther Reus González, Minister of Justice of Cuba; Mr. Karel de Gucht, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium; Mr. Hassan Wirajuda, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia; Mr. Maxime Verhagen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; Mr. D. N. Seretse, Minister of Justice, Defence and Security of Botswana; Mr. Per Stig Møller, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark; Ms. Hala Latouf, Minister of Social Development of Jordan; Mr. Günter Nooke, Federal Commissioner for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of Germany; Mr. Nurlan Danenov, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan; Mr. Vincenzo Scotti, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy; Mr. Salomon Nguema Owono, Vice-Minister of Human Rights and Social Affairs of Equatorial Guinea; Mrs. Teresa Ribeiro, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal; Mr. Abdel Daiem Zumrawi, Deputy Minister of Justice of Sudan; Mr. Marko Karadzic, State Secretary of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of Serbia;

(d) At the 4th meeting on the same day: Mr. Bob McMullan, Minister of Overseas Aid and Development of Australia; Mr. Nezar Sadeq Al Baharna, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bahrain; Mr. Upio Kakura Wapo, Minister of Human Rights of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Ms. Kinga Göncz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary; Mr. Béchir Tekari, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Tunisia; Mr. Ahmad Soboh, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Palestine; Mr. Shin, Kak-Soo, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea; Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, Secretary of State of Romania; Mr. Nicholas Emiliou, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus; Mr. Milorad Scepanovic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro; Mr. Todd Stewart Chilembo, Deputy Minister of Justice of Zambia; Mr. Eduardo José Bacião Koloma, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique;

(e) At the 5th meeting, on 4 March 2009: Mr. Mark Malloch Brown, Minister of Africa, Asia and the United Nations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Mr. Upendra Yadav, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal; Mr. Mathias Meinrad Chikawe, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of Tanzania; Ms. Martha W. Karua, Minister of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs of Kenya; Mr. Alexander V. Yakovenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Mr. Akmal Saidov, Chairman of the National Centre for Human Rights of Uzbekistan; Mr. Frank Belfrage, Permanent Undersecretary of Sweden; Mr. Lars Pira, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala; Ms. Micheline Calmy-Rey, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland; Mr. Henri Eyebe Ayissi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon; Mr. Patrick Antony Chinamasa, Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs of Zimbabwe; Mr. Jan Borkowski, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland; Mr. Felipe Michelini, Vice-Minister of Education of Uruguay; Mr. Vu Dung, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam; Mr. Angel Lossada, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain; Mr. Wilfredo Chávez, Vice-Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Bolivia; Mr. Paul Herbert Oquist Kelley, Minister and Private Secretary of National Policy of Nicaragua; Ms. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa; Mr. Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, the President of the United Nations General Assembly.

9. At the 4th meeting, on 3 March 2009, a statement in exercise of the right of reply was made by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in relation to the statement of Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic (on behalf of the European Union, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine), and the statement of Mr. Shin, Kak-Soo, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea.

10. At the 6th meeting, on 4 March 2009, statements in exercise of the right of reply were made by the representative of Sri Lanka in relation to the statement of Mr. Mark Malloch Brown, Minister of Africa, Asia and the United Nations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the statement of Ms. Rama Yade, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Human Rights of France; and by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in relation to the statement of Mr.Mark Malloch Brown, Minister of Africa, Asia and the United Nations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

D. General segment

11. At the 6th meeting, on 6 March 2009, a general segment was held, duringwhich the following delegations, and invited members of civil society, addressed the Council:

(a) Representatives of States members of the Council: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Pakistan (also on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference), Philippines, Qatar, Senegal, Slovenia;

(b) Representatives of the following observer States: Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Oman, Republic of Moldova, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of);

(c) Other observer: Sovereign Military Order of Malta;

(d) Observers for intergovernmental organizations: African Union; European Commission, International Organization of laFrancophonie, Organization of the Islamic Conference;

(e) Observers for the United Nations entities, specialized agencies and related organizations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS;

(f) Observer for a national human rights institution: International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions;

(g) Invited members of the civil society: Mr. Mugiyanto, Mr. Dismas Kitenge Senga, Ms. Nassera Detour and Ms. Fatima Doubakil.

12. At the 7th meeting, on 5 March 2009, statements in exercise of the right of reply were made by the representative of India, in relation to the statement of the representative of Pakistan; the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in relation to the statement of the representative of Japan; the representative of Iran (Islamic Republic of), in relation to the statement of the representative of Israel; the representative of Pakistan, in relation to the statement of the representative of India; the representative of Israel, in relation to the statement of the representative of Iran (Islamic Republic of); and the representative of Japan, in relation to the statement of the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

13. At the same meeting, statements in exercise of a second right of reply were made by the representative of Iran (Islamic Republic of), in relation to the statement of the representative of Israel; the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in relation to the statement of the representative of Japan; and the representative of Japan, in relation to the statement made by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

E. Agenda and programme of work of the session

14. The agenda and programme of work of the tenth session were adopted at its organizational meeting of 16 February 2009.